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Everything posted by RychschaX

  1. I, too, am having this issue. I barely get a trickle charge with a trio of Gigantors faced directly at the sun. They say their sun exposure is 100%. Power output seems inconsistent at different levels of time warp, not speeding up nearly as much as it should. At the highest couple of levels, charge actually starts draining. This is on a very basic, early-game probe with nothing to drain power apart from the core and a couple of reaction wheels. Despite this, anything less than a few Gigantors won't provide enough power to keep the probe functional. I apologize if a solution has already been posted in this thread, but searching the thread for terms like "solar panels" and "charge" and "megajoules" doesn't really narrow things down much, given all the talk in this thread about power networks. Also, if it helps, the mods I have installed are: Mechjeb The Lazarus Awakenings planet pack (uses Kopernicus) Extraplanetary Launchpads Kethane SCANsat Kerbal Attachment System TweakScale OPT space plane parts Near future solar All mods were installed via CKAN.
  2. Out of curiosity, is there any sort of documentation/explanation for the various settings within the TTmultiwheel module? some of the things are rather obvious, like wheelRotationAxis and maxSteer, but I'm a bit less certain about stuff like steerFalloff, which I am reasonably certain is the reason why the game flatly refuses to let me cut the wheel to the side at high speed. Sure, there is little good that would likely come of that, but I might still wanna be able to try. I'm just not sure whether I need to lower ore raise the number if I want to lessen the effect that my speed has on my ability to turn the wheels side to side. Sure, I could experiment a bit, but KSP is already a bit finicky, and reloading takes a really long time...
  3. Having a bit of trouble with thermal turbojets and reentry. I have precoolers with ram air intakes attached, and no radial intakes. there are a total of 8 intakes, each with their own precooler, attached under the wings. nevertheless, if I throttle up my engines even the slightest during reentry, the thermal turbojet instantly overheats and explodes. It would really help if there were at least some form of documentation for this, but aside from a brief mention of the precoolers on the first page, there really isn't anything to tell me how all of this works together. Is there a particular speed i need to get below first? because I really wasn't much faster than when I was leaving the atmosphere, so...
  4. oh.....ummm.....so apparently the dll for that got deleted somewhere along the way...replaced it, and it works fine now. now if I can just get For little tail out of my head...
  5. Ah, yes, I see that file. that being said...the radial engine bodies don't appear to be getting changed to precoolers, and I can't get the little "precooler active" box to come up when i rightclick the part during flight (like it shows in one of the screenshots). any ideas? as it is, the radial engine body seems to be staying as the same old utterly useless part it normally is... the mod is installed properly, and everything else works...this seems to be the only thing causing issues...
  6. so my thermal turbojets just instantly overheat and explode when i throttle them up during reentry. apparently I need to use precoolers. How exactly do these work, and is there some kind of flag I can add to other parts to make them perform the same functionality. Also, so does the game actually track the temperature of intake atmosphere somehow, then? Wow, I kinda butchered my grammar in that last sentence...
  7. So is it just me, or are the MPD engines getting nowhere near the mileage (so to speak) they used to? I can't find anything in the config files that would explain it, but I used to get >10km/s of vacuum delta V on my surveyor probes, and now I am lucky if i get 4km/s. all evidence in the config files would suggest that my fuel tanks should weigh even less now with the switch to xenon (.0005 density for arrrghon versus .0001 for xenon), so I would sorta expect to be getting slightly more delta V now. Any idea why, or is the reason totally obvious and I am just missing it? though now that I think of it...if the tank stores a similar number of units of xenon, and the engines produce the same thrust as before, maybe it would have to consume more xenon to pruduce the same thrust, thanks to xenon having only 1/5 the density of arrrghon...
  8. I'm having this issue where upon reaching ~6000m above kerbin, any launchpad part, be it from this mod or the spherical launchpads one, apparently decides it is somewhere several kilometers from the rest of the ship (struts don't break though). the camera freaks out, I see struts extending seemingly to the surface, and the entire craft starts careening out of control until it finally crashes into the ground... any ideas?
  9. or....we could go the other route and make a different electricity resource that acts like a fuel.....I imagine crews about to run out of power when they orbit around to the day side of the planet...they hastily deploy their solar panels and begin to refill their electricity tanks....its no wonder third-world countries on Kerbin tend to not have power in many places. think of all the pipes they would need to run to get the electricity everywhere...wow....I should totally do something with this....
  10. I immediately thought of Starfox....looks good though
  11. I am having some difficulties with exporting the model and textures for my new part (which is unlikely to ever be published, and is simply to help me master the workflow of developing parts for KSP). specifically, my textures refuse to export, and I am unsure as to exactly what I am supposed to do for the collision. I appear to have followed all of the required steps for the materials portion of the tutorial, though the tutorial is somewhat unclear as to what folder the textures themselves should be in (the root part folder, or the materials folder). nevertheless, I have applied the texture to the model in the hierarchy, but when i click "write" in the part tools, it completes instantaneously and creates the parts folder in the project directory. however, there is only the model.mu file and nothing else. Any ideas? I can post a screen cap if you wish (just tell me what you want to be selected). I am also a bit confused regarding collision meshes. In accordance with the modeling guide on the wiki, I have my model, as well as a convex mesh I wish to use for collision named "node_collider". here is what I am confused about: first, there was already a "mesh collider" in the inspector for my main model. was this supposed to happen (perhaps due to the name of the collision mesh)? second, when selecting the mesh under the mesh collider section of the inspector for my main model, I should choose my node_collider object, correct? also, what should I do to my node_collide object?
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