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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. 67 . Release all the small SCPs in wallmart, if you don't die first.
  2. So its not a bad thing if you don't fully understand the Wikipedia articles? So far, the internet is the only way to find out more about science. I've got months before I start to learn anything about science again, its just revision for exams now.
  3. Ahh, the infamous Squeaky pop test. A interesting experiment I did was burning various alcohols in a sprit burner. But I cant really remember much right now.
  4. Same here, now I feel the need to look at Wikipedia for the next week or so.
  5. Was it clear like water? It could of been a acid like Hydrochloric acid, pH of 1. That would kill you if you drank it...
  6. In a science practical I had a April fools joke played on me. We were using hydrochloric acid and my friends pretended water was the acid by sticking their fingers in it and pretending it burned. They then proceeded to throw the water at me and I freaked out. Because what else would you do if you think a beaker of hydrochloric acid was thrown at you?
  7. Is it bad if looking at these posts destroys my hope for a career in Science or should I not fully understand it at this point?
  8. Is it me or are there lots of necroposts recently? Anyway: Pi+i/e
  9. 64 . Give all the employees the Heimlich
  10. I got a Spitfire!!! Had to get that out of my system
  11. What levels are people at? Mine is Germany: 2 Britain: 3, getting near to 4.
  12. I just fought a Beaufort bomber with a Hurricane mk2. That Beaufort took 3/4 full clips of 12 .303 machine gun and yet it wasn't shot down till a short burst from another fighter took out the pilot in the cockpit. That Beaufort has a engine fire, 2 fuel leaks, damaged control surfaces and a unconscious rear gunner and yet could still fly and take out heavy tanks...
  13. That is just so evil to that cat. Shame Odin, shame...
  14. Chobit has other ways to torture or kill us. Such as shovels. On-topic: Any new news?
  15. Let me help! *starts building box round Rage made out of ladders*
  16. You strap yourself to SRB's with nothing but a seat and hope?
  17. Then to avoid being injured by ladders completely lock yourself in a nuclear bunker instead?
  18. Lock yourself up in a house, work at home, have internet connection and order everything online. You would never have to leave the house! Edit: @redwolfy, I've been run over by a bike before. @Trekkette, I think my family may have a curse that the people in it show promise at a young age but become failures later in life from not working hard. That pattern is spreading to me...
  19. Ouch... Why not simply avoid all ladders in life?
  20. What did he fall onto? Did he just trip and the shock of landing on a leg broke it? That's what happened with my left arm, the shock went up my arm and broke the bone above the elbow.
  21. Destroying health and safety regulations
  22. Those accidents sound much more interesting than when I break anything. I cracked by head open walking into a doorframe looking through a magnifying glass. My right arm when I rolled down a small hill and into a wooden play frame and the left arm falling of a sofa trying to reach for a remote control.
  23. That is extremely weird, do you know which one? I haven't had that many interesting dreams. One of them was a tornado appeared in the school field and was heading towards the hall.
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