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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. And both threads are/were frequented by me. I'm starting to see a pattern... At least a comment by me can stop any conversation till people make a detour around it. Such as this post.
  2. Jeb has had an encounter with the kraken then.
  3. You have to take the time to read the previous posts then respond to them and the new posts that were posted while you were looking at posts. But there isn't too many new posts here.
  4. Not TvTropes!!!! You people introduced me to that recently and I have lots of exams!!! Why!!!! Why!!!!!
  5. We did have some vague grasp of a topic to talk about. But that always spun off into new ones. Like browsing the internet.
  6. Banned for banning a banner of trolls
  7. The topic is madness and to be the one thread to rule them all. The posts here are defiantly on topic then.
  8. Banned because I got what you meant.
  9. Banned for being wrong. I am mad.
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