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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. 8/10 Seen you a lot, especially round games.
  2. Granted, I use you in KSP for my SRB experiments. I wish for the counting thread to be unlocked.
  3. Mun, easier to get to. SRB or Liquid fuel
  4. True. The user below wants the thread replaced
  5. Wonder whether the Kerbals have the same problem? Also, welcome back Chris.
  6. True, what will I do now? The user below agrees with me.
  7. Granted, it turns out Jebediah Kerman is god of the Kerbins and he kills you. I wish that I could clone Jeb.
  8. 6/10 Seen you around lately.
  9. I think I know what you mean. I'm good at GCSE maths but now I've done a A level exam early I found it extremely hard. I'm convinced I'll get a F. I think that you can easily do the space maths is because you can apply it practically such as calculating the detla V but normal maths is too abstract and you can't apply it to anything. My Physics and recent, forced, A level maths teacher has the same feeling.
  10. The moment when, after landing, your winglets are in the way of you ladders. The moment when your Kerbal is 10km from your mun lander (with a RCS pack) and it runs out of fuel. The moment you realise that Jeb is flying your rocket.
  11. False, sniped The user below is tired from being on the forums all evening.
  12. Banned because I've banned you many times before and have run out of good things to say.
  13. Granted but it becomes mainstream like flight is nowadays and people lose interest. I wish that I would get A*s in all my exams.
  14. Well, that could open up some fun possibilities if we can gain access to it.
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