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Everything posted by noebl1

  1. Seeing the same thing as well, was looking at older fixes potentially in the config to invert the scroll wheel, but haven't had a chance to try it yet.
  2. I've been using Linux for years (and run a mixed Windows/Linux environment on my systems at home...) and I made the switch to Ubuntu on my primary desktop last year after being disgusted with Win8. I also started playing KSP in x64 pretty much as soon as I bought the game (with no issues from what I can tell with video or audio.) For the average person, I think the only time you may need to hit the command line is if you want to run the bleeding edge NVIDIA drivers for example (instead of one's included provided by Ubuntu or from a PPA.) Other than that, pretty easy to use and much better than it used to be. Now, that being said, I use it pretty heavily at work (actually Redhat/Centos), so pretty comfortable with Linux as whole, so I may be a bit biased... With the additions of 3rd party repos via PPAs, it's pretty easy now to install software. Plus with Steam supporting Linux, it's amazing how many games are starting to support it. Unless I want to use something *really* obscure... I haven't had to compile *anything* at the command line thanks to 3rd party PPAs. When I say obscure, I mean very specialized apps that I'm building source out of Github (only one in the last year that comes to mind was an SDR app to play with ham radio and an app to play with decoding date from a USB DVB tuner.) I've also never bother installing Wine, though except for a few games, I'm not an avid gamer anymore. On a side note, I put an SSD in my desktop (it's an Ivy Bridge i7 I built last year), and it booted from hitting the power button to login screen in well under 8s with Ubuntu (it's now a bit longer as I added a bunch of remote network storage that slows the boot process down a bit while stuff mounts up.) Also if you have add'l Windows machines, it's not to hard to integrate like it used to be. I use PBIS Open (formally likewise open), so I can log my Ubuntu box into my Windows domain at home. I can also connect to Windows shares very easily. If for some reason I absolutely need a Windows box, I have VMWare WS and it runs Windows (with USB support) in a VM wonderfully.
  3. I was wondering as well if he had stopped for a bit since been awhile. Not sure if the fact in .22 they are adding some sort of comm is related? (I doubt it's too the same depth that RT2 is though.) When I noticed dev had stopped for a few weeks and when the .22 video mentioned functioning antennas, I was 1/2 hoping they hired them to integrate RT2 into KSP
  4. No worries, you had me second guessing myself for a moment too I agree though, I think people should wait and see what it's like before worrying. I think some of the new features like the DCPU (which sounds optional) will help people that occasionally post "Well I sent a probe/lander to all planets and moons. I'm bored now, what do I do now?"
  5. I was responding to this previously from Cliph: "This functionality is in the new standard flight computer. On top of that I hope to finish DCPU integration so you can program probes in fictional assembly or C like Progcom."
  6. I'm actually looking forward to being able to do some programming to control probes or rovers. I had thought about maybe writing up a plugin myself until I saw RT2 was going to have the ability. I remember a game back in the 90s (now countless clones) my friend used to play where you would to write basic AI for these little robots to fight each other in a virtual arena. Right now sending a distant probe without any "local" command station is tough with the delay, and I agree it sort of feels sort of backwards to send the local command station for what should be a remote probe to investigate first... Definitely will bring a pretty interesting challenge/realism to be able to actively program a probe or lander. I've held off using MJ as felt it was sort of "cheating" (not literally, but more as I wanted to learn to play before I relied on computers.) Having to actually program a DCPU (hoping for C like over assem personally) takes that extra step of not just pushing a button, but actually needing to put some logic and thought behind it just like NASA/ESA/etc would. Definitely add a huge new level to the game. Another tangent idea I had would be remote programming and image acquisition from probes or rovers via the RT network. Imagine sending a rover out, and send it an updated program via the RT network with speed limitations/delays based on distance, probe going out of range, etc. You could have relay satellites that store and forward, etc. Or part of the programming have the rover take a series of pictures, and have to send them back to mission control with the same issues of speed, transfer interruption, etc. Not sure if it's something RT can handle, but would add yet another level of depth.
  7. Anyone able to target the current build from this AM? I launched a manned crew with a couple dishes, and nothing happened when I hit the target button. I'll have to get the name of the dishes I was using tomorrow, but I saw it with two types.
  8. Understood, was just playing around to see how it worked. I'm trying to nail down an odd issue I'm seeing with the new small omni antenna. Sometimes doesn't activate randomly whether manually or via action group. Also find that if I add two or more, it doesn't seem to work either. -Mike
  9. PHEW Between the 1s delay and getting used to the new "SAS" in .21, was a challenge with a launch. -Mike
  10. I was *just* going to ask that... so the 1sec delay, even on the ground, is expected? -Mike
  11. I used to use it as well... I'd put a couple on the outside for short range comm especially during launch, then have a larger antenna for the real communication. However it's all new, so will take some getting used to so may not really care after awhile that they are gone. It does look great though; I love the look of the new antennas, animations and UI integration overall. Great job -Mike
  12. I'm doing the same thing. Was driving my wife nuts playing the game and coming to bed late, so banking up on some time -Mike
  13. Great update; loving the new dishes! Thank you for fixing the targeting too! -Mike
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