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Everything posted by Scarecrow88

  1. Mine went very well, and didn't seem particularly difficult. Straight forward mission that just got the job done as planned. Slowing down for orbital insertion Planting the obligatory flag Leaving for home I can't remember which version I did that in, possibly 0.19 or 0.20 but I still have the game files and saves from all the earlier versions I have played, and I believe the lander is still orbiting Eeloo in that particular save.
  2. I'm confused too. You call the challenge the One jet flyer, and then say we can use 1-4 rockets!? I suggest you go and read the guidelines for posting challenges.
  3. It's my go to engine for small 2-stage single man Mun landers. One engine on each of the descent and ascent stages and your good to go.
  4. What's to stop someone climbing above 1000m and then diving to gain speed before taking a picture once below 1000m?
  5. I found Moho was one of the most difficult planets to visit with a manned lander. If I remember rightly I too had to send a refuelling mission due to the insane burn required to get captured.
  6. I think Roger Dean may have beaten those guys by several years. He was painting his floating landmasses back in the 70's. In fact he has filed a lawsuit against Cameron and Avatar for breach of copyright, so alike are the scenes in the film to some of his paintings.
  7. As far as I know you can't swap between vehicles when they are throttled up. The only way I have been able to do any formation flying is in orbit.
  8. Reload the backup copy you made before you started changing things. Won't have the changes you want, but at least it will load.
  9. It looks as if you have at least 14 jumbo tanks on there, whereas I am only using 13, so how is yours less, unless you are counting the second stage I have on mine?
  10. I managed 20 without resorting to the command chair. Think the same craft might do 23 if you substitute a 3 man capsule at the top in place of the command pod, battery and SAS control.
  11. My guess is that the math behind the physics engine isn't accurate enough to fine tune an orbit to the level of accuracy required to hit such a small target. Trying to get a 3 man pod through, there is absolutely no margin for error, which I believe would make that particular option impossible.
  12. That Minmus video isn't proof that this mission is not impossible. For one, the hoop is quite a bit bigger. Secondly, you'll notice that the hoop is on wheels. My bet is that the person who made that video, set his orbit up first, and when it was low enough, moved the hoop in to position so that the orbiting craft would go through it. The rules for setting challenges state that the poster should include his own result to show that the challenge is possible. By his own admission the OP has stated that he hasn't been able to do this challenge yet.
  13. Now that's one easter egg I would definitely make a point of visiting if it ever emerges from the subterranean depths it currently inhabits.
  14. My latest version no longer has the comms antenna or any scientific instruments, but apart from that is unchanged. I'll see if I can separate it from the launch vehicle in the VAB and save it as a sub-assembly for you. ETA: Here it is Eagle Lander craft As said above, the entire lander has enough fuel to land and return to orbit. I usually have my command module at about 25000m orbit. If launching just the ascent stage, the decoupler and ascent engine should be in the same stage to decouple and fire at the same time. I usually start at about 2/3 throttle as it doesn't take much being so small. Before throttling up prior to staging, remember to deactivate the lander engine. The ascent stage doesn't have a lot of fuel, but as long as you are not wasteful, you have enough to return to orbit (25k) and rendezvous with a command module. It isn't fitted with RCS, so I do final manoeuvring for docking using the command module. Have fun.
  15. I found it too restrictive. I've had a lot of fun flying everywhere and making wonderful ships in sandbox mode, and to suddenly find I had to reign back my endeavours to fulfil science requirements with limited parts was no fun at all, so I gave up playing career mode.
  16. This one is a little over-engineered, but it was designed for a contest on another forum, and had to be easy to fly for other pilots. In that regard the descent stage has plenty of fuel to get to the surface, as well as return and dock with the orbiting command ship. However, it was designed as a 2-stage lander and flies really nicely in that mode too.
  17. Aesthetically it's sometimes useful to use clipping, but as already noted it can cause problems, which often show up when you time warp.
  18. I will add you to the leaderboard now. Glad you had fun with it.
  19. Someone else mentioned the Kraken at Jeb's location, so I downloaded the saved file and played it all the way through without the same problems. I am wondering if it might be influenced by the graphic settings that someone is running, or possibly what mods they have installed. Either way, it seems that it has only affected a couple of people, so I am not sure I want to change anything at this stage in case it introduces another problem somewhere else. The buildings aren't locked, so I am not sure why you would be having a problem there. Ultimately, I hoped you enjoyed the challenge despite the few hiccups you encountered, and if you have a completion time, I will be happy to add it to the leaderboard.
  20. No one gets left behind. If a mission suffers a problem all other missions get put on hold until the affected Keebals are back home or back on course.
  21. Although my full Apollo style craft doesn't look much like the Apollo vehicles, and uses asparagus staging for efficiency, it pretty much follows the flight profile and is fun to fly. I especially like the lander I did. Again, it's not a replica of the Apollo lander, being quite a bit smaller and is only for 1 person, but it is 2 stage to give that authentic feel.
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