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Everything posted by Rdivine

  1. Greetings! I'm sure many of you have heard about the nasa havoc mission, a plan to explore venus' atmosphere and its environment. If you haven't, watch the video below: ---CHALLENGE--- I am aware that there are no airship parts in Kerbal Space Program, so you are allowed to use substitutes, such as chutes, wing clipping, ion engines etc. No rockets and jet engines are allowed to keep the vessel aloft. The vessel must be stock. You can cheat your whole vessel to space, but you are not allowed to use cheats after deorbiting. Getting it to space is easy. Getting it to work is hard. To complete the challenge, you must fulfill the criterion. Easy -Construct a vessel that can de-orbit from space and re-enter kerbin's atmosphere, glide at altitudes below 25km, and use a rocket propelled craft to return to space. -No requirement to carry any kerbals. -Vessel must not have any visible Wing parts. Medium -Construct a vessel that can de-orbit from space and re-enter kerbin's atmosphere, glide at altitudes below 25km, and use a rocket propelled craft to return to space -Must carry 2 kerbals. No more, no less. -Must be able to glide for over 2minutes under 25km in altitude. -must not have any visible wing parts. -Vessel must contain ALL science gathering instruments, except for seismometer. -The return vessel does not require to carry the instruments;kerbals can transfer science around the vessel. Hard -Construct a vessel that can de-orbit from space and fly below 25km of kerbin, and have a rocket-propelled return ship return to orbit. -Vessel must carry 2 kerbals. -Vessel must be able to glide for over 2 minutes under 25km, While maintaining a surface speed of more than 200m/s -Vessel must not have any visible wing parts -Vessel must carry 2x of all science instruments, but need not carry it back to space. -Return vessel MUST be the 1.5m capsule, and capable of docking and rendezvous. Hardest -Construct a vessel that can de-orbit from space and fly below 10km of kerbin, and have a rocket-propelled return ship return to orbit. -Vessel must carry 2 kerbals. -Vessel must be able to glide for over 10 minutes under 25km -Vessel must demonstrate full control by stopping still in the air, maintaining a surface speed of 0m/s. -Vessel must not have any visible wing parts -Vessel must carry 2x of all science instruments, but need not carry it back to space. -Return vessel MUST be the 1.5m capsule, and capable of docking and rendezvous. -Vessel must contain a cargo bay capable of delivering a 1t probe to the surface. -All vessels must contain 2 parts. The first part is the atmospheric part, which contains all the science equipment and parts that keep the vessel gliding and aloft. The second part is the rocket return part, which detaches from the first part while gliding, and return to orbit with the capsule. -The whole vessel must weigh less than 95t. - try to make the vessel resemble that shown in the HAVOC video. This may be the hardest challenge on KSP, and i hope you'll prove me wrong! I dare you, scott manley and danny, to attempt the hardest mode! Sorry if the words are not clear, typed this on my phone.
  2. Thanks for the response guys! I installed ksp on D:/ and it worked. Scatterer did not seem to be working as it made some textures disappear.
  3. Hey guys! I have been experiencing a very depressing problem. I have tried to install scatterer , distant object enhancement , and e.v.e.(claimed to work on ksp 1.0.2) and i failed terribly. I install the mods by dragging the gamedata>scatterer folder into the gamedata folder of the ksp directory. However, the mod did not show up on all 3 mods, and the game behaved as if there wasn't any mod, although the loading screen did mention that the specific visual mod was being loaded. I have checked if i dragged the mods into the correct folder, correct directory and spent countless hours wondering where it went wrong. Here are some of my specs: Processor: Inter® Core i7-4500 CPU @ 1.80GHz 2.40GHz RAM: 8GB System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor In hope of desperation i tried every single method of unpacking the mod in the ksp folder itself, throwing everything into the gamedata folder and doing everything i can. I am sure it is the right folder as i made some adjustments to the strut connector part file and it showed up. However the visual mods did not show up. Is anyone else experiencing the same problems as me, or does anyone know how to fix this problem? Please help me out!
  4. It is possible that there may be a lack of atmosphere near the north pole. There is no lift, the plane falls like a rock without drag, intakes do not have resources, and jet engines fail to ignite. Now the sole question is ; Is Squad aware of this issue?
  5. Searched : north pole bug , Kerbin poles bug, north pole anomaly I was flying a plane to the north pole of Kerbin and attempting to plant a flag on the north pole. After i got Valentina Kerman out and planted a flag, i walked back to the craft and boarded the plane. As i attempted to take off again, i noticed that the engines had stopped working. The status was "Air combustion Failed". I right clicked the intake and the airspeed was 100m/s, even though the plane was perfectly still on the ground. I loaded the quicksave again and i noticed that whenever the plane passed directly overhead the north pole, or come close to it, the engines would shut down and restart after leaving the zone. It seemed to affect the vessel at any altitude. Edit: The anomaly seems to affect vessels that come about 20m within the north pole, at any altitude. Not only did the engines stop working, control surfaces had stopped working and wings did not provide lift. The resource tab displayed no electrical charge and intake air resource. Here's a screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/8olS8NL.jpg I have noticed that this bug is only present on v1.0.2 and not on any previous versions. My install is unmodded and clean. If anyone is experiencing similar problems as i am facing, or has successfully duplicated the bug, please post below!
  6. Nuclear reactors are already in the game? (R.T.G.s) I agree with the more planets idea. In my opinion, Ven's stock revamp isn't desperately required in the game, as it is just the remodelling of some parts. Personally, i think that light guards and new solar panels could be added in ksp 1.1 update.
  7. I'm writing this post as a frantic, last minute resort as to remind squad what key details are missing in the Kerbal Space Program game. The list, in my opinion, should be added inside the game to make it complete. 1.Re-entry Heating Squad, the re-entry heating model now is horrible! Firstly, any part in the game would be able to survive re-entry heating. Adding actual heating itself would mean that some discarded/unwanted parts would be able to burn up in the atmosphere, instead of acting like a ball of indestructible titanium. (Ref:Scott manley)re-entry of a probe into the Joolean Atmosphere Also, selective parts, such as capsules, would have heat shields pre-fitted for use. This feature would also be accompanied by parts such as heat shields, inflatable shields and such. (Ref: Deadly Reentry)A heat shield re-entering kerbin's atmosphere 2.Better atmospheres Atmospheres such as that of laythe and kerbin are currently based on glowing blue-white balls which look terrible. In real life, atmospheric color is based on the composition of the atmosphere, and the heating curve which looks like this. (Ref:public domain,Wikipedia)Color graph, showing stages of temperature color This is how the atmosphere of Earth looks like in Space Engine. (Ref:Space Engine)Atmospheric snapshot of Earth in Space Engine Currently, the atmospheric scattering model needs some desperate redoing before KSP is rolled out for the public. 3.Clouds and auroras Also, this is a desperate cry for Squad to finally add clouds into KSP! Clouds would add more diversity into the skies, making flying a craft much more enjoyable, with all the clouds rushing into your view, rather than seeing a winged craft gliding in the sky, with smoke bubbles billowing out of your engines. This shows a comparison between a kerbin with clouds, and a kerbin without clouds. (Ref:google, public domain,Astronomer's visual pack)Left:Kerbin without clouds Right:Kerbin with clouds Personally, i think most people would prefer clouds in the game, as it adds a depth of feel into your experience of KSP! Oh yes, and auroras. Personally adding auroras wouldn't be much of a task. The towers of glowing plasma can be rendered with a 2d art pass, like how RCS jets are rendered. However, with the addition of auroras, flying over the poles would be a much more meaningful task. Also, players would be able to identify poles of a planetary body. This is how auroras look like in Space Engine. (Ref:Space Engine)Snapshot of the poles of a planet If Kerbal Space Program becomes as beautiful as possible, our gaming experience would be awesome. 4.New Skybox, please! Squad, the skybox desperately needs a new art pass! Below shows a comparison between the current skybox, and a more realistic skybox. (Ref:google, public domain,Astronomer's visual pack)Left:Stock skybox Right:E.V.E. skybox The realistic skybox model shows stars that are less blurred out, smaller, and more stars in the sky. Furthermore, the galaxy isn't as blurred out. I've played Kerbal Space Program with many skyboxes, and honestly, playing with the stock skybox makes the whole space travel a lot less beautiful and fun. 5.Parachutes The parachutes in KSP are horrible. When they open, they stop the craft instantly, like hitting a brick wall. In real life, the craft doesn't tear apart. But the parachute does. So squad, please make better parachutes that break apart when the craft is too heavy, travelling too fast, or too dense in the atmosphere! Real life parachutes have reefing so as to prevent a sudden drop in velocity. Reefing allows more time for the parachutes to open, and let the drag set in gradually. (Ref:NASA)Orion parachute test, reefing. Please, squad. Make better parachutes! 6.More planets Currently KSP has 5 planets and 2 dwarf planets. Squad promised a few years back that there would be an addition of a 2nd gas giant, with eeloo being the moon of that planet. (Ref:Texture replacer)craft exploring the re-textured joolean system Eeloo was mentioned to have geysers, and be an analog of triton. Also, adding more planets would mean that our kerbal system is more diverse. More science, more planets, more enjoyment! Thats all of my suggestions and missing features that i think should be added in the game before 1.0 is ready. If any of you thinks i missed anything out that should be in the game, leave your comment below! Also, please let Squad read this forum post and tell them why they aren't ready for 1.0! -I'm aware that Squad has recently left a comment on what they are adding isn't supposed to be realistic, but instead makes our gameplay more fun. To that, i say, better graphics and non-titanium parachutes make our gameplay fun, too! -And to those who insist i use mods. Mods are not a solution to everything! They are only there as an optional gameplay feature, such as warfare, star wars parts etc. -Why i'm referencing space engine in my forum post. Space engine does excellent graphics and rendering. If KSP is going to be a space age simulator, it has got to LOOK like space! Thanks, community and squad!
  8. The fuel tanks such as and have smeared textures to them. All the rockets have polished tanks, which isn't smeared except after firing. Squad please find nicer textures for the tanks! (The newer parts look way more polished)
  9. I attach 8 sepatrons on the top of the tower, with a thrust limit of 50. 4 is used for pulling away the crew module, the remaining 4 is fired when the tower is jettisoned. You can make the design look neat with the new widgets.
  10. lets hope everything goes to plan! I will be watching the stream waiting for this day for 1 year.
  11. Well, given many countries focusing on specific planetary bodies, such as Chinas moon program, Nasa's newly released HAVOC program to venus, Commercial companies focusing on mars. Your idea isnt that bad. However, focusing on planetary bodies would restrict a player's freedom in space exploration. I would suggest that when you accept the program, you get a bonus science/funds multiplier.
  12. Hey guys! My suggestion is that realistic lighting on planetary bodies be implemented. I am talking about eclipse shadowing, atmospheric scattering on the moon(lunar eclipse). Also, in real life, the brightness of the sun on the planet decreases with distance. E.g. Moho has a brighter surface than eeloo. Plus, eclipse shadows would allow for darkness in areas darkened by the planetary body. Also, a partial eclipse would darken the ground slightly, but not completely. Such realistic lighting would be favored in the game. Thanks!
  13. I understand that changing the rocket fuel blend would not affect pollution very much. But, if you want to go that way, using LHLOX is much better. It is cleaner(its reaction produces water) and since water is generally a lighter compound, the specific impulse of the rocket is significantly increased. However, storing it would be tough.
  14. Reading the comments, i can't help but clarify. 1. My idea/theory is that ; is it possible for the speed of light to be dependent on the structure of space-time? If it is possible, that means that tachyons may exist, but travel backwards in time/only appear in a single time frame. A single time frame, in my idea, is called a chronon. It is similar to planck distance, but it is now planck time. Chronons are literal instances of everything in the universe. Since chronons are built into space-time, time exists differently throghout the cosmos. Now, we don't compare time throughout the cosmos if everywhere is different. But, since several areas of the cosmos exist in an earlier state (due to the faster than light travel from primodial waves of the big bang, which causes negative time), that means there is no one exact chronon time. This leads to another hypothesis that time is like a waterfall. It naturally flows from a higher state of time to a lower state of time ( earlier to later), causing time to pass. If tachyons were to exist in this state, they would have existed before the big bang happened.(Tachyons move faster than light, causing negative time). Which means that if we saw tachyons, they would have been there forever before we saw them. But, since tachyons do not interact with standard energy-mass particles, it will be very hard to study them. (This is because they are presumably travelling at different speeds than us, and we are constantly zipping around the sun, which is zipping around the milky way.) -If light could travel faster in previous times, we literally can't tell. This is because the speed compensates distance-time, causing everything to seem normal. This leads us to conclude that c is constant, even though it's not. -This theory fits both reasons why light is / is not constant.
  15. Im suggesting that c is dependent on space-time, as c is not constant. t is tied to space/constant.
  16. Hey guys I was just derping around one day when i came across a thought provoking idea. Is the speed of light constant, or is it steadily decreasing? Many may argue that my idea violates the conservation of energy and relativity. But, hear me out. My total idea is that the speed of light at the very moment the big bang happened is infinite. But that means that there would be infinite mass and such. But, since it is infinite, the time frame is basically zero. That causes space/time to exist due to the unstability in the paradox. However, right after the big bang happened, the speed of light decreases rapidly, to lets say about 400,000,000,000m/s That would allow for matter to seemingly travel faster than the speed of light, but remember, the speed of light, c, is larger during that time as compared to now. You might argue that right at the beginning, the rapid expansion of the fabric of space-time geometry increases the distance between particles, which may cause objects to "travel faster than the speed of light", even if they are not. But, remember that the relativistic theory states that objects ARE travelling faster than the speed of light relative to an observer at the epicentre of the big bang. Lets skip the long process of the formation of atoms and such. Now, after 1 billion years, the speed of light is about 800,000,000m/s. Why would the speed of light be decreasing? Well, remember how the faster we go, the slower time is? Now, the expansion of the universe is increasing each unit of time. Why? Well, my idea is that space-time has a "concentration", and that space and time is linked to one another in an proportionate ratio. This is why at light speeds, your length(space) is zero, and time is basically zero. (as space decreases, time decreases). However, the expansion of the universe is increasing space all around us, thus time is increasing. Now, the speed of light is bound by time being 0. When there is a larger unit of time, there is a larger unit of space. Thus, light have more space to cross during t = 0. Hence, the speed of light, c , is decreasing. Now, we are at the present world. The speed of light is bound by the geometry of space-time. As the universe is very, very, very large, the speed of light seems constant, although it is decreasing. This is what my theory is accompanied by: -Tachyons. Tachyons in the past can travel faster than light (due to the increment of C). If they travel faster than light, time becomes negative. Hence, they must remain before a certain point in time. Which is why their existence is possible, but does not exist now, as they travel backwards in time. -Conservation of energy states that the length of a single time frame in any point in time is the same. However, as my theory states that it is different, that means that there is an increasing amount of energy in our universe. That is true, if we accept the theory of zero-point energy. The theory states that there is a "background energy" in empty space. It has been proven to exist, but yet not known well. As the universe is expanding, that means that more space must exist, hence more energy. The increasing amount of energy and space links back to my previous point. You may ask : If your idea is true, why didn't anyone publish this theory? I am seeking advice from the community and correct any of my statements if untrue. However, my theory only solves a few questions, while the current theories solve much more. Ps: Some of my statements might be impossible/false. I know you may think they are, but if they are true, they answer much more questions. Also, besides telling you guys my idea, i want it to create controversy! If you read this message, you ARE obliged to leave a comment XD discuss~
  17. Eeloo - A hidden ocean underneath the icy crust. (Analog to europa) Eeloo hides large pockets of methane due to microbial life forms living in the oceans creating them. A craft can visit the planet, drill through the thin crust, and reach the methane and pressurize it as rocket fuel. Duna - A red, dusty planet with traces of methane. A craft can visit duna , and use a gas extracter. After waiting several months, it will have gathered enough methane to use as fuel.
  18. Hey guys! The KSP soundtracks are quite little and short, and normally most background music are played in repetition. I suggest that KSP play some songs during launch, flying about in Kerbin etc. E.g. this song plays during re-entry: Then, after re-entry is over, the songs slowly fade away. Also, please add more songs to the KSP library, such as this: Side note: The bird-chipping noise when you're at the kerbal space center is very outdated too! Feel free to leave your opinions below! In Space, near a vessel or about to dock Flying in kerbin, nighttime Re-entry in jool, laythe or duna Roaming in deep space, SOI encounter Re-entry Roaming in deep space, escape trajectory Roaming in space near a planet Flying over kerbin's deserts
  19. My version of the SLS can lift 41 tons to LKO Block II can lift 47t to LKO, Block III(Pryios) can lift 72t to LKO.
  20. Hi squad and forum members! I was browsing the wikipedia article on Kerbal Space Program when i came across this : Now that the game is in Beta stage, i think that some refining should be done on the mentioned aspects of the game, such as: -Aerodynamics -Where Drag and Lift of a vessel is properly calculated based on surface area, shape, airflow and speed. -Reefing of parachutes, and make them realistic so that when they open, the vessel doesn't break apart. Parachutes in KSP are not made of titanium! -Reentry heat Simulation -Where re-entry will harm parts, and that heat shields will be implemented -Graphics -Please make clouds stock! Allow clouds to be added to some bodies such as laythe , kerbin and duna. -Auroras should also be added as an aesthetic. -Better atmospheric modelling! Currently Kerbin's atmosphere doesn't look realistic at all. -Remodel old parts! Some parts are still left untouched since update 0.18. -General aesthetics -Make kerbals leave footsteps, and rover leave rover tracks, and plane leave wheel marks! The residue does not need to be modelled. The texture just needs to be there. -Some engines leave unrealistic cloud trails. Such as jet engines etc. Remake the trails to make it look better and fade better! -Jet engine noises sound like a person humming. Also, make the noises change from loud to muffled when transitioning in-between IVA and normal view. Apart from the refining that needs to be done, i think Kerbal Space Program is complete Squad, if you're reading this, please don't take my above comments as criticism of the work you've been doing! You guys have put in alot of effort into this game and i really appreciate it. I just wish that there would be a little more refining of several aspects of the game! Thanks
  21. Encountering 3 planets in a single trajectory, trying to do a voyager style mission.
  22. 3m Crew capsules I suggest that there should be a 3 metre wide crew capsule, that houses 6 kerbals. Below is my mock-up of the new, bigger capsule. Name : Mk1-3 Command Pod Radial Size : Small , Extra Large Mass : 7.5t (dry) Crew : 6(maximum) , 1(minimum) Monopropellant : 140.0u Electric capacity : 220.0 The characteristics of the capsule, and the shape is similar to that of the orion capsule. Since there is a crew capsule for every size (except tiny) , why not add a 3-m wide crew capsule? It will allow for more vessel designs and will carry more kerbals.
  23. Thanks guys for the response! I was surprised because i read that block II would be powered by 2 boosters, each with 8 aerojet LFB engines.
  24. Hey guys! So i have a question. In the 0.35 update, Squad released a couple of SLS parts that are modelled after real life rockets. Such as : The SLS Tank used in the new Space Launch Systems The Engine Cluster, modelled after the Engines used on the SLS However, what is the LFB_KR-1x2 modelled after? I'm assuming that it is modelled after a real life counterpart, as it came in the same update as the SLS parts, and it's texture is similar to the other parts. Please help me find out what is the real life counterpart! Thanks
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