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Everything posted by Scarecrow88

  1. Pre 0.21 I had stations around Duna, Mun, Minmus and two around Kerbin, with bases on Mun and Minmus. Not sure what the total crew capacity was, but it was quite a few. Post 0.21 I have nothing,
  2. I've only just started playing around in the SPH, but Jeb and Bill seem to like what I have managed to produce so far, and even went for a spot of formation orbiting in my SSTO design.
  3. Once you have de-orbited, landing is just a matter of controlling your speed so that when you arrive at the surface you are going slow enough not to crash. After completing your de-orbit burn, just keep you craft pointed retrograde and manage your speed. You need to be doing less than 10 m/s when your each the ground.
  4. Can only assume it's browser incompatibility. Mouse works fine and I think I know how to get drop down menus to appear.
  5. Nope, not getting any drop down menus with moons.
  6. I have looked at that interactive map before, but it only has the planets. Is there something similar that shows the moons?
  7. The important thing with rendezvous manoeuvres is that you try not to rush it. If your target is 20km or less away, and if you are approaching at more than 100m/s, chances are that it will flash past before you have registered how close you are getting or had a chance to slow down. When you are closing with your target, keep an eye on the target and prograde markers on your nav ball. If the prograde marker is not on the target marker, it means that you are going to drift by and that at some point you will need to kill your closing speed and then burn again towards your target. You may need to repeat this process in decreasing increments until you get close enough to switch to RCS for final docking.
  8. I start off by considering what sort of components I will want my station to have, fuel, habitat, comms etc.,as well as how many of each. I then build a basic framework structure with docking ports which will form the basis of my station. Once this is in orbit, it's then just a relatively straight forward matter of sending up the parts to dock with the basic structure to build the station up.
  9. The last time I did something like this, I still did my gravity turn as if I was going in to orbit around Kerbin, but just kept burning until my Apo intercepted Mun orbit and gave me an intercept. If I remember I just launched slightly earlier than if I was doing an ejection burn from orbit, so the Mun was just below the horizon.
  10. Mine took : 5 large SRB for first stage, arranged to fire as 4 in onion arrangement, and a single large SRB firing when the first four ran out. 1 large SRB for second stage 1 small SRB for circularising burn 4 sepratrons to de-orbit. Fun challenge and took me a few goes to come up with an arrangement and flight profile that was successful.
  11. You used to be able to do that but the anomalies don't twinkle near as much as they used to in the last version, which makes them extremely difficult to spot from low orbit.
  12. You need to set the stranded ship as a target. This will give you a new target marker on the nav ball. Burn towards this without going mad on the speed. Once you get closer or if the distance between the two starts to get bigger rather than smaller, turn to burn retrograde to kill your relative velocity, and then burn towards your target marker again. It's usually best to do this in lots of small, relatively slow steps, rather than in one big one, until you really know what you are doing. This should allow you to close the gap down sufficiently to get your craft close enough to allow your stranded Kerbal to EVA across to the rescue ship.
  13. More achievement pictures. In the last couple of days I have managed to successfully send probes out to the Jool system. First flights were to put satellites around the moons. That was followed by a couple of flights carrying 2 lander probes each to put a lander on all the moons except Bop (eccentric and elliptical orbit is putting me off trying for that one for the time being.) Laythe. The atmosphere on Laythe was a bonus in helping to get my lander down safely. Aimed for the biggest bit of land I was flying over to give me the largest room for error. Vall. Found this similar to landing on Mun, so not too many difficulties. Tylo. Found this the most difficult as I struggled to kill my orbital speed, and the lack of atmosphere and a fairly strong gravity all conspired to wreck my attempts at a safe landing. Pol. This I found the easiest, due to the low speeds and low gravity - very much like Minmus. Rocky terrain and trying to avoid landing on a steep incline was my only concern. This will probably be my first target for a manned landing in the Jool system.
  14. That should be start your burn at T -10 secs. You will be finishing your burn at T +10 secs.
  15. What I have found when adding probes radially is that once you have detached one, it unbalances the remaining carrier craft making it difficult to control. For multiple probe delivery vehicles I prefer to stack them inline.
  16. right click on the first tank and then alt+right click on the second tank. That will bring up readings for both tanks at the same time as well as giving you the option to transfer fuel in/out.
  17. If Einstein believed they were theoretically possible, that's good enough for me to believe they exist.
  18. Is Jebidiah any relation to the famous Jebediah? The last flag I planted read: "Now you know how Scott felt when he finally reached the South Pole!"
  19. From the sound of it, it's not the game that's unstable it's your mods. Yes the game has a few glitches, but the fact that removing mods improves things should tell you something.
  20. Circularising orbit would be a simple matter of doing your burn at peri or apo without affecting both if your burn was instantaneous, but it's not. I find that burning slightly off the prograde marker, pointing towards the sky or ground (depending on whether I am approaching or already past the burn point) helps to keep things from changing too much.
  21. How about a wormhole gate? The wormhole could be an easter egg that has to be found, and entering it would be the equivalent of 10,000,000,000x time warp that others are advocating. The travel time could be used to load up the new system, so it wouldn't need to interact with the Kerbol system, and as wormholes are known to exist, it would be semi-realistic.
  22. I used this one to drop a small probe rover on Duna. https://www.dropbox.com/s/327s5sjdv7sqemf/Duna%20Rover.craft The lifter stage is a bit OTT as I borrowed it from another mission that sent something a bit heavier to Duna, and the crane that drops on to the surface before releasing the rover is also a bit overpowered for the weight it's carrying, but it works.
  23. Scott Manley has indeed posted a video about the time it takes to travel interstellar distances. For KSP, it would be possible to make another system closer than in real life, but it would still take an age to get there. I like the idea of easter eggs in the game that, once all found, provide you with the resources to build a Stargate type structure that opens up the possibility of travelling to other solar sustems
  24. I started a similar thread when I first managed a successful landing on Mun, and even though I've been playing a few months now, I still love going back there. Only yesterday I was flying missions to the southern region trying to find the crashed saucer, so that I could plant a flag there to make it easier to find for future visits.
  25. I'd like to see a more developed version of the crew roster, which also keeps track of the mission time and flags up a reminder they need relieving when they reach a set mission time input by the user. I'd also like to see an official version of the modular build mod. I tried it and whilst it was very useful I found it a bit buggy. Being able to design a generic part and be able to use it on a variety of ships without having to start from scratch each time is really useful.
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