I have some problems with auto-recycle. When i use a small solid booster with one large chute it looks like it works OK(altho i only get a message for one booster instead of 2) sugestion:do not replace the UI dialog for recycle value with new one, but if a dialog is already present, just add the new value to the existing dialog. The bigger one is, i do not get any auto-recycle when i use double liquid booster: fuelTank.long,liquidEngine2,parachuteLarge,radialDecoupler2,fuelLine. I drop this two boosters way later, and it has an Ap higher than the point of release, and i never get any recycle popup. I checked the logs and the drag seems ok, but there is never a: "*MC* Recycling vessel: enough parachutes!" after it. the full log of the release of this stage looks like this (i think i got everthing) Am i missing something or is it a bug? Also thanks for the great work you putting into this fork.