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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. There are mini Tsar Bombas inside each piece of popcorn that is activated by pressure, otherwise know as chewing
  2. But how can you...When your dead! *Uses Tsar Bomba on Rage097*
  3. How is it impractical? I have multiple placed across the globe to detonate upon a whim. They can spit the world apart and sacrifice everyone. Also, Tvtropes?
  4. Granted, but you fail to get anything to work so you can't plant your cool flags anywhere. I wish for a good avatar.
  5. Why don't we just sacrifice everyone using this?
  6. Granted, unfortunately, the fuel explodes midway to mars and you all die. I wish to land on the mun, not the moon!
  7. Would you rather be sacrificed again? Its that or planes, make your choice.
  8. They are very resilient. They can survive re-entry and supersonic free fall. And then they land on their head and survives, with no damage! They can also be dragged across the landscape by a thruster pack flying gone wrong.
  9. True, the early jets were lost mainly through accidents. The Me 262 engines lasted for 30 hours and you had to be really sensitive with the throttle otherwise it would cut out. Edit: Its the different philosophies of Japan and Germany for that. The Zero/Reisen was so agile as it sacrificed all pilot protection as they were in their till they died.
  10. A book on Flight manoeuvres called Air Combat Manoeuvres. It's fairly thick and heavy, but I'm not burning it! I need something to read.
  11. They found other ways to kill their pilots. They had the BA 349, a rocket powered plane which you had to open the front of the plane to get out during a fast dive or the He 163 which was insanely complicated but they expected novice pilots to fly plus the glue used to hold the wood in it, yes, its a wooden jet, was acidic and dissolved the wood.
  12. They must of really hated their pilots to make that. They had to make the pilots to fly it sign a waiver that they accepted flying it was suicide, as the survival chance was less than 1% Edit: Or use weapons. The first British jet kill was a V-1 flying bomb which was destabilised by using the wing tip to send the V-1 into a dive.
  13. Banned for being a KerbGamer.
  14. Yes, the Kamikaze attacks, meaning "Divine wind". They used multiple obsolete aircraft, not just the Zeros/Reisen. They used their old dive bombers-the "Val" and torpedo bombers "Kate". They would load up all the craft with bombs/torpedos and set a collision course to the enemy ship. But they didn't bail out, they stayed in and died when it impacted the ship.
  15. Banned because they aren't cool, their hot! Temperature wise...
  16. They did that a lot with obsolete planes by the USSR during the start of WW2 such as the Su-2 or the I-16. It would work if the plane is fataly damaged or the pilot is dying, ran out of ammunition or feeling suicidal.
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