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  1. Thanks a ton man! Excellent response times. I had already done what I had asked before you responded, so the sampler is still there, etc.... Do they just not show up, completely not work, or what? Just making sure I dont cause a crash on a 3 day mission or anything if I were to (try to) use them (and forget to remove them later on).
  2. Rad! So I simply go to the older .90 utility and just copy over the movatron parts? Thanks for your help!!! Also, just for clarity, will it work if I subsequently go into the Game data folder (in the utility pack) and simply delete the "struts" folder, leaving the "Misc" and "wheels" folder, then merge "game folder" into the KSP directory as normal? (My lingo may be off, im not entirely computer savvy.)
  3. Hey there Zodius, I dont want to sound impatient, just curious if/when movatrons will be back? I had an awesome foldable rover (based on your video, however manned). It worked perfect for all interplanetary and mun, etc, missions. I would love to recreate it again!
  4. Guys, this might be mentioned previously. I am a veteran player, and am extremely skilled with the gaming aspect, but I am extremely limited on my computer knowledge/skill. So please be nice, and walk me through, as in I need my hand held. I know infernal robotics rework is known to not work nicely with ATM. I have read there is a way to tell ATM to ignore certain parts, so that you can have the two coincide peacefully. Can someone walk me through how to do this? I am on KSP 1.04 with I believe the most recent ATM? (downloaded on 2015/06/20). Thanks in advance everyone! Edit: I guess my question is, everyone references using config files to get ATM to completely ignore IR. My point is, I have no idea what they are referring to, or the process that needs to be accomplished to do so.
  5. Thank you Koran for your constructive input. (Or lack thereof) First I'd like to iterate that I can, and will, write my own posts regardless of what you think. Although you might have discovered KSP in beta, many of us have played sine before there were even such thing as mods. So get off your pedestal and hear someone out once in a while. I do not refuse to move on, in fact after the input from the truly constructive comments here, I installed 1.04 and admit it is at least a little better. That being said, if you had been around prior to beta, you would know that the releases between say .24 and .25 were much smoother. From my point of view, everything was more collected and less rushed. It almost seems as if after steam adopted it, Squad started to see dollar signs, and started rushing products. I am by no means saying that IS what happened, but it sure is interesting that we had better and more stable releases BEFORE the game was even in BETA. Almost ad if it was a work of love, turned into corporatized business. (I am not saying squad doesnt deserve it, they do. In my opinion the work they did and breakthroughs they have made, should earn them millions, as I would have payed much more than what I did back then. That being said, I also only feel that way because of their dedication I have seen through all the early pre-beta versions. This new method of doing things, isn't what we are used to.) Oh yes, I would like to point out that if I WERE to retitle the post as "beta player" I would be lying as Beta is VERY recent to some of us that have been playing much longer.
  6. Hey guys, just updated (once again...) to 1.04.... is KW strictly procedural fairings now? I have played for about 4 hrs since the install, and these fairings are annoying. Why is the decouple now tied into the fairing jettison in staging? It appears that i have to waste group actions if i want to do it properly. I really enjoyed ditching fairings the second I left the atmosphere, now I just create space junk. Also, I miss 2 and 3 piece fairings instead of these several piece 8+ fairings. Is there a fix?
  7. Sure, nobody can tell, but the fact that there are almost a million mechjeb downloads certainly shows some heavy usage of mods. That doesn't even include those like me that don't even use mechjeb, and only use KW, B9 and the likes.
  8. For the most part, I agree. I feel that the stable additions (IE, .24 to .25, .25 to .90) of gameplay add a ton of fun. That being said, The previous releases were all semi-stable, and fairly well ironed out. In regarding to blaming squad, I am not solely blaming them. Simply stating that it is extremely hard for any mod developers to keep up when they can't keep their stuff together. Most of the fanbase plays with mods, and the constant revisions of 1.0 have certainly impacted the development. How you can not put some blame on squad, I do not know. I suppose if you blame me for playing with mods in the first place, but that is not my point. Speaking of which, its not like I am playing with obscure, and uncommon mods. The most broadly used mods B9, etc...
  9. Thank you for such a complete answer! I see a lot of potential in the 1.0 general "ideas," IE; heating, mining, planetary bases, etc. I just felt there was a huge separation from the way things have been done for so many years to now. all of the "ideas" seem to have huge potential, and I really look forward to using them, hence my on the fence feelings between keeping up vs downgrading back to .90 where I was having a ton of fun.
  10. Quite frankly, I feel they tried to rush too many changes. In my opinion, 0.25 (or.90), with an atmosphere built from inspiration from FAR (or at least NEAR), and the additions of mining etc, would have made a more complete release than the current. The heat additions etc, are awesome but so far flawed it is unbelievable. It is ridiculous to have my craft look like a glowing checker board as one wing panel is about to fail (and glowing bright red) meanwhile the one right next to it, or opposite of it, can be good as new. It seems as if not long after STEAM got ahold of KSP, and traffic really started building, did things start to feel rushed. I actually really liked .90 and it gave me confidence that when they did release a finished product, it would be along the same lines. Unfortunately I feel more similarities between .25 and .90 than I do between .90 and 1.0x, and not in the good direction. What are you talking about? I never said Squad was responsible for compatibility. You are acting like an arrogant jerk. I am simply pointing out that without adequate time before releasing new versions, the mods fall behind. It is literally that simple. Do not read so far into it. - - - Updated - - - Got it, so most mods labeled for 1.0x are generally compatible with 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, as the various versions are mostly bug fixes, and not reworks such as in previous releases.
  11. Thanks for the input. Glad I am not the only one frustrated. It seems as if in the past, the larger separation between updates came with more complete updates, with more significant changes. Not just simply tweaks. I am not sure if you noticed, but there are very few players that play mod-free. Most players have a select few necessity mods, and a few nicety mods. Many of us don't update until our necessity mods are there, and then happily wait for the nicety mods. In the case of 1.0+ it is just a Charlie Foxtrot, when it comes to tailoring your game to the way you like to play. By going through so many updates so rapidly, they push out an unfinished, or broken product (hence the recent frustration). It also never allow a decent mod base. Look at .25 or .90 and the variety of mods that were available for any style of game play. With the current mess of updates, you have a handful that work with 1.xx, another handful that work with 1.yy, and even fewer that work with 1.zz. Instead if they held off on the 1.0 release for another 2 months and had EVERYTHING squared away, while the rest of us were playing the stable, and community supported .90, they wouldn't require 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, and now 1.04.
  12. I've been playing KSP since long before the steam crowd showed up. (My first was .14 IIRC) Throughout time I was usually 1 update behind. Most of the time it was due to waiting for my favorite Mods, and the fact that I normally lose most of my content and ships, etc. I am not on 1.02, an I must say for the first time I am disappointed, and considering going back in time. I truly hope that KSP does not continue in this same direction. Long story short, I finally updated because I wanted to mine surfaces, replenish supplies, set up bases, etc. Here is a short list of my current gripes and complaints: - Glowing space craft representing heat damage. Even after pressing F10, half the time certain parts are still a hue of red. Okay, so it is a minor annoyance. - Current Atmosphere and flight physics. 0.90 with FAR in my opinion was the best yet. - Lack of control surface options. Why can't you any longer control deflection, and the amount of input?? Only have the option to activate or deactivate a function is extremely annoying. - The new graphics seem even more cartoon-y. I am not sure how to word this properly, as KSP has always (obviously) been cartoony. That isn't my complaint. My complaint is that many of the new objects just have a dull-ness to them - Rapid updates! What is up with this? We are already on 1.04, when 1.0 came out only 2 months ago! 4 updates? Really? How are mod's supposed to keep up with that? Anyways... These are just a few of my complaints and thoughts. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what I can do to improve my experience? Essentially I LOVED .90, and I really wanted some of the features of 1.0+ (mining, thermal radiators, etc).... Unfortunately, at this point I feel like I have to choose between the two. What are YOUR thoughts and experiences? Lets make this a group discussion. Thanks! Fly safe! -Justin
  13. Does anyone know if 1.0 rework and expansion work with 1.02 ksp? This is really annoying how quickly KSP went from .90 to 1.0, to 1.02 and now 1.03 or is it .04?? It used to be a decent couple of months between... Not not only can I not keep up, but most of my favorite mods! Such as B9!
  14. Thanks obsessed! that worked. Can anyone fill me in on how to find an output log for future reference?
  15. Hey guys, just updated to .90 from .25. With FAR 0.14.7 installed both alone, and in conjunction with other mods, both with ATM and without (basically every scenario, including stand-alone), The FAR tab on the menu (top in game play, bottom left in VAB/SPH) is pure black. Does anyone know why? Physics seem to be okay.
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