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Everything posted by Reavermyst

  1. "I did the math, it's theoretically possible" Theoretically tells us you didn't DO the challenge yourself We want to know this is possible, we want you to PROVE that this is "theoretically possible" Not just say it is. As for your rules, I have an issue with one and that's gimballing requirement. Anyone who's played this game long enough knows that gimballing mainsails(and skippers at times) with docked vessels combined with ASAS leads to violent wiggling parts and in most cases, spontaneous disassembly. So you just turned your challenge into a luck based system. You should also consider revising your pics of everything rule to exclude parts that are meaningless. Transfers and corrections are pointless and faking them would be more tedious than actually doing it. Long story short, do it first and make the challenge fun, not tedious. Also, fun fact about the lovely orange tanks. They suck as rockets. If you were to do this challenge, I recommend the grey Rockomax tanks for better stability. The jumbo has weird collision issues that result in poor stability. These tanks work better for storage than active fuel.
  2. Yes for those who are wanting to join in, PLEASE look at at least the last 10 challenges to get an idea of what's going on before you post your challenge. Like with Jenkinz goal with Kenrim Kerman, we should try to set goals to complete his quest! On an added note, Hawkinator, this would make for a great rule to add since this has grown so much in scale! And I noticed that the guy who put Kenrim on the mun changed his flag D:
  3. I would say the challenge would be like the challenge of Enduring the length of the mission rather than performing the mission. This is also a race, so the first to reach the Mun wins. I suppose this is more a matter of making the event fair, where otherwise it would be a matter of who is more efficient at time warping. Fun fact, the Mun always in the perfect position by your first launch on a fresh save. So there wouldn't be any waiting required for that.
  4. Set up a Remotetech satellite network for Kerbin. Simply four relays in 250km orbits that communicate with a hub relay in Geosynchronous orbit!
  5. Mine would just go "I can not allow you to do that Dave...." Then collapse on itself XD
  6. Actually, I had the .19 version jury rigged to work with .20 I did update today so problem solved!
  7. It's crew manifest, and it works fine, just the symbol isn't working properly xD
  8. I watched the Nostaglia Critic review Steven Spielberg's "A.I." and realized the song you hear in orbit is theme from that movie! Well played Squad
  9. Challenge #67 and #68 COMPLETE Total Challenges Personally Completed: 2 So 2 tasks have been set on my shoulders and I intend to deliver! For your convenience, here is a video I put together at the very early morning hours. (More problems, yey.... mixcraft won't render my commentary. keeps saying I need to register even though I paid for the bloody thing. I'll upload the video with text commentary and some good music since I don't want to hold you guys up for too much longer) If you don't care to watch a video, here's the typical screenshot skinny of the adventure! Mission 1 consisted of me piloting the Charon to take as much fuel as possible from a Refueling probe in low Kerbin orbit and then put it on a de-orbiting trajectory! The Charon un-docking from Shiva Station Successfully docked onto the Refueling Probe after a decent struggle. Added note, put docking ports toward the center of the tanks, it too me a few tries to wedge my ship under that Av package and beam. De-orbited the probe and sent it down into the dirt! hope that the folks living nearby don't mind another chunk of debris in their land! Stabilized Charon's orbit to keep Neward Kermin from suffering so similar fate as the probe as we move on the the second mission! Mission 2 Was simply to put Sir Kemrin Kerman into orbit to begin his intersolar quest of placing his flag on every celestial body! Unfortunately, I forgot to take screens of this mission and the video editor crashed, corrupting all of the files related to the video! I did successfully get him into orbit though! Challenge#69 will be a nostalgic mission. Send Sir Kemrin Kermin into Munar orbit to begin his conquest! Note: The vessel is still on it's final launch stage in Kerbin orbit with about half fuel. It's set on an orange Jumbo tank and it's gimbal is locked so exercise caution when accelerating as excessive thrust may cause the stage to fall apart and possibly kill our rich entrepreneur! Save file download: http://www.4shared.com/archive/aMKLjXAC/Almost_Multiplayer.html Just save it to your saves folder! Good luck!
  10. yeah that certainly helps, I'll attempt both challenges(or try rather as I attempted the cupcake VTOL challenge and hurt myself and one of my keyboards in the process... awkward controls and me don't mix well). Anyway wish me luck, I'll record my progress and probably post it in video form along with screenshots for those who don't want to sit through an entire video.
  11. Totally gonna attempt this *20 attempts later* Sorry but awkward flight controls + me = keyboard out the window. This is not a fun challenge. This game has awkward flight controls for VTOL craft to the point of it being painful to use with precision. No seriously, my left hand hurts now because of this!
  12. I would attempt it, but I'm not exactly sure how to get the files from Google Docs. Also, I'm having trouble interpreting the objective for this bit. Could you please clarify? Also, I'm not sure if you're supposed to have 2 challenges in one post either. I'd rather stick to challenge 1 and go from there. Challenge 2 seems to be something for it's own thread.
  13. I'd say go for it if you got the cash for it. Just know that the game won't use the card's full potential due to engine limitations. But on the bright side you'll find a use for the rest of that potential in other titles!
  14. Pretty much the remaining planets for this system, some asteroids, FTL travel with new systems, and a chocolate sundae!
  15. It's a mythical creature that alludes the best of explorers. The only signs of their existence is on Youtube and this very forum! O-O I hear many of them like pie. But they're not easily convinced by a pie under a box trap...
  16. sadly I'm having an issue where if I put a kethane detector on my craft, it causes the launch screen to just be a picture of space with the UI and an ominous hum from what sounds like an engine. It's weird. I can't wait til it's working again, Kethane mining is pretty much my main source of interest in this game xD
  17. Word of advice, model the kerbal yourself. Ripping models and distributing them in any form is a sure fire way to get DMCA notices. Tread very carefully if you plan on doing something like this! On that note, if you do WELL with it, you may get hired as a content creator for the store. Who knows? Squad has given itself a rep for hiring modders for their good work, maybe they'll deviate to folks who have access to things like 3d printing for store content creation. If i could afford the parts and real estate in my home, I could build a 3d printer farm for such an endeavor.
  18. they would be wasting their money on licensing and I doubt they'd ever get a return on their profits. After all, the new age of gaming is *gasps* TV!
  19. It's a trend started by Maxis in The Sims franchise. Don't take them too seriously now!
  20. Why dance around it when it's true? I get that it's a bit harsh, but when someone who's alpha testing a game says their disappointed in an update over *gasp* bugs, it's a bit silly. You can't expect bugs to just decrease with every update, most especially alpha updates that involve the adding of new mechanics. Even fully launched games suffer from this issue. It's a part of the developmental process. Though honestly, I think this is more directed towards those who complain that not all of their mods work now, when the answer is simply, wait until the modders update them. They seem to be the most vocal about the issue, as I see it anyway.
  21. not sure about ABSOLUTELY ZERO issues. All of mine so far have been just strange encounters. once the colors got all inverted when I went to launch my first satellite. And during the flight, I kept seeing the launch clamps zooming past my craft. At first i thought it was debris I forgot about, but no, these were the stage clamps! It was weird. Aside from obvious Mods not working, some of them still work thankfully, I'm enjoying the enhancements!
  22. With every update comes its batch of bugs. Sadly this is the whole point of it being an alpha. until the core mechanics are optimized and ready to go, every update until then will be riddled with their own bugs. Reporting these bugs is what we do, more so than enjoying the game.
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