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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. 10/10 You post a lot in the off topic forums
  2. Banned for bombing everything.
  3. Perhaps if we just post once a day this thread would never be locked?
  4. Why do you use comic sans?
  5. Banned because I have 100 posts in fact!
  6. Granted, it lasts for 1 second and so you fail at life as no one would employ you and your lack of skills I wish to be able to use a seat as a command pod so it will have Kerbals on it if we have no command pods. Otherwise how do we ride SRBs?
  7. 181 . We are allowed to put seats on SRBs 182 . Nobody tries to use our space program for military purposes, we do it. 183 . Our Kerbalnauts are mute so they can't complain.
  8. Granted, everyone becomes better than you and you become depressed. I wish to land on Lathye and plant a flag.
  9. I want to land on Laythe, but I have no interplanetary travel experience. Luckily I have a holiday all next week to try and gain some. I'll try to send some probes to the planets and moons, then rovers and finally, a one way trip to Lathye.
  10. Is that available in the spaceport? Also, wonder what would happen if that decoupler was activated...
  11. Now how do you add that into the flags ingame? I really want to have that as the first flag on the mun. Also, lovely music. Germany has such a rich culture and history.
  12. 173 .We don't consult with the engineers to make sure there is no fatal flaw such as forgetting to add a power source for the probes 174 . We mod our game. 175 . We have the restart button.
  13. JEB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does no one like star trek quotes in exams?
  14. I tried to make Jeb ride a SRB but for some reason, the toggle ladders didn't work
  15. Granted, the corruption comes true. I wish I found out about the 0.20 update release earlier.
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