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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. You wouldn't be able to find all the bits, I'll become little diced cubes of meat and bone.
  2. True, my game updates take ages The user below me has played KSP all weekend nonstop.
  3. You could have your entire fleet of Kerbals made up of nothing but Jebs! Chaos will ensure.
  4. And a black hole for unlucky Kerbals to fall in?
  5. They said that you will be able to manage your Kerbalnauts so chances are that permadeath will be a main part of the game. It would make us have to send propes in places of capsules as the rockets have a tendency to explode. If your not careful, you could spend all your money on life insurance pay-outs to the families.
  6. If not in our galaxy, then very likely in the rest of the universe. The sheer amount of galaxies, even if the universe isn't infinite, means that the Kerbals are out there. Maybe that's how Squad got the idea for the game, Jeb must of crashed near them and now they keep him for future update ideas.
  7. I thought you prefer Blunt weapons? Like this or this. Also, please don't use a sack and shovel on me.
  8. Try to plan it at first, launch stages keep blowing up so when I finally get to space, launch window gone and I have to wing it.
  9. Is it me or does that cat look psychotic, the type that, when you turn your back, would disappear and then kill you.
  10. Everyone done that when we started, it's like a murphy's law about rockets. "You will always build your rocket too big and complex at the start and they will explode spectacularly."
  11. The entire point of this game is to be a realistic space game where you use real life physics to get your payloads into orbit. The fact that it is set in a different world doesn't mean it should be unrealistic. Squad simply used the Kerbals and Kerbin as an analogue of earth and human space flight but its with a more light-hearted edge. Also, physics affects all games and is present everywhere, you can't escape physics. Edit: Sorry if you were joking, I often take things too seriously.
  12. One of the main points of the F-35 is that it is stealth but there is something called a Quantum radar that is proposed and being devolved which would make stealth systems like the F-35 redundant.
  13. 3 words, Trial and Error. Mainly error in spectacular explosions.
  14. Valve need to introduce that core into the next portal game or expansion, I wouldn't care if it was the enemy, I would go straight to it for a hug. Perfect trap.
  15. If it weren't for him, then this thread would be double the size with multiple conversations going on at once, this ways its easier to try and keep track of all the different conversations and reply to them.
  16. KSP is great because it will introduce a new generation to space travel and the wonders it can bring so public support will greatly increase for space travel. Hopefully we will be able to all go into space in a few decades thanks to this game. Thank you Squad.
  17. Wow, have just finished reading through all of this thread and the split off threads in the off topic forum and realised that by the end of this year the entire off topic fourm will be nothing but split off threads from this thread. Well done chobit, you are not only expanding your empire in the KSP Fan-works but now also in the off topic fourm, well done.
  18. Perhaps when they introduce the ability to research new parts they might give us the ability to create interstellar engines but that would probably happen much later after we can research parts or perhaps introduce it as a expansion.
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