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Posts posted by ZobrAA

  1. 6 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    It sounds to me like you're looking for a cheat :) It's your game and you decide how to play but original idea assumes that vessel consists of a set of connected parts, and you want to simplify it down to a plain parts list. That's what KIS inventory is - a list of parts without the actual parts. Nobody can stop you from cheating (and nobody will even try) but designing KIS with a cheat in mind is not exactly what is this mod about. EVA propellant tank is not a cheat because of it has negligible volume (10 units), and is a handheld item.

    Hm, I did not think from such perspective :rolleyes:

    6 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    If you need help creating your own parts feel free to ask. I'm ready to help. Moreover, I'm interested to make KIS so what people could use it for making own cool parts :)

    As I can understand from source code from ModuleKISItemEvaPropellant.cs - it will not work for anything but eva propellant? I'm not a programmer so not sure... If so, that means, my idea not reachable with simple config tweaking. Ah, well...

    Anyway thx you for answering my silly questions :D

  2. 3 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    In order to use this approach any tank you want using this way must implement a KIS module. And it won't work for "dynamic" tanks (those that may change their resource type in the editor).

    Me personally would be happy, if this trick allow me to resupply my station with lifesupport and monopropellant. No need for huge variety of tanks - just a couple of most handy parts, that I can patch by hand with custom config.

    3 hours ago, IgorZ said:

    For the fuel re-supply it's better to use other approaches. There are modular containers that may be equipped with tanks of different types. In the worst case you may use stock bay part, and put small tanks into it.

    The whole point in NOT using any custom resource containers except KIS container. In my case, I working on a project of mini-shuttle, based on mk2 fuselage and I want to have unmanned version of the same shuttle with MK2 Containers:


    You know, like Souyz and Progress ships - same lifter, same ascend and reentry profile, same everything except cargo. :)

  3. Hello everyone! :) I wonder if it possible to make usual resources, like monopropellant, electricity or let's say supplies for life support achievable and usable from inside of KIS container?

    Because, if answer is yes, it opens the way for HUGE part count saving! Lets say you take a 2,5m container, put there batteries and fuel/monoprop tanks and voilà - you have a one part service module with all contained resources! And kerbals can refit such container with needed supplies on the fly!

    Or lets say you make a Cygnus-like resupply vehicle, and throw a bunch of supplies crates inside, so after you dock to space stations you don't need go to EVA and weld each crate to the station to pump supplies to station main supply tanks - your kerbals will unload the cargo from inside, like IRL!

    If straight use of resources from containers is not feasible, maybe it is possible to make it reachable only when special menu button activated from container's menu so you can transfer resources from supply crates to ship tanks...

    I'll be honest, this idea bothers me for couple of month and I cant rid of it ...so what's your think? :)

  4. 1 hour ago, Pak said:

    've had this idea so I had to see if it would work. I've been trying to figure out a way to do a large satellite launcher like the IUS for a while.

    Just like the beast it's named after, the idea struck suddenly while I was doing something completely different. Kraken-Tech! If you're unfamiliar with the concept you should check out EJ_SA on twitch, but in short it's a way of making moving pieces in stock using docking ports and part collision to hold separate craft together and form a working hinge.

    Still in the idea stage but after lots of messing around it's pretty reliable so far.

    Check it out!

    Cool! :) I'm thinking a lot about similar support equipment these days. And now this perfectness! :) But... this is only for 1.25m part interface. Maybe you can add something more independent of bottop piece size of satellite? Like maybe solid backplate on hinge, that cal hold much wider payload, like my LittlePony? :D



  5. 2 hours ago, evilwombat said:

    Thanks for the 1.1.3 update. However, I am afraid the Time Warp feature might be working a little too well. That is, if I accept a contract, it looks like the contract vanishes as soon as I click on the VAB. I still get to keep the funds for the contract, but the contract itself seems to be gone (as my entire contract history).

    I've got my savestate backed up, so that's all good, but I think the warp feature is skipping just a tad too much of the gameplay :). Am I the only one seeing this?

    Removing BetterTimeWarp (the pre-release off dropbox) seems to resolve this for me, at least in the one case that I tested. I'll try again but am discouraged by the prospect of Unity doing the thing where it constantly resizes the window until the window manager runs out of memory. Maybe another night. Sigh...

    I heve the same issue since KPS 1.1.3 came up with BetterTimeWarp v2.2 for KSP1.1Beta... I'll try uninstall BetterTimeWarp  and report results.

  6. 3 hours ago, Pak said:

    If these were the same steps you took I just fixed it. Luckily it was a lightbulb moment with the 'seal' comment. I had the main node on the shuttle bottoms as size 2 for whatever reason. I switched it to size 3 and it fixed it. This might be part of the weird quick loads some people were seeing too. Still seeing drag on some parts in the cargo bay as expected, but it might help with some bits falling off during reentry since it wasn't protecting the solar panels before.

    Can you tell where and what need to be size 3 for a quick hand made fix? :)

  7. 2 hours ago, Toonu said:

    also DatedQuicksaves, or I m just bad at making quicksaves

    Take my settings.cfg - it works

    DateString = yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss
    FileNameTemplate = quicksave'Y[year0]'D[day0]'T[hour0][min0][sec0]'[vessel]'[body]'[situation]
    MaxQuickSaveCount = 7
    AutoSaveTemplate = autosave'Y[year0]'D[day0]'T[hour0][min0][sec0]'[vessel]'[body]'[situation]
    AutoSaveFreq = 15
    MaxAutoSaveCount = 3
    FillSpaces = True
    ReplaceChar = _


  8. 16 hours ago, trooperMNG said:

    the one in his album seems like a very cool looking custom variant

    17 hours ago, JoseEduardo said:

    soviets really made a nice copy-paste version of the STS this time :)

    Glad you like it guys :) Actually my Boreas Transportation System is like a hybrid of Space Shuttle and Buran. As a more eye candy, here full mission log of BTS-2 with pics:

    				BTS-2 LittlePonny-2
    Launch Date: Y1 D110 T17:35
    Crew: Jebediah Kerman, Valentina Kerman, Bill Kerman, BoB Kerman, Tito Kerman, Chadzer Tyuri
    Lifter: BTL (Boreas Transportation System)
    Mission: LKO Research & Tests, Tourism, HEKO LittlePony & Redock to shuttle
    Payload: LittlePony-2
    Vehicle Mass: 494t
    Payload Mass: ~18t
    Mission Route: LKO 30.33° 77.1x76.7km
    		LittlePony-2 EKO 30.35° 19.7Mmx75.8km
    		LittlePony-2 Iclination multichange 30.35° -> 4.85° -> 30.35° 19.7x77km
    		LittlePony-2 LKO 30.33° 77.1x76.7km
    Mission Duration: 24h
    Mission Outcome: Total Success (no contract reward due to contract system bug)

    Side note: External Tank is LH2-Ox and KS-25 are remade to be cryogenic. Also yes, this is not a stock Kerbin, it's from my custom RescaleZ - 365 days Kerbin x3.2 Proper Resonance Rescale

  9. 9 hours ago, macc92 said:

    has anyone else been having this occurrence or is it just me?

    Seems like my problem with "not aero-shielded payload at reentry"... But I cannot understand why - the only thing this mod does to cargobay:

    		name = FStextureSwitch2
    		moduleID = 0
    		objectNames = Base;BayDoor1;BayDoor2
    		textureRootFolder = Cormorant Aeronology/Assets/
    		textureNames = Mk3CargoBay;Mk3CargoBayThermal
    		textureDisplayNames = Stock;Thermal
    		nextButtonText = Change Texture
    		prevButtonText = Previous Texture
    		statusText = Current Texture
    		switchableInFlight = false
    		repaintableEVA = false
    		showPreviousButton = false
    		updateSymmetry = true
    		showInfo = true

    So no mentioning of any nodes or ModuleCargoBay :confused:

  10. Little piece of integration config for KeepFit:

    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = CRAMPED
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = COMFY
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = CRAMPED
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = COMFY
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = NEUTRAL
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = CRAMPED
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = NEUTRAL
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = COMFY
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = CRAMPED
    //	MODULE
    //	{
    //		name = KeepFitPartModule
    //	}


    Also it would be great to add some where in IVA training apparatus, exercise bike for example, to keep kerbals fit :)

  11. @Pak I love this mod, thx alot! :)

    Some problems, that I've noticed after some usage:

    1) Shuttle, made with this parts have a serious luck of yaw stability. I have to clip 10 (ten) square wings (wing area = 1 for each) inside engine section to make shuttle more or less flyable.

    2) MMU did not have SAS(!!!) so it's very hard to contlol and almost impossible to dock back to the MMU Rack... Also gyros are too weak to use MMU for station assembly or such. My solution here was:

    		name = ModuleSAS
    		SASServiceLevel = 2
    		@PitchTorque = 1.0
    		@YawTorque = 1.0
    		@RollTorque = 1.0

    3) The main problem at this time, but I not sure if it exactly on mod side, correct me if I wrong. So, HUGE problem is that, cargo inside of cargo bay did not shielded from aero forces on reentry. So there a lot more drag, that it should be, and some parts get ripped off by aero stream on reentry... I've tried clipping cargo colliders to be exactly inside of cargo bay collider, I've tried to switch scenes after closing bay door and before reentry.... Nothing help to prevent that.

    May be there are another way to play around that?

    4) Almost forget, some compability:

    		name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
    		passable = true
    		name = KeepFitPartModule
    		strActivityLevel = CRAMPED

    5) Pure cosmetic, but it makes shuttle silhouette a true eye candy:

    	@rescaleFactor = 1.25

    6) Need to change part name designator Airlock to CAAirlock to prevent conflicts (for example HabTech have the same named part). ....or this is not a problem?

  12. 22 hours ago, _Augustus_ said:

    Are you going to add OPM compatibility?

    I actually did not think of it. :rolleyes: I did not use any additional planet mods, and I dont know how well it fits with stock... And the main reason for me personally not to use additional planets is because stock system is more than enough for HUGE space program with hundreds of probes, ships, stations and bases. But almost no one uses that opportunity - space and planets are empty, even Kerbin itself. Majority of time players messes around KSC, equatorial LKO and Mun/Minmus. So more planets serve no purpose, IMO, but use a lot of RAM...

    Also, I use this RescaleZ with Renaissance Compilation and Realistic Athmospheres - and they are only for stock planets... So no beautiful landscape textures, no advanced atmospheric model for another planets...

    Of course, never say never. But at the moment, I did not see good reason for additional planets in this rescale. Maybe there is something cool, exiting and absolutely tremendous that I did not know about OMP? May be huge amount of easter eggs to explore, abandoned alien cities or ship wreckage somewhere out there? :)

    Ups! Actually Realistic Atmospheres are like built in the OPM mod, did not notice that earlier... But another arguments still counts :)

  13. 2 hours ago, ultraviolet150 said:

    works for me, Remember that it produces very little electricity as well as capping at 95%. So it wont output any more electricity once you've reached 95% of your total EC.

    Saying it did not work I've meant that it has no right-click-menu option or action for action groups in editor to turn on. Only EC storage...

    Very odd bug :confused:

  14. 2 hours ago, evileye.x said:

    Anomalies are buried underground, I suppose?

    No, I suppose. Scaling planet up did not rise level of terrain, only stretch it out... At the moment I saw only Island runway - it stays where it suppose to...

    My only concern is that some contract pack, that generates contracts for anomaly visiting are made only for stock, because after scaling planet up waypoints often floating in the air...

  15. What is RescaleZ?

    This mod was inspired by Harder Solar System and Kerbin 365 and will make your gameplay harder, but still playable with stock parts.

    Main feature of this resize is that I've make Kerbin's orbit to have a 365 day (24h each) year and scaled up other planets orbits to match same orbital resonance as in stock.

    More details

    • Sun x1.6 upscaled. All planets orbits inclined RSS-style to simulate Kerbins axial tilt.
      • Moho  x3.2 upscaled.
      • Eve x3.2 upscaled, surface gravity lowered to 0.902g as for Venus and no more Gilli moon here. Also included Extra addition for RealisticAtmospheres (recomended) mod will make atmosphere hotter and higher.
      • Kerbin x3.2 upscaled, KSC moved to 30.22 latiude. You will need ~5000-5600m/s dV to get into orbit. KSO - 17058.576km. No more Minmus here.
        • Mun x2.6 upscaled to make Mun's proporsion to Kerbin more like Moon to Earth. Mun orbit moved further, to make it exactly half of a real Moon orbital period.
      • Duna x3.2 upscaled.
        • Gilly now like Phobos.
        • Bop now like Deimos.
      • Dres surface gravity lowered to 0.042g to make it more like real dwarf planet.
      • Jool x3.2 upscaled.
        • Pol x3.2 upscaled and now closest moon of Jool.
        • Laythe x3.2 upscaled.
        • Tylo x1.8 upscaled to make it more attractive for visiting. Pol-Laythe-Tylo now in proper Laplace resonance like Io–Europa–Ganymede.
        • Vall x3.2 upscaled and have approximate Callisto-like orbit.
        • Ike now farthest Jool's moon, now have same eccentricity and inclination as stock Pol.
      • Eeloo x3.2 upscaled.
        • Minmus is now moon of Eeloo to make this distant world more attractive for visiting.

    Remote Tech Support

    Already included, but you can play without RT.


    But if you do - you can propose a patch :)

    Solar curve taken from Kopernicus exapmles for RSS by NathanKell and divided by 2. Solar panels will not help you much around Jool...

    No pics, no clicks

    Dependencies (Install Separately):

    Module Manager


    Recommended mods:

    KSP Renaissance Compilation (compability patch included)

    Realistic Atmospheres (compability patch included)



    Change Log

    Version 1.3

    1. All orbits recalculated due to g and G constants change in KSP 1.2
    2. All planet now inclined RSS-style to simulate Kerbins axial tilt.
    3. Added modified Kerbins texture for KSPRC extra compatibility with permission of Proot.
    4. Other minor tweaks in cfgs.

    Licenced by MIT (c) 2016 ZobrAz

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