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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Wonder what the rest are or if they exist for us but are compressed so small.
  2. The question is whether we are original or modern art?
  3. Granted. We have severe difficulty adapting to the new gravity and the atmosphere leaves as we have no enough gravity. I wish to land on the sun and not burn or die.
  4. But there is in fact 11 dimensions. Most are compressed so small we can't notice them. And if the fourth dimension is time, then why do we experience time in a 3D world? Perhaps we are a 3D world with a linear 4th dimension-time?
  5. Likely because they are green, a sign that they would have chloroplast in them as the chlorophyll in them which makes them green. Also, what would they evolved from? There are only grass and trees on Kerbin.
  6. I want a cup of tea now. Preferably the correct way up.
  7. When I timewarp into to Mun and I can't restart flight or reload to the previous quicksave. This has happened so many times to me. I have to restart my game eachtime. This is why I contain Jeb,Bob and Bill in a space station.
  8. Sssssanity.... Wwwwhaatttsss tthhhatttttt................
  9. Granted, every wish is either corrupted or granted, so you die for wishing my wish to be corrupted. I wish my Mun rocket would work and have enough delta-v
  10. This is the thread for all things insane, therefore being sane if off topic! Stop being sane!
  11. But we must heat it every century to blow it up then rebuild it in honour of the Great Jeb!
  12. Banned for wanting me to refer to his purist bashing, people should make their own life choices!
  13. Well shall make it out of the SRB's oh great Jeb has sent us!
  14. Banned for having a metal slug avatar.
  15. We must bow down in worship to him. Oh Great Jeb... Oh Great Jeb... Oh Great Jeb...
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