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White Rider

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Everything posted by White Rider

  1. Ignore anyone trolling you for using MechJeb. It's a single player sandbox game. They have no right to. As a relative newbie myself (only had the game a week) I can manually (no MechJeb) get into stable and near perfect orbits, land on the Mun, Minmus, return, and dock... Arguably the hardest maneuver in the game. However my laptop is old and sloooooow. So I installed MechJeb when it got to the the point where coming within range of my space station/moon base got me down to 1fps. Much better. It just allows me to do the things that would be impossible due to lag.
  2. Anything you want! Take it slow at first and build small. Get used to the basics of orbital mechanics first before you try anything else. A lot of new people see all these parts in the VAB and just attatch EVERYTHING... Bad idea. Also remember that although there are a bunch of planets and moons around Kerbol (the sun), the planet Kerbin is worthy of in investigation too. Flying around Kerbin/using it to test landers etc is a good way to train yourself how to land and stuff, which will save you heartache of not training first and subsequently crash landing on the Mun. Lol.
  3. Is your task bar still at the bottom of the screen? If it is, swing it round to the side for a minute and you should be able to hit the bottom buttons on settings to apply. Just set it to full screen mode and you shouldn't have any issues in the future.
  4. After watching a rather haphazard video (Dad3) about KSP a week ago I figured I'd try the demo and get a feel for it myself as it looked promising. I must say, bang up job guys. Even for an alpha release KSP is one of my favourite games. Played around until I had a hang on the controls (watching some Scott M tutorials certainly helps) and pretty much decided to get the full release instantly. Now I'm in the middle of building a Mun base, I have a refuelling station around Mun, and I'm trying to reverse engineer an SSTO Spaceplane from here. (I can get one of my own into orbit... But it doesn't look pretty.) I did have another rather large space station with connected fuel depot around Kerbin that I accidentally "ended mission"... But alas. It just means I get another chance to build it "from the ground up" fixing previous oversights. TL-DR (Woooo, that wall of text built fast.): Great game... Try not to click "End mission" when focused on your massive space stations.
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