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    Curious George

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  1. I had the same problem. Also seeing the orbital lines. In my case deleting the "Paralax"-Mod solved it.
  2. Just a quick question - would it be possible to add neptune camera to carriable items via Kerbal inventory system? I`m thinking about a working hasselblad camera to spice up full realism play throughs. Would be cool after having working mastcams on my rovers and "Through the eyes of a kerbal" simply isn`t the same as having to carry equipment with me in the inventory to take a screenshot.
  3. No Problem! Love your work! Thanks for the really quick answer .
  4. Hello, First I`d like to thank you for your wonderful mod, the style of cameras fits perfectly into my playstyle! It is now easy to produce rover views without heaving to fullscreen the camera view. The only thing that is sad for me is, that there are so little cameras available for your mod right now. I tried to rewrite the cfg of some of the vds-hullcam ones but seem to be unable to get pictures out of the edited cameras. Does anyone have an idea wether or not the hullcam cameras could be fittet with a neptune module, without changing something in the part models? Thanks for your help,
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