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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. To continue the conversations from the house of madness thread.
  2. Now we just need Trekkette to continue the conversation on her and chobits species and we will be back to normal.
  3. True, I am the only leong17!!! The user below is not me.
  4. WHY WAS Laythecat is bestcat. (Chobit's house of madness) The one thread to rule them all! CLOSED!!!
  5. Granted, Why do we need a mod? Can't we just make a new house of madness? I wish we would stop wishing and make the new house of madness.
  6. Granted, its everyones fault. I wish someone will make the next house of madness or I will be forced to make it and will make a mess of it.
  7. False, its Odin for closing it. The user below agrees with me
  8. Granted, but I'm in charge. I wish we will now make the next house of madness
  9. But surely, it would be beneficial on occasions to disobey the prime directive? Especially to save a species. Such as in Into Darkness.
  10. I presume that your species faced a similar problem in its early history. So how did you overcome it?
  11. So sad Don't try to change the topic!!!! We must know all about your species! Ahhhh, that quote So will we eventually become like you then?
  12. I know that episode, I've watched it a hundred times... But how did your species evolve to that form?
  13. Cats are often the cause of madness or the symptom. And we shall not stop to find out all of chobit's secrets!
  14. Depends on the weight of the body. If it is too heavy, then the genders are indistinguishable by bump detection. And how do your species reproduce then?
  15. Banned because Top Gear is awesome.
  17. Give us the scientific proof and we'll talk about that chocolate. And what is the earthly body's gender?
  18. 9/10 You live in the off-topic and games area.
  19. Just realised that this thread has the highest amount of posts than all the other off-topic threads!!! Lets celebrate:
  20. So you don't want to know the secrets to everything in the universe? And nothing is final.
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