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Everything posted by Scarecrow88

  1. Are you in map mode when the camera stops following you? If so, the centre of focus defaults to Kerbin. To get it too focus on your craft, just double click it. You can also cycle through different objects to focus on by pressing the TAB key.
  2. The tutorials are up to date. I've just tried the two the OP mentioned to see if I could recreate his problem, and the craft are using parts that were introduced in the latest update. They worked fine for me. The only thing I could think of were you trying to change your orbit height whilst in map mode and if you were, did you have the nav ball on view, as you can't control your ship in map mode if the nav ball is hidden.
  3. No it's not the craft, it's a message across the top of the game window (I don't play full screen) that says "Kerbal Space Program (Not Responding)". It usually lasts for a few seconds before waking up again.
  4. Does anyone else suffer from Not Responding several times during a game, or is it just me? The reason I ask is that I am running KSP on two computers, with different versions of Windows and I am experiencing this on both machines, which makes me think it might be a game problem rather than a computer problem, hence the question.
  5. Don't worry, I found it in 0.20 where the sparkly pixel syndrome is more prominent. ETA: How do you change the status to Answered?
  6. Does anyone have the coordinates for the crashed saucer on the Mun? I don't use Mechjeb, so won't be flying there on autopilot. Rather, I'd like to fly somewhere in the vicinity and then send out a rover to do a more specific search. At the moment I have Jeb out on a recce in the rough area of where I believe it to be, but being so southerly and the weak sunlight, he is literally stumbling around in the dark. He is currently at 65 54 16 S, 67 49 26 W but I haven't got a clue which direction to send him next to get closer or, if he is still some way off, whether he needs to return to his ship to do a short hop.
  7. My craft to Duna and back used a nuclear engine for transfer both ways, and a separate lander for going to the surface and returning to orbit. All that was plonked on a lifter beefy enough to get it in to Kerbin orbit, and it was good to go.
  8. I'm trying to keep my game fairly stock, but have added a few mods that I would like to think will make their way in to the standard game at some point. I use Kerbal Alarm Clock - very useful if you have several flights on the go at once as it helps to make sure that you don't miss an important event, like executing a manoeuvre node, by drawing your attention to the ship in question Lazer docking cam - doesn't dock for you, but looks like something NASA used for their docking manoeuvres, and it definitely helps in the docking process RCSbuild - helps with the placement of RCS thrusters in relation to the centre of mass. Correct placement minimises unwanted side effects i.e. movement in the wrong direction when performing translation manoeuvres Protractor - gives an easy to read table of when transfer windows open for transferring to other planets in the system.
  9. I have found that with 0.21 the anomalies on Mun don't sparkle as much, which makes them much more difficult to spot from low orbit.
  10. It is quite an awesome video, and the first time I've seen a landing performed like that, but I'd like to see how that approach would work with the bigger contour changes we have on the 0.21 Mun.
  11. Given that this is a forum populated by people who probably have a vague interest in space, given the nature of the game we are playing, I'm surprised how many suggestions are being put forward that concern some sort of space flight. 25 years prior to the first moon landing in 1969 takes us back to 1944, when the majority of the civilised world was still at each others throats a.k.a. World War II. I was never brilliant at history, but other than the V2's making extended hops from continental Europe to London, I don't recall too many space flights taking place during that particular conflict.
  12. You'll get in to orbit no probs using full thrust, but it's not the most fuel efficient way of doing it if you're exceeding 200m/s early in the flight. Your using a load of fuel to overcome a shed load of drag created by the thickest part of the atmosphere at low altitudes.
  13. Hands up to say I too am old enough to have been able to watch it live. One of those moments that will always be in your memory.
  14. Oh, as an aside, if you intend to play the demo for a while due to lack of funds to buy the full version, I know for sure that the memorial easter egg on the Mun is present in the demo. Not sure about the others, but that will give you something to look for when you become comfortable going to the Mun. ETA. Have just checked, and at least one of the arches is present in the demo as well as the memorial.
  15. For something that is ground based, I have found the standard ports perfectly adequate. Senior ports work better for me when used on space based structures.
  16. Docking mode does seem to work better, as it doesn't evoke the torque reaction you get in staging mode that tries to either steer the vehicle or turn it over.
  17. Someone asked in another thread if it was possible to build a rocket capable of going to the Mun and back using just the parts that are available in the demo. As it was a while since I played the demo, and only then for a very short while before buying the full version, I downloaded it again to see what it was capable of. And yes, the demo indeed has the parts necessary to build a Mun capable craft. As a taster, the demo allows you to practise a variety of options that the game is capable of, which is usually more than enough for most people to move on to the full version.
  18. Just build a rover, and send them to one of Kerbin's beaches in it. Can't think of too many people who wouldn't enjoy a retirement somewhere beside the sea. You could even build a 'base' there in which they could live.
  19. It's been a while since I played the demo, so have just downloaded it and built a craft that I have just flown to the Mun and back. The first stage uses an additional set of 4 boosters arranged asparagus style to get in to Kerbin orbit. The second stage is good enough to get to the Mun, as well as perform the braking to establish Munar orbit and still have enough fuel to perform the initial descent burn for braking. The landing stage then has enough fuel to perform the final slowing down for landing as well as taking off again back in to orbit and transfer back to Kerbin. In fact on the flight I have just done, I would normally discard the fuel tank/engine/landing legs and bring the capsule down with the parachute, but I still had enough fuel left to bring the complete lander down to land on it's legs. If you want to have a go, the craft can be downloaded here :- https://www.dropbox.com/s/9r1csry7cp9rgpo/Mun%20Lander.craft
  20. A couple of lost rockets is no biggie in the scheme of things. For all of us playing version 0.20, we lost everything with the release of 0.21. For me that included bases on Mun and Minmus, space stations around each, as well as a couple of space stations around Kerbin. Given that each of those took several launches to assemble, recreating them is going to be a lengthy business. But has it put me off the game, of course not. I just view it as an opportunity to make small improvements on the original designs as well as giving me reasons for launching several missions. Before trying to recreate your multiple satellite system, why not just create a 'Test' account and practise putting things in to orbit, as well as adjusting the orbit as necessary. Once you become comfortable doing that, launching several satellites in to orbit will become a piece of cake. Same goes with Mun landings. Start off with a simple lander with which to practise and as you become confident with your landings, you can move on to bigger things or maybe start learning how to land on a specific spot, essential if you ever want to put a base together.
  21. I recently put together a new Mun or Minmus craft that has plenty of fuel for either destination, flies without any drama, and has a lander with fairly wide landing gear and a relatively low centre of gravity to help avoid landing tip overs. Basically it's beginner friendly for someone wishing to make those first tentative steps to visit either moon with a 3 man crew. It's all stock and was built in 0.21 More images and a link to the craft download file can be found in another thread I started :- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43186-Moon-craft-for-beginners
  22. This vehicle is ideal for newcomers struggling to build a craft suitable for getting a 3 man crew to either of Kerbin's moons, Mun or Minmus. It uses asparagus staging for the initial lift stage. Shortly after jettisoning the second set of tanks, you should be high enough to start your gravity turn. After establishing your parking orbit around Kerbin, you should still have a tiny amount of fuel left in your final 1st stage tank. However, as the vehicle isn't fitted with RCS for manoeuvring, ditching the tank makes the craft slightly more responsive for lining up on manoeuvre nodes. The second stage has plenty of fuel for your burn to reach the Mun, as well as slowing you down again to establish Munar orbit. In fact you should have enough fuel left in the second stage to be able to use it to perform your initial burns to de-orbit and to start your descent to the surface. If you have flown conservatively, despite being close enough to the surface to finally ditch the second stage, you will probably find that it still has fuel in it. The landing stage has a wide stance tripod landing gear arrangement which should help with touching down without tipping over. By default, extending the ladders for EVA are assigned to the number 4 action group key. The lander is a simple single stage affair, which doesn't require you to leave bits behind, or to dock with a command pod in Munar orbit before setting off back to Kerbin. As with the previous stages, the landing stage should have enough fuel to get you back to Kerbin on a sub-orbital trajectory with some to spare, unless you have been really ham-fisted with your ejection burn to leave the Mun. All that remains once back in the atmosphere of Kerbin is to dump the engine/tanks/legs and to deploy the chute. If you'd like to have a go with this craft, you can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pjodilzk64m341p/Munar%20III.craft p.s. It is also just as happy going to Minmus.
  23. As has already been said in this thread and on others, the Armstrong memorial is still there. If you are relying on spotting sparkly pixels to locate it my experience is that they are not so sparkly now, making it more difficult to spot from low orbit.
  24. I actually had a rescue station in orbit around Kerbin. That was fitted with escape pods that could get the crew back to the surface if anything happened to the station. Docked to it was a vessel used for normal transfer of crew to the surface, a craft fitted out to dock to craft in the local system in case anything ran out of fuel. That would bring them back to the station for transfer to the surface. Finally I had a lander craft fitted out to rescue stranded Kerbals on either the Mun or Minmus.
  25. The memorial is still there though I didn't find it quite so easy to spot as the flickering pixel syndrome didn't seem to be so obvious. Didn't spot it at all on my first pass over in low orbit.
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