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Everything posted by Sof

  1. tomorrow 0.21 comes out so I'll probably be starting again and exploring the new mun
  2. damage to ksp buildings and other structures when cities and such come about will cost money. It's in the list of planned features.
  3. Modded ships may not work, but stock designs can still be loaded. Whether they'll perform the same is a different matter.
  4. Try and make the station a symmetrical design and send them all up and construct around Kerbin. Then wait for the launch window and push it over as a whole. Stations need to be small, but big ones are impractical anyway. If your station isn't symmetrical, you could see if bits of it could be assembled in a different order and then reassemble once you've got to your destination. IE, you want your station to look a bit like an "F". Try taking the little bit off and making a "T" for the journey.
  5. Essentially, try to avoid "cheat" mods like those with overpowered engines or mechjeb. After that, just have a look around the spaceport to see what takes your fancy. I recommend ISA mapsat, Protractor and Kerbal Engineer. Procedural fairings are pretty cool too. Other mods like Kethane and various colony base mods can give you an incentive to go on missions.
  6. The game atm simply applies a drag value for all the parts in the craft to work against the direction of motion. Aerodynamics never comes into play. IRL, you couldn't have tons of scoops on the front of an aircraft because the drag caused by doing so would be like trying to fly a brick wall. You don't see intake spam in reality because you wouldn't take off with such a design. It has got nothing to do with the airflow into them. Putting all the intakes on the front would mean 100% airflow, but would also mean maximum drag. A proper drag model will fix this problem. Wait until the devs add that in. All the other suggestions here are inconsequential once drag has been introduced.
  7. The solution is to have a proper aerodynamic system in place. The current drag model is a placeholder. Real drag will stop intake spam.
  8. Intake spam will die with the advent of real aerodynamics. It is possible to build a SSTO plane that has jets->rockets->nuclear engine without intake spam. It just ends up being quite big.
  9. They've stated no aliens with regards to seeing UFOs fly past or landing on a planet and watching strange animals wander around. They have not denied the existence of microbes, especially on Laythe where the high oxygen atmosphere and liquid oceans would show promosing signs if it was found in our universe.
  10. You can use other mods like Kerbal engineer and protractor to give you all the useful info that mechjeb provides without the temptation to cheat. Also, I don't see how limiting the warp will help your enjoyment of the game (unless you are constantly warping past your nodes). Kerbin spends several days out of the launch window to any planet. The Mun and Minmus only holds your attention for so long. Even orbiting Kerbin has several minutes of coasting before anything interesting can be done.
  11. What is wrong with parachutes? Unless the weight of the engines and fuel somehow weighs less than the paracutes, I don't see the point in swapping them out.
  12. So I guess you've taken a microscope to Laythe and examined the water in detail hmm? No? Then I guess your statement is not founded upon any hard evidence. Whereas the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere and the fact it has liquid water oceans (which have never been found without life swimming in them) strongly suggests there is. Because there are no examples of life existing where there is limited water, cold temperatures and strong radiation. Nope, not true. Extremeophiles have been known to survive under these conditions. Why would they maybe not find these things comfortable or even thrive off them? Just because it wouldn't be pleasent to us humans doesn't mean it cannot sustain other life forms.
  13. It is perfectly acceptable, what are you on about? You don't get to decide what should and shouldn't be in the game. Besides, the game is nowhere near finished yet, and only version 1.0 matters for balance. Who knows if the part count required for Eve will be anywhere near as high, or cause anywhere near as much lag in the final product?
  14. Never said it did, don't know what you are on about Liquid water and our atmosphere are never poisonous to humans. Certain extremeophiles don't thrive in conditions we find normal (and vice versa) but it isn't toxic to all life on Earth. Its Oxygen, and there are no examples yet found of anywhere in the universe where liquid water exists and there is no life present. Also, I'll say again, that because O2 is so reactive, the only viable mechanism for it to exist in an atmosphere is for it to be constantly replenished by photosynthesis. And again we find that the only planet with a significant fraction of its atmosphere being made up of oxygen also has life. I'm not impatient. I'm just saying that the most likely reason there could be oxygen in Laythe's atmosphere is because some sort of microbial life is capable of photosynthesis in its liquid oceans.
  15. It was more in responce to others who suggested liquid water didn't suggest life in this universe. I pointed out that everywhere where we find liquid water we also find life. While H2O is not uncommon, the liquid form has only been found on Earth. Evidence suggests that it may have once existed on Mars, and there is a chance that it exists below the surface of other moons, but so far, it has not been found elsewhere. I postulate that water will contain life when we find it on other worlds. Hence my reasoning behind Laythe having life, which would also explain the oxygen in the atmosphere (which no other viable mechanism besides photosynthesis could create such an atmosphere) I'm well aware that the Devs said no aliens, but I think that means we won't fly to a planet and find animals walking about or whatever. Microbial life could exist in the seas of Laythe and be otherwise insignificant to the gameplay other than an explanation for the oxygen found there. Of course, once resources get added into the game, who knows whether it will still be called oxygen, or whether the blue stuff is even water.
  16. Provide evidence plz Everywhere water exists on Earth, there is life. No other liquid H2O has been detected in the universe. Thus, water=100% chance of life. As does molecular oxygen in the atmosphere.
  17. Every post on a thread like this means squad will delay the update a day more.
  18. -Opening pod bay doors -Making it so -Kerbal see, Kerbal do -Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. -intensifying forward firepower!
  19. Was talking on skype to a bunch of friends playing L4D2. Chatting about random stuff, and one of them mentioned Kerbal Space Program. Being rather into space, party due to being the son of an astrophysicist, I decided to google it. Found the demo and downloaded 0.13.3 A bunch of explosions later, and I finally managed to get a rocket past the launch tower before it exploded too. Eventually managed to get one to the edge of space and decided to buy the game shortly before they released planets. I was struggling to get to the mun, let alone minmus, so other planets were out of the question. Had a short break, got back into it after watching some tutorials and haven't really looked back since.
  20. Doing this all stock would be a massive lag fest. You'd need so much fuel, it wouldn't even bare thinking about trying to land and take off from every world. The burns would take forever to do. Best bet is to make a Kethane mining rig so you can refuel. Otherwise, top up your mothership with supply runs and only take one or 2 landers with you.
  21. We know that the Kerbal universe is different from our own. I don't think purple is the sort of colour a planet or ground could have without some form of exotic micro-organisms making it so.
  22. His were among the many that I used to learn how to dock. Other than that, I guess just helpful tips such as how to throttle when launching rockets.
  23. No point not burning full throttle in space unless you are fine tuning your apsis.
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