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Everything posted by Xzabath

  1. This is Awesome, I'm gonna try and recreate a mission from a recreated Mission that should have been created. :0, Thanks Kat your Videos are the very best. So much care for detail, I'm gonna have to watch the video a few more times so I can complete it. Ill let you know
  2. ok I downloaded, tried to make a simple rocket matched the nose cones with the fuel piece t-100's, attached it to a pod, im not getting any action from these new srb's, they dont ignite, whats the deal? I have the newest version.
  3. Love the fairing idea, Is it done yet?? just messin.
  4. This is AWESOME!!!! Nice work. I love what you have done with the scanning and map merge. Now, to try and land on one of those hexagons .
  5. Wooohooo Thanks a bunch Guys, cant wait to have a fully functional fuel base.
  6. Thanks a bunch, I searched spaceport for kethane and this would not come up, but anyways Thanks again.
  7. I want to start messing around with kethane, cant find the kethane controller mod? I'm not sure. Please help love this game.
  8. Hello all, Been playing for about a week now having loads of fun, been to the mun and minimus, probes and rovers, nothing to involved atm, I have been watching videos on youtube and keep seeing people drilling for kethane, I have searched for a kethane mod and cannot find anything, what do i need to do to set up a kethane drill?? Thanks for any help. Xzabath
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