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Sax Man Aeronautics

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Everything posted by Sax Man Aeronautics

  1. What happened to the Eeloo stage of the tour while I was gone?
  2. Oh, ok. I downloaded RT2 and I didn't see a config. I just ran the game and the cfg is there. Thanks!
  3. How do I remove the rescaled masses without taking out the fuel/thrust tweaks?
  4. Will the RSS + PlanetFactory config be updated to support the new Urania system made for Planetfactory CE?
  5. Can you upload an updated userCloudLayers file to fix this issue?
  6. I tried to rescale the cloud swap distance by a multiplier of 10, but still no clouds.
  7. rbray, There is this one Real Solar System plug in config that uses PlanetFactory, Universal Replacer, this mod, and RSS (of course), and it reconfigures the Kerbol system to remake the RL solar system. When I installed it with the nessecary mods, the clouds (excluding city lights) do not show up on any of the atmospheric bodies at all. Is there any solution to this, or is this a bug that needs to be fixed? A fix for this would be perfect. -S.M.A. Link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-v5-5-KSP23-fix-12-23-13?p=894879&viewfull=1#post894879
  8. rbray, how do I load up specific textures for specific bodies with the Alt + N menu?
  9. Sorry about my tone, I was just a bit frustrated about the clouds not appearing at first. Thank you for the fixes, as they do work! EDIT: Second time I launched KSP, it didn't work at all anymore.
  10. When I installed the RSS config, some clouds don't appear in the game. The places that have no clouds are: Kerbin, Eve, Jool, Sentar, Erin, Skelton, and Laythe, which is pretty much all atmoshperic bodies. Is there a solution to this? Reply ASAP.
  11. Is there any config for RSS that can recreate the solar system, with PlanetFactory installed?
  12. The Parent star unleashes a massive storm of hydrogen and helium gases that will be flown into a far orbit above the star, and then the huge amount of hydrogen and helium gases surround an unknown bigger-than-earth "planet" and creates a huge ice giant. This ice giant is known as Forahaulst, about 2 billion km away from the parent star.
  13. How come Saturn's rings aren't inclined with respect to its axis?
  14. I have a suggestion for a planet: Athool (Neptune of the game) Farther out than Serious VERY thin rings Four very cold moons (Iros, Balbot, Cringe, Jebediah) EXTREMELY COLD (teeth crackle) Thinner-than-Jool's Atmosphere
  15. Nathan, will your Real Solar System be able to be used for Krag's planet factory, like Sentar being resized to the mass of Saturn?
  16. For the new planet, I think they should implement Sentar from Krag's Planet Factory Mod into the Game, and make Kragathea a KSP developer, for planets that is.
  17. Is there ANY way to disable Communication delay? When I sent a lander to Laythe, it crashed because of the communication lag, which is why I want to know how to disable it.
  18. You should add a guidance system which automatically makes the telescope move absolutely precisely and stay at its posistion. i.e. Manuvering the telescope VERY slowly to look at something up close thats very far, such as jool.
  19. Humanity will forever remember this man that stood up to racial oppression, and if anything, ended all of it.
  20. Since I don't really like serious in this mod, I just hyper edited it to be super far away, and I put Joker in a Pluto-equivalent orbit around Kerbol. Now its time to do a New Horizons mission.
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