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Everything posted by Aqua667

  1. 100 KM for most things, 125 for interplanetary things. I will go to 600 KM if i have to warp at 10000x for some reason.
  2. Skipper is amazing! Great for heavyish payload's final circulazation burn (as stated before), or as a booster engine when I don't need the brutal mainsail. I like how the engine nozzle looks, dark carbon fiber/tungsten carbine colored. Before the skipper it was from 220 Kn on the poodle to 1500 on the mainsail.
  3. WOHA Big picture! Voltz Antimatter!
  4. Wait, so was everything was permanently screwed up, even after reloading the game? And I never managed to implode the universe, even when I actually try.
  5. You performed an unintended gravity assist. Also, when warping around in the Kerbin system, NEVER go above 10000x warp. you should only use 10000x when transfering to other planets or in solar orbit.
  6. My craft are usually 75-150 parts, unless they're multilpe ships docked together (stations, interplanetary vehicles). Not sure about tonnage. My crafts range from 4 tons (My miniature launcher) to 250+ (Eve orbiter and drop probe)
  7. Could i join the Mainsail Initiative? My county's name is Keland (Kerland didn't sound right). My username is the same as my forum name.
  8. I just did that a week ago on a short-haul flight. I didn't actually get to play because my laptops batteries are screwed up (3-5 minutes of charge!). I got to the loading scene though.
  9. The only problem simulating a whole freaking universe on your computer would make it explode, unless everything was on rails. Everything would have to be procedurally generated, like Space Engine. Would be really fun though.
  10. I don't really no about the exhaust, maybe switch to the RCS or Mini-flame ones. For electricity, you have to have the part consume a NEGATIVE amount, not add a positive amount.
  11. One of the best KSP Missions I've seen! The music is really nice too. NASA could learn a thing or two from this guy.
  12. I'm pretty sure the XL would be worse off because it has a higher mass, making your vessel weight a little bit more. It says something about structural integrity too, so they might make it easier to break/less G-force tolerant in the furture.
  13. Building on what Wayfare said, I'm pretty sure the upper 2 stages have enough deltaV to reach LKO by themselves.
  14. I used it once, on my low solar orbit probe. I only put 1 ion, but the probe could of supported 10+. Its wasn't that bad, probably because the probe only weighed 2 tons.
  15. However, oxygen's spectra is mostly green and violet, not blue Also ammonia is made up of nitrogen and Hydrogen. Hydrogen's spectra is mostly cyan with a little red and violet And nitrogen's spectra is a pretty rainbow Considering that water and ammonia are mostly hydrogen, it is not the ocean reflecting the sky's color, but the water directly reflecting blue light. (I just killed my earlier dissolved copper/cobalt argument ). For the bathtub argument the water is the color of your ceiling because the bathtub is usually the same color as the ceiling. Fill a colored cup/mug/bowl up with water and the water's "color" should be the container's color. Light reflected off the container pass through the water and into your eyes.
  16. I play Minecraft. I almost never touch the forums or any other site except the wiki. There's a lot of "nooby" guys on minecraft. Go on any large server and there's always a few people begging for diamonds. If I play Minecraft, its on my friends server where we all know each other. Beside a good amount of the MC community will troll, grief, laugh at, or otherwise treat you like dirt, just because they played longer than you. And their unrealistic space mods *cough* galacticraft *cough* really annoy me. I mean really, flying 400 blocks up with NO OXIDIZER gets you into orbit! Screw Logic!
  17. When you catch yourself walking, YES WALKING like a kerbal... When you wonder how much DeltaV you have expended... When you laugh at your friends for not knowing what prograde means.... You hum the VAB tune...
  18. I've only killed 2, both of which were not Jeb, Bill or Bob. They magically came back to life later.?!!?
  19. I remember Scott Manley did a video on this, something like "what does it take to reach light speed". Apparently at 2000 GM, (or was it 20000 GM) the sun stops growing any smaller, and theoretically, the numbers will eventually overflow to -1, so you "circumnavigate" the KSP Universe, the game crashes, or you crash into the sun.
  20. If Laythe was covered with ammonia, it would be covered in cleaning chemicals! Liquid ammonia is clear, so there's probably something else in the oceans, maybe dissolved cobalt or copper?
  21. Shouldn't this be in the questions section?. Anyways, you don't need 40 RCS thrusters on that station. You should put them on the back of the payload. and decouple them after the module is docked. You also don't need so many gigantors and batteries. Make a single electrical module with 4 solars and 2 or 3 battery disks.
  22. Woah, look at that wall of plasma shock! How did you make it not tip over? (Like must decoupler powered crafts do)
  23. Unifying Unity... Scattering scatters... Breaking the 4th wall... Taking up RAM... Loading models... Painting Kerbals green... Orbiting... Calculating DeltaV...
  24. Sure, I could probably do that. I should probably hurry before .21 breaks save though.
  25. I'm working on an entry: Study of the Upper Limits of Parachutes Tests are done on Kerbin with various chutes and crafts of various sizes. This probably goes in rocketry or general. Basically I'm launching dead weights of different masses (1 t, 2, 3, 5,) with either 1 standard chute or 2 radials, and if I have time maybe a drogue chute. Launches are always conducted with a single small solid booster.
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