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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. I thinks its for cutting of blood flow to prevent you from losing it like a cut limb. Oh dear... *Faints* I can dissect organs and a pig's trotter but can't stand blood...
  2. Don't go any further, I can't stand blood or anything related to it. Please.
  3. Oh don't, that is why you have to grammar check posts. Edit: No pictures!
  4. No one get any pictures, or else! *Leans on Tsar Bomba*
  5. TSAR BOMBA FUN!!! Its so much fun to use Tsar Bombas!
  6. I should really leave about 1/2 hours earlier, I need my sleep.
  7. I need to constantly stay on this thread for the conversations, like how Chobit would be batman.
  8. Banned because I missed that event.
  9. So far... How do the rest of us now apply for friendship of satcharna?
  10. How could you?!?! Did you just collapse?
  11. Out of interest, are you still trying to stay awake or have you recently collapsed?
  12. 78 . Make a makeshift bomb from stuff in wallmart and demand an employee discount.
  13. And the science gets done and you make a neat gun
  14. But there's no use crying over every mistake.
  15. Its the best way to distinguish things, what's the problem with it?
  16. True, mainly because you are under the control of Chobit. The user below knows that Rage is under the control of Chobit.
  17. The best way to tell your acids apart is to taste them. They each have a distinct burning feeling, like a icy burn or a extremely hot pepper.
  18. Its hard to overstate my satisfaction
  19. This thread has changed from a post of a revolutionary new power source to a quote of batman's bottom...
  20. 70 . Invade it in the name of the DPRK. With tanks
  21. As another citizen of the UK, I would be greatly interested in the combination but slight concerned considering satcharna admitting to being insane and knife wielding.
  22. Maybe it has reached it, but now its crashed into it or has been shot into a Kerbol SOI escape.
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