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Posts posted by Motokid600

  1. Problem with end flight is ( I think there changing it in .21 ) there is no "Are you sure?" Prompt. And if your like me you stay up into the wee hours of the night ( I've seen the sun come up twice now while playing KSP ) building/flying your next mission. Now I'm tired at this point so when I'm done I apparently like to hit end flight and not even realise it until the next time I play only to see 6 hours of my life is gone like a fart in the wind. .........****! ****! ****!!! *frizbes keyboard across the room*

  2. Im sorry everyone, but I would like to bump this thread. Do we have any amateur astronomers in the house? Also heres two pics of mine I forgot to post earlier.

    The Dumbbell Nebula. ( Probably my best one )


    The Orion Nebula. ( Visible to the naked eye as a blurry star. )


    I'm so jealous of you guys... I'm on a populated city in which you can barely see any stars, and all I've got is my iPod's camera. :(

    I want to take cool pics of the moon. :(

    You do not need dark skies at all for planetary viewing and pictures. Believe it or not the best planet pictures ive ever seen are taken from the densest cities on Earth. The hot air column coming off the top of the entire city can actually make for a much more stable atmosphere which is the most important thing when viewing planets.

    I highly recommend this forum for anyone who's into astronomy.

    Cloudy nights


  3. That craft is so far away now that our sun is just another bright star in the sky. Now...New Horizons. That craft reaches Pluto in 2015. After its flyby are we going to insert it into an orbit in the Kuiper belt or is that craft going to zoom straight out like Voyager? Because if that's the case id damn near bet NH beats Voyager to interstellar space.

  4. How is it only 730m/s from escape from to Moho intercept? It took me that much just to match inclination ( more I think. Over 1k ) Then the burn to Moho took me several thousand m/s of d-v. THEN the 2200m/s for capture. So that leads me to believe I'm doing it wrong. From 80km LKO I burn prograde just until SoI change to get the most circular Kerbol orbit as I can. Then at Mohos ( or any other planets ) AN/DN I perform the inclination burn. Then at the the right phase angle ( -151 degrees for Moho I believe ) I make the transfer burn. And...it fails everytime.

    Every ship I construct for a landing and return ends up using every last drop in just getting to the target planets surface. I always have to use my return fuel. So that's no good. No matter how much fuel I put into space its always the same result. Now..I don't use nukes. I know...shoot me. I use them for my return stages, but the problem I find with nukes is there too large. You try to stack multiple stages with nuke engines and the next thing you know you have yourself a wobbly skyscraper...So besides the hardware issues how exactly is the person who made this chart conducting his burns? Do you burn straight out of LKO to intercept? Because even with the right phase I have too much trouble tweaking my nodes for an intercept. It's SO much easier in Kebol orbit after matching inclination.

  5. Why in every hell is the runway built up a few feet off the ground? There's a deadly ramp surrounding it. So if your trying to land you better NAIL it PERFECTLY or your screwed. I had to ditch my SSTO landing and put it down in the grass because of it. It's a BIG bump too. So with .21 coming out you think the new KSC will fix this? I really hope so.

  6. Id rather have detailed smaller planets then low res big ones. Squads making a good effort to pretty up these planets and I like them alot. Once clouds are added ( and weather effects. Severe lightning on the dark side of Jool for instance. ) the orbital views will look spectacular. I just wish the atmospheres would be more fluid and dynamic. Right now its a sudden "wall" of atmosphere you hit. Id like a proper one that degraded orbits under 200km

  7. 3F158D2F056BE649307D4116392DEA78342C7DC2

    Ive been working on this rocket for awhile now. Thing is a titan and it handles like a fighter jet. Only thing holding this rocket back from orbit is the fact that one of the outer liquid boosters burns just over a thousand units of fuel more then other. I messed around with my fuel line combinations, but nothing seems to make it better.



    Two fuel lines on each center tank go from the center to the two outer boosters. The nosecone section has fuel in it.. Then these outer boosters drain into the center engines tank down at the bottom of the craft. This tank has no influence on the two upper stage tanks. So I cannot figure out why one of the engines burns more then then other. I think its the left engine that cuts out a second before sending the craft to its death. Any tips? The craft is a combination of a few mods. The new Novapunch, KW, KAS. The radial mono tanks are from the Kosmos station pack.

  8. Way ahead of you fellas.


    I made this thread a few weeks backs after I saw it. Brilliant movie. Yea I don't understand the hate for the alien either. They did a good job with it. Besides. I bet the truth of whats really under all that ice is far greater then what any movie could depict. There was a few loop holes however. One was... what happened to the people on the orbiter? The movie ended after the lander sunk into the ice. And how they managed to fit a thousand meters of cable in the lander is beyond me. Idk why they used this thick cable in the movie.. I imagine it'd be as thin and light as possible in real life.

    As for a KSP recreation.. I tried going to Eeloo. And.. well I failed. I managed to land, but the orbiter had to be used for the insertion burn. So.. didn't have enough to get back. I got three kerbals stranded on Eeloo now...

  9. And now the space shuttle went the way of Apollo..more or less. Its a great concern of mine about humanitys future. Ignorant people think space is a waste of money. They say "we have all these problems down here why waste money going up there." Comments like that really get under my skin. These people fail to realise that the solutions to our problems down here ( Damn near all of them ) is up there. In space. On another world. Hell the solution to the energy crisis hangs up in the night sky every other month staring us in the face. I blame social media and media in general. Humans have become far to disconnected from the outside world. Most people think the world ends at the horizon and when they look up at the stars they see a flat, 2d canvas with random points of light and go "meh" and then return to their smartphones on facebook. If only people looked up more often.

    Nasa is grossly under funded. Half a penny is what comes out of your paycheck. That's what bought the shuttle. That's what bought the ISS. 0.5 cents... "How much would you pay for the universe?" - Niel DeGrasse Tyson

  10. Whirlpool Galaxy


    Swan Nebula


    Ring Nebula


    Lagoon Nebula


    Hercules Globular Cluster


    Eagle Nebula ( Pillars of Creation )


    Andromeda Galaxy


    All taken with a CPC1100 telescope. These pictures are all single exposures. The trick is to take 30 or so of the same picture and stack them in Photoshop to increase the signal/noise ratio. Ive been into astrophotography for a few years now, Ive still got a ways to go to perfect the hobby ( its the hardest form of photography and its expensive ), but every successful exposure taken is the reward.

    I took this video WAY back when I first got the scope. I simply held a camera right up to the eyepiece. The black spot on Jupiter is a shadow from one of the moons. Im not sure which one, but the ones visible in this video are Europa and Io judging from the color. Recommend high res and full screen.

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