The Japanese plane in WWW2 often suffered from a lack of armour though were both very maneuvererble and had a good armament. The JU52 has just 3 small machine guns to defend itself but the three engines made it reliable. The B24 liberators suffered from gas fumes in the fuselage and so often caught fire as well as the wings. This made them very vulnerable from attack from above, which any experienced pilot would know to attack of B24 from. Only a novice pilot would stay on the tail of any bomber, you have to move slowly and are a easier target. Its best to attack the bombers from either the side or above or even frontal, if equipped with heavy armour, as they then find it harder to counteract these fast attacks. I know a bit about WW2 planes Edit: They dint have a chance if the jet was fully airborne for the massive speed difference would mean the jet pilot could dictate the rules of combat. If you caught a jet landing or taking off you could easily shoot one down as the jet engines back then had very poor acceleration so they couldn't get away.