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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Banned for being a polar bear with 192 posts that joined in july 2012
  2. Could someone explain about Warthunder to me? It seems very interesting.
  3. What are the new three articles? I need to procrastinate!
  4. You people introduced me to Tvtropes and Cracked a few weeks ago when I had exams!!! But now I get a holiday to read them all I want
  5. We are selling everyone's soul here to the devil with this Soon it will be your turn Odin.
  6. Is there any more additive sites we can add to the study?
  7. We could perform some more experiments, using all the users as the test subjects?
  8. We could perform some experiments? BUT ONLY A CAT ANALOUGE!!!
  9. If not that then what about this?
  10. Unless you drop them from a really short high they will land on their feet. If you drop them from very high up, like a skyscraper, then they can survive with some broken bones but not at a middle ground. They think its because the cats can brace themselves better when they fall for longer. You know you want to Trekkette!
  11. *Burns Odin's altar and replaces it with:* Edit: Not the rules of the internet! And girls are in fact G.I.R.L-Guy in real life. And men are actually children.
  12. I think you've broken it instead. Also:
  13. There appears to be multiple conversations going on at once. Everyone, take a deep breath and spend a few minutes not posting.
  14. My first cat died a few years ago. When I got the new cats, I learnt that they don't fill the hole in your heart by the absence of the old cat but they make a new hole that they fill but would be empty when they die.
  15. Cats are lovely creatures. They require just food, shelter and attention and they function perfectly. They can just be devious and cruel when it comes to prey. I've lost a cat before, I still miss him.
  16. I have enough of cat fights in my home. And I mean the animal.. *Glares at everyone* For some reason, one of them thinks the other is a antelope and always try to drag her down like a antelope.
  17. Don't start a cat fight please...
  18. Or skin made of Blue tack. It just wont work and will cause some damage on the way. Edit:
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