Sax Man Times LEGACY 1 EXITS THE KERBALSPHERE, ENTERS INTERSTELLAR SPACE Legacy 1 during the Jool Encounter of '79 Legacy 1 looking beyond the Galatic Skybox SAX MAN SPACE CENTER, KERDOLVA, KEUROPE, KERBIN, 14:35 - Legacy I, after many, many, many, MAANNNYYY, MAAANY, M-(well, you get it.) years in service and being propelled into the interstellar vaccum, Legacy I finally exits the Kerbol Star system, and is now looking beyond the stars for clues of alien life (which may not be added within a few versions from now). Ever since its last encounter with Jool, as well as its planets of Laythe, Vall, and Tylo (which gave it a sudden gravity assist), it has enough power to operate until, well, we don't really keep track of things in the space center anyways, but, it has enough power to operate for a few more years, but not enough to even signal the SSC when its in the realm of the Galaxy. Average signal time is a mere two hour waiting time, because the craft is already at 43265 T meters from the sun, and from that distance, makes contact very hard in the first place. Reguardless of that, it is getting high interstellar radiation signals and cosmic rays from light-years away, and it is headed for the Kalpha Kertauri system (which wouldn't even be added in the first place). Legacy I is headed for the system at a very fast 84,965.5 meters per second, thanks to a large gravity assist from the probes encounters with the Mun, Duna, Ike, and Jool with its inner moons. "Once we find them aliens, we shall blow the hell out of them, so we can make mo- umm... Lets say, Peace?" Epic Sax Guy, CEO of Sax Man Aeronautics speaks. Currently, Legacy I may be far away from the Sun, but it will carry the Golden Record, which will carry on the Kerbal Race for thousands (and even millions) of years.