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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Lol they are definitely some great guys! Total bad asses. I approve of this idea.
  2. I had a failed docking attempt to my space station that lasted almost an hour before I ran out of RCS.
  3. Don't worry, be happy! Try meditation?
  4. That's a good idea... I've been trying to build a shuttle to bring supplies to my space station but I have yet to build one that doesn't flip over immediately after launch.
  5. I have yet to have a crash! (Will have one immediately now)
  6. When I'm up late at night working on my space program I can't go wrong with It's very mellow, and slightly eerie sometimes, but only in the best of ways!Also by Faunts, check out .... any Mass Effect fans?
  7. I just started working on this one today: It needs a little something still. I'll keep working on it a bit.
  8. I miss it because we have no replacement. They were beautiful looking ships and I grew up watching them launch, so I also miss it for nostalgic reasons. Even if they did cost a lot of money, there are about a million other things I would have cut before the shuttle program.
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