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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Don't worry, its just me venting of my hopes for humanity. Edit: Is there anything this thread dosen't have?
  2. We have before, such as farming than hunting and gathering , or deciding to live in cities , its the first people who foray into the change that pave the way for everyone else to. Everyone else later sees the change as good and follow, leading to mass change.
  3. Then why don't we change our nature starting now? We constantly change our nature. Why not make another, unfortunately big, change?
  4. Or make peace with the new, vegetarianised stoats? Why can't we be peaceful?
  5. Since when did you give even a mild sense of control? This thread runs rampant on a daily basis.
  6. *sigh* Some people are just violent. *looks at everyone in thread then self* Edit: just wait till you read this thread ROFLCopter64bit. And I'm quite happy with my vegetarianism of stoats.
  7. Or we could introduce a biological pathogen which makes all stoats suddenly become vegetarians by rewriting their DNA. Then everyone's happy Edit: Two wrongs don't make a right!
  8. What have you done Trekkette? Now that song will be permanently stuck in my head for all my exams!!! I don't want to put weasel stomping day as a answer!! Edit: I care about the environment as if we mess it up we will all die. Plus you have the added bonus of the pretty views.
  9. Then live on the thread constantly and comb it over every second for any new posts, like me
  10. You just know those sitcoms will cause this in the future.
  11. The corpses can be for the stoats to worry about. But we would need to clear them to make sure there is no cover. Hmmmmm. Perhaps we can disintegrate the stoat corpses with high energy lasers? Edit: Hmmmm, that could work chobit, but what about refilling the moat with petrol constantly? That would be hard and expensive, let alone Greenpeace wanting to have a word with you about it.
  12. They would make craters which would make it harder to hit the stoats. They could even start digging under the craters cover and undermine our defences!
  13. Why trenches? Stoats can only use melee so trenches would be useless. And couldn't the stoats just go though the force field? Edit: When does a plan ever go as planned?
  14. We're talking about protecting her poultry, not trying to kill her for once.
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