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Everything posted by Sandworm

  1. Issue: Very cool mod, but I'm having issues with the probe-sized claw. It animated, but doesn't want to attach to the rock. Potential source: I'm using moduelmanager 2.1.0, not the 1.5.7 that came with the pack. Might that be the problem?
  2. I made a very basic cfg to configure HGR parts for realfuels (so I can use them with real-sized kerbin/earth mods). This file makes them work under realfuels. They function, but I would not say that they are "balanced" just yet. Place the cfg in your realfuels directory. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zx5ljbm03cy7dgz/HGR_RealFuels.cfg *I didn't include the radial tank or service modules as setting a single volume for them seemed wrong.
  3. I made a very basic cfg to configure HGR parts for realfuels (so I can use them with real-sized kerbin/earth mods). This file makes them work under realfuels. They function, but I would not say that they are "balanced" just yet. Place the cfg in your realfuels directory. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zx5ljbm03cy7dgz/HGR_RealFuels.cfg *I didn't include the radial tank or service modules as setting a single volume for them seemed wrong.
  4. Version 0.04 is up. I added some engine telemetry experiments that might make you think twice before dropping stages. Science rewards have also been increased because I kept killing kerbals trying to get into orbit using only 1.25m parts. Location-specific science is certainly needed in vanilla KSP. But I'm working with RSS, where you cannot get to other planets until you are already deep into the tech tree. So the default low/high limitations suffice. Part and location-specific science might also need lots of documentation. I would be very frustrated if, after landing on Vale, I found out that I had brought the wrong part.
  5. New version (0.03) is up. I'm playtesting it on my RSS instance atm. There are custom experiments for 1/2/3/4 man pods, the cupola and the sci lab. Some, but not all, use TAC resources. I don't see any conflicts but need more eyes before moving forwards with lots of new experiments.
  6. Wow. Thanks. I'm at work atm but I'll have a look at using that DLL when I get home. I didn't want to do a full plugin because i thought of this mod as more authorship than coding, fleshing out story/science content rather adding new capabilities. But I cannot think of a way to make science cost resources/time/money without a plugin. So having someone provide an already-proven dll lets me stick to what I intended. The new ground for this mod will be very part/location-specific science. For instance I've got an experiment ("Film an Imax movie") that is only available on the cupola part when in low-kerbin space. I would much rather have such things earn money/fame but those concepts won't be available for many months (ie .25/.26 or later).
  7. Thanks. I do have something working using the transmit function, basically just adding Oxygen/Food etc to each sent packet, but it's causing havoc with the standard science experiments. I cannot force certain experiments to use certain antenna. I might just steal your resourceExperiment/resourceExpCost and make Dmagic a requirment.
  8. (a) This isn't for everyone. I had science-related issues when playing with real-sized solar systems and am trying to correct that specific problem. ( That's my point. Update and question: I've figured out how to manage all of the new experiments and add them to the various pods via wildcards. Module manager makes that very simple. The issue I am having is with the consumption of resources. Is it possible for an experiment to instantly consume resources using module manager? I am able to consume various resources when transmitting data, but I would prefer to have the resources deducted instantly at the time the experiment is performed. The only other mod I've seen that does this (Ltech) did so via a plugin, something I want to avoid. Other than that, I should have the experiments ready for playtesting once I've written the needed results texts.
  9. Thanks for the feedback, but .... um ... no. Experiments that take time is a great idea, but cannot be accomplished without a custom plugin. Even then, it never works as intended (see interstellar's science lab functionality). I want to stick to simple changes via module manager. The consumption of life-support resources the only analogue for time that can be implemented via module manager. I don't intend just a little O2 and food. A year-long study of four kerbals in orbit would use a HUGE amount of resources, requiring a significant station be built in orbit. So dropping life support requirements would defeat the purpose. The media interview / guitar thing is just because someone was ask my opinion of Chris Hadfield and all I could say is that he played a mean guitar.
  10. RealSimpleScience (now playable, but still a WIP) Problem: I've been trying to play real solar under career mode but keep running running out of usable science. Sandbox is fun, but some mods (interstellar) don't play well without progression. Imho the various biomes of kerbin are also too unpredictable under RSS and, frankly, aren't very realistic even in vanilla. Solution: More space/atmo science closer to kerbin, none of which is biome-dependant. Problem: Squad's concept of science and rewards is radically different than mine. Whereas Squad wants players to repeat the same experiments with the same parts in multiple locations, I want to perform different, part and location-specific experiments. Ideally, science should be handed out for mission accomplishments such as intercepts and first dockings. But I don't want to bother with dlls. So instead I'm using module manager to rearrange science parts and add new experiments modelled on historic missions. Solution: Custom experiments attached to specific parts and places. Pre-release ToDo list: Customized experiments for all 1/2/3/4-man pods -- done Custom experiments for sci lab -- done. Telemetry experiments for normal/ion engines -- done Part-specific experiments for cupola, station hub, antenna and other parts -- partially done. Nerf Sci lab to make it useful -- done. Enforce min crew limits Limit experiments to specific areas Flesh out witty remarks. Balance science rewards. -- partially done. Move temp/baro/accel parts to earlier nodes in tree. Download (V0.04): https://www.dropbox.com/s/eegpazzk5ejshdd/RealSimpleScience_v0.04.rar Older versions: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7wsc4h3yydywm79/JNSJqlT7Dj Dependencies: Module Manager http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 DMagic Module Science Animate V0.4 (included in download) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72466 License: Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ All thanks to DMagic for providing the plugin necessary for these experiments to actually consume resources. * This mod adds lots of science points to KSP, most all of it near kerbin/mun. It is meant to make career mode playable under RSS and other full-scale versions of KSP. Don't complain to me if it makes careers in normal-sized KSP too easy.
  11. Great mod. I just spent a few hours reenacting Almaz. This mod is what KSP should be. Stock KSP really lacks perspective in comparison. More pics: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1411-My-Day-with-Reality
  12. I'm in exactly the same place. No extra module managers. I think it;s burning up at 5gs regardless of shielding. I cannot find a reentry that doesn't eventually hit that 5g mark. I think I'm just going to ditch deadly reentry.
  13. No. If running KSP as admin solves your issues, then figure out what permissions it needs and setup a user with those. Do not run any game, ever, as admin. That's basic computer hygiene, but add the fact that KSP is running community-generated code (mods) and you are just asked for trouble. If you cannot get along without running KSP as admin/root, then setup an OS (I suggest ubuntu) dedicated to KSP and use it for nothing else whatsoever. Admin and root are for admin tasked, not everyday use.
  14. Thanks for the linux fix. Linux users: Blame Squad, not blizzy. The problem stems from them not fully identifying linux builds.
  15. That's only on the windows version. The Linux versions never get an exact build number. Squad exports the linux version under only "v0.23.5.0" regardless of the actual build. It was the same with .22 and .23. If a compatibility checker is looking for an exact number, the linux builds will always be different than the windows. I'm getting the same error with the toolbar and precise node plugins. It's just an error message due to an error in the compatibility checker. The plugins work perfectly well.
  16. Downloading now. Have to go to gym atm, but my evening is booked for ARM.
  17. Two options: (1) They have an update ready for release and are ramping up the hype machine for a second try. (2) Squad has repeated it's mistake by allowing the media team to start the hype machine without something to release. If 2 is true, April fools shall not save them.
  18. And they just turned it off. Kerbals kan keep their Ks
  19. I wonder if this widespread use of wildcards might open the forum to some sort of attac|{?
  20. O|{. Good JO|{E. We get it. I assume that they are done with .23.5 as they have time for april fools.
  21. Does it matter that the "previous stable" and "public' build IDs on steam are now identical. That would suggest that .23 is now both. The store still lists .22 as stable/previous and .23 as current. I haven't been following the build IDs closely enough to *now if this is a recent development. Can anyone confirm whether steam is still serving .22 as a previous/stable? Scatchpad seems to be a wor*ing folder used by Squad, rather than the experimentals folder open to beta testers. Between updates we see nothing going to experimentals. A shift to it is generally announced by Squad as a milestone towards a release. So a move bac* to scratchpad is understood as a step bac*wards. (Of course .24 development could be using scratchpad while .23.5 is in experimentals).
  22. Is this what I think it is: " 220201/manifests/previous: 7104947787544389563 › 3620846789892868422 220202/manifests/previous: 2411048103804934444 › 6487460773391791506 220203/manifests/previous: 2008136666011923180 › 4150606788864486626 branches/previous/buildid: 130424 › 159708" Are they pushing a build from one group of subscribers to another?
  23. I disagree. The fact that these are going to experimentals does mean something. It means they are sending material to the testers, that testing of new builds is ongoing. Total silence, no new material for the testers, would mean something more significant is wrong. Shifts back to scratchpad would also point to greater problems. As happened last week, such a shift meant a longer delay than we were all expecting at the time. And this is an internet forum. It's not like we are sending email to people's phones while they are at work. In answer to below, the reason asteroid are not in new saves may be a function of how games are saved. Savegame files might include statements listing where/how asteroids are scheduled to appear. Old saves might lack this data, disabling roid spawning.
  24. Another upload to steam is happening atm. So it looks like there is an active back-and-forth ongoing between developers and testers today. Hopefully that means smaller issues are being squashed, rather than game-shattering bugs that wouldn't cycle so quickly. (I'm on lunch break atm ... maybe i go home early).
  25. No doubt. Mistakes happen. The reaction, the not immediately issuing a loud tweet clarifying matters, was another mistake. I just happened to be awake and working on something when the vids appeared on youtube. I immediately took to this thread repeating the media team statements. So I, and others here, are certainly part of the hype machine. The phenomena of simple statements being amplified through modern media is why publicity has to be so carefully controlled. Squad should have more carefully controlled the media team, or at least have issued an official statement simultaneously with the embargo lift so that we customers could find more official information than statements in youtube vids.
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