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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. When will we have more information? I really want to know more now.
  2. Perhaps you are under her control! *slaps Canopus multiple times* Snap out of it!
  3. Granted, the universe turns into a massive apple. I also wish for a new Doctor Who episode to solve the cliff-hanger.
  4. Banned for expressing your Joolianism.
  5. You don't obey her, you worship her with a shrine to sacrifice lambs to. Any reasons why?
  6. Give me some of them then and some reasons not to before I decide whether you can punch me multiple times.
  7. *Revives Trekkette* Now we can know. They all follow whatever leader take power in the forums. It was Chobit, now its you Odin
  8. I own the world supply of brain bleach! You will see what I want you to see!
  9. I AM YOUR FATHER JEDI MASTER!!! And I'm your brother as well!!!!!!
  10. But he will have the time to perfect his techniques for seduction for he is Zapp Branigan! He will pretend to be pathetic to seduce them!
  11. NO!!! For she will kills us if we sacrifice Trekkette: Edit: What is spam in this thread? Its all on-topic, insanity!
  12. Granted, its through a computer that takes a year to start. I wish for a Kerbal's idea of a working spacesuit, they have infinite food and water, have very good RCS, can survive re-entry and the helmet can survive anything, even landing on it from orbit.
  13. 5/10 Seen you abit around.
  14. We must offer unto the Dark Lord Odin a sacrifice oh true believers!
  15. So Jebs going to be too busy seducing all the females to get anything done then?
  16. WOW He must of had some carpet burns from that.
  17. Ill take 100 of them. That was so........., words can't express my feelings from that.
  18. Granted, its by attaching yourself to a SRB but forgetting your Spacesuit. I wish for a working spacesuit
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