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Everything posted by boolybooly

  1. I have only just discovered Aurora 4X myself (from a Steam post about Distant worlds) and it has taken over a week of reading the wiki etc to learn how to play it and I am still a noob. No wonder they call it the Dwarf Fortress of 4X ! Made my first jump today, with lots of engineering bays, just in case.
  2. Hi @Dale Christopher, yes this thread lives on! Screeny mission reports are very welcome. Even text reports are permissible, regarding which, if you would like to supply the name of the craft I will add it to the K-Prize listing, otherwise I will invent one So ... congratulations on completing the K-Prize mission to the letter with an interesting VSTOL design with rotating rear thruster. Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour.
  3. Also there is an LOD issue with Munstones. They can be seen easier by zooming out with a distant LOD than they can at intermediate distance where there appears to be a missing LOD model because they completely vanish until you get much closer.
  4. Oh no! Sorry to be a party pooper but its not a K-Prize if it doesnt land safely Do you want a Gatecrasher listing?
  5. Yup, has to be. All it effects is the multiplier protocol, doesn't disqualify the flight.
  6. A multiplier is only appropriate for repeat flights of the exact same craft, as any change to the base craft can effect thrust to weight ratios etc. Otherwise each successful K-Prize variant deserves its own listing. Hence your latest mission was listed as Skylon-KerbalArm and not merely +1 to the x12.
  7. @Dman Revolution you are very welcome to make reports here as the K-Prize is all about reusability and what you are doing is an appropriate match and takes it to the next level. I feel sure many other contributors and readers will be interested. So if you are willing please do. I will find ways to link each report on the front page so people understand what they can look at. wrt rules, technically the above is a unique config because of the arm module even if it released the tank (which I understand it didnt). But it looks like another K-Prize winner so congratulations once again. The shuttle looks very convincing btw.
  8. IMHO the sliding Kerbal problem on minmus and the excessive rarity of these mission objectives need adjusting.
  9. @Dman Revolution thankyou very much for your detailed logs and further screenshot reports of the flight of the Explorer. Congratulations on completing the K-Prize mission at least thirteen times and the K-Prize committee unanimously backed the chairpersons motion for a discretionary HyperCycle award for extraordinary services to reusability. Well played, thanks for sharing and welcome to a well deserved place on the K-Prize roll of honour aka party guest list. Regarding the multiplier totals... Mission ESF-6 to the Mün with the EHM counts as a different craft configuration due to the extra fuel tank. I am interpreting the log for ESF-12 as a simple payload drop and assume it refers to docking between the asteroid and the payload kit, not between the craft and a station, unless the craft was used to move the asteroid using the kit in which case did it use extra fuel tanks? If so it is a distinct config and I need to change kudos to reflect that. Please advise. ESF-13 return payload mission is being treated as a Utilitarial Commendation (and APPA 1st Class) based on the rules for mined ore return to Kerbin.
  10. IMHO there is definitely a problem with this. I disabled scatters and surveyed Minmus by eye running multiple orbits below 6km and below 500m to the surface and saw a total of 3 stones in several orbits. Two showed up immediately and then none for three orbits then another one showed up. I think the spawning is not very player friendly. Added to this, when I dropped a ship on the third stone it was on a steep slope and the behaviour of the kerbal scientist I took to investigate was unmanageable, as the physics of flight close to the slope were inconsistent, suddenly shooting up from a tiny amount of upward thrust, also the kerbal would go unresponsive and slide down the slope miming a moon walk (the only way out of this was to hit F to climb if it showed up) and once landed on the green sandstone, which was huge, at multiple locations all around and on top of it, it was impossible to get an option to take a sample or pick it up, which I understand should show up on the Kerbal right click. Nada! Its getting a bit frustrating. EDIT finally found a small one using the alt f12 ROC cheat, it was impossible to see any other way and very rare. IMHO LOD needs to be visible from a greater distance and they need to be a lot more common. Suggest scattering small ones around the more visible larger ones (as if boulders broken away from an outcrop) so players can home in on the larger outcrop by eye and then find a knapsack sized boulder to take home.
  11. Yes, without descending into OCD madness @Dman Revolution it is necessary to be a bit precise and specific in relation to the mission achievements because in order for a report to be a report it has to say how a mission achieved the K-Prize objectives. There have been regrettable instances of gatecrashers trying to sweet talk their way into the K-Prize party, fortunately the bouncers are not easily fooled but nobody is infallible. In order to add the party guest list listing with appropriate kudos and multiplier, based on what you have told me so far, I would be grateful if you could tell me ... 1. Name of craft? 2. Did the craft land and take off at the runway every time x14 ? (Counts for the Advanced Pilot Precision Award). 3. Did the craft reach orbit >70km PE every time and land safely without losing parts x14 ? 4. Did the craft carry a payload to Kerbin orbit and release it every time X14 ? (Counts towards the Utilitarial Commendation.) 5. In the example you gave of the hab, I cannot tell from your explanation whether the hab has its own engine, or whether the hab tank was used to power the craft. Please clarify. PS I like the jeep and mobile ramp, nice details!
  12. @Dman Revolution very impressive gantry crane. The precedent for this is that multiple missions flown with the same craft can have a multiplier added to the kudos eg "x3". However each mission must conform to the K-Prize rules to count. Refuelling on Kerbin between missions is OK but not offworld according to the rules. Your text based report is good enough as we are on the honour system and you can do the math as to how many missions count within the K-Prize rules but please consider the rules in the first post e.g. no modded parts on the plane, only stock. Gantry doesnt matter, that can be modded but also atmospheric physics must be stock etc so participants can compare like for like over the course of a mission. Also you cannot add parts to the craft used for thrust or lift for one mission and not for another mission without breaking the continuity of the "x3" or "xn" total regarding the exceptional mission, i.e. only identical craft configurations count toward the total but payloads can vary as by definition they do not assist the propulsion. Hope that explains, happy to answer any questions you may have.
  13. I thought it was best not to overcomplicate the kudos rules. I felt tseitsei89's craft was ingenious and deserves the record. Any craft which can complete the mission is still worthy of a place on the guest list. Also in case it is relevant FYI the precedent is that Kerbals can use a command seat without the capsule they spawned in being part of the K-Prize mission craft.
  14. Pro-tip, go to front page, press ctrl-F, type "minimalist" and press down arrow until you get to... - with SpecialSpeckofDust (minimalist record holder 0.836t) Why, do you fancy your chances ?
  15. Done! That solar challenge is ancient history btw, the physics have changed since then, I link it in my sig for sentimental if not archeological reasons.
  16. In which case congratulations are in order @HyperDraco on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with the Draconic Infernal II. Consider yourself redeemed and fully entitled to wear the sig badge of your choice, since technically you did earn both (see OP link). Thanks for your mission reports and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the roll of honour. Looks better with intact fairings IMHO.
  17. We have a customer, quick put the kettle on! Thanks for your detailed photo report @HyperDraco I like the understated but pointy and purposeful design. Unfortunately ... ... there is a rule (#3) which states no modding which changes physics and Tweakscale alters part physics, Airplane Plus provides modded parts with modded physics. Also the decoupling rule (#1) applies to fairings because if I recall correctly they have a weight as well as an aerodynamic effect. Which means its a gatecrasher, yaaay! Sorry but otherwise people can mod any part to do infinite anything so we have to stick to a standard for comparison. There is a sister thread for modded entries. So I can give you a choice, either I list and link it as a gatecrasher with suitable quip, see list of infamy at the bottom of first post, or you can redeem your honour by completing the mission without breaking the rules, or you can delete your post and pretend it never happened but that would be sad. The choice is yours and you can take as long as you want. For example you could recreate the same design employing stock tanks and move the landing gear outside the fairing and Bob's your uncle, K-Prize winner, honour and glory and invitation to the K-Prize party await you. What do you reckon?
  18. @Aeroboi congratulations on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with a really big bird, earning the maximalist record holder title and a well deserved utilitarial commendation and an advanced pilot precision award with Hearts Chevron 96 Cargo Lifter. Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize roll of honour.
  19. @Aeroboi thanks for sharing your large ship design. The mass you describe doubles the previous maximalist record which is a great achievement. The only snag is the K-Prize is a mission based challenge so an entry requires a mission report describing how the craft completed the mission and how it qualifies for kudos in that mission. @KerbalRocket congratulations on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with Untitled Space Craft, (let me know if you want to give it a different name), thanks for you mission report and welcome to the roll of honour. @A Random Kerbonaut bad luck but I hope you can find a way to make it work, it took me quite a few tries with the new game physics on my last attempt. If at first you dont succeed - iterate!
  20. OK @A Random Kerbonaut , thanks for sharing, good luck with your R&D
  21. Congratulations to @GRS for completing the K-Prize mission by the skin of your teeth with ProtoTaxis 2, earning a well deserved Advanced Pilot Precision Award for a drogue assisted landing at KSC runway and a place at the table among the honoured guests of the K Prize party at the Dog and Booster. Thanks for your mission report and welcome to the roll of honour.
  22. Congratulations to @purpleivan on completing the K-Prize mission successfully with Space Plane K earning a Utilitarial Commendation for the innovative personal reentry vehicle launch and an Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class for docking in orbit and navigating back to KSC runway to land safely. The well framed and sized screenshots are worthy of a special mention because they present a commendably clear, readily understood record of the mission, involving photogenic craft designs, no doubt helped by the EVE mod but owing much to the eye of the mission director. Many thanks for your mission report and welcome to the K-Prize party guest list aka the Roll of Honour.
  23. Congratulations @Tallinu on completing the K-Prize mission achieving a satellite launch and station rendezvous with a safe landing at KSC runway which unquestionably deserves a Utilitarial Commendation and the Advanced Pilot Precision Award 1st Class for the flight of the Prometheus Low Tech SSTO.
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