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  1. I know I am pushing a bit far beyond the archival part here. Apologies. My concern with that is less about the forum actually shutting down, but about the vacuum this would leave and the potential fragmentation that could result in this great community effectively going extinct. That sounds like doom and gloom, but I have been around long enough to have seen this happen with many beloved communities and so am keen to help prevent it if I can. Not saying it will happen, just that it could. Does moderation have an insight into the current setup of these forums? Server(s)? Load? That would be very useful in working out a plan on which forum software would be required as only some of them are able to be setup with caching and other load distribution systems. Even without knowing the specifics about the load the forums are under I would think there are open source solutions that would handle it just fine with the right hardware and some tweaks to the setup. It might not be the most solid solution, but it can certainly work well enough to sustain the community. Often times it comes down to investing time into tweaking such things all the way to updating code to work a little better. We all remember the days of phpBB fondly I would hope. These things have not been sleeping either, but they certainly need a bit of help. I'm sure we have enough sysadmin and developer experience going around that sustaining a community-run forum would not be an issue if properly organized. I was gonna write that I would setup a whole backup plan for the forum, domain, server and software included, but I think that is a bit premature right now and without the key people in the community and the moderation of the forum on board with establishing such a thing it would only do more harm than good. Of course the easier option would be just for the forums to stay online as they are or for T2 to actively seek a conversation on how to resolve things. One can dream right? My concerns being unfounded and never materializing is the best outcome, so let's hope I'm wrong.
  2. All the archives are great for preserving the content, but they are not exactly in an easily accessible format and there is still the question about the future for the community. Discord and Reddit are not viable options for the content type; a traditional forum is certainly best. There are a multitude of considerations to make with that though. A forum this size needs some decent hardware to run reliably, which is likely to be the biggest cost factor. Without knowing specifics about what's currently in use, not that is matters much given every forum software has different demands, I would say that's an easy $200 per month in expense just to get something big enough to host everything and what might be to come in future. That's operating at the edge of stability mind you, it could easily be more. A new domain needs to be setup and that incurs costs per year as well. Naturally you'd want to associate it as closely as possible, but therein sits an issue with copyright and trademarks. Setting everything up only for T2 to complain to the registrar about the use of their registered name would be rather annoying and potentially costly. Forums require software to run them and this forum currently uses licensed software that can cost quite a bit depending on deployed scale and features. I doubt they'd be nice and provide a license for free, so in order to reduce costs for a revival project a free forum software would need to be used. There are a few, but they may not have the features people are accustomed to and whether they work at-scale is questionable. I can speak for years of experience on how difficult it is to set something up on these scales and it would be really sad to see if a continuation effort were to stall on the fact the load has been underestimated. It may seem like starting small and upgrading things as it becomes necessary is the way to go, but for an active community, that has recently seen an uptick as well, that will just lead to constant overload. Sounds counter-intuitive, but starting perhaps a little too big and downgrading later to reduce costs is likely to be a better option. Given the situation some providers may be willing to extend some credits for testing a setup for stability. I could ask some industry contacts for whether their companies would offer credits for setting up machinery to run a continuation of the forum. Domains are easily registered once a name is actually found. The rest is basic sysadmin stuff that I'm sure enough folks on here are familiar with and thus could provide the necessary hours for upkeep. Leaving only the long-term funding as something that would need to be looked into.
  3. I have a hubble-style 3.75m telescope, service bay, solar panel and comm dish as basic models, so they still need texturing. Would be willing to donate them and further models should you want to extend the mod with new parts.
  4. https://transfer.sh/B2Kcv/output_log.txt Going to try what you suggested when I get home later. EDIT: OK I removed them, still a bit dark for my taste but I suppose thats why the clouds are there. May have to see if I can find some nice configs somewhere, thanks for the help though!
  5. I think the water in the mun atmosphere is something on my end, the resources are completely out of whack for all planets. Going to try a fresh install in 1.1.2 to see what comes up. Probably going to end up ferrying water from Minmus to the Mun. Is planetary Ice considered water?
  6. When taking the models apart there were two sets of the same boxes in there. I assume they are for simplified collisions, but how come there are two of each?
  7. Bit of an update from my side to this. I have managed to collect two crash logs, which both indicate a memory access violation. This would also explain why I have had two bluescreens and one freeze while playing. I have since modded my install, which oddly enough seems to reduce the CTDs, but I still get a daily crash from either a memory access violation or a straight up bluescreen. This probably needs some looking at.
  8. I'll help you where I can, I am an old Sketchup guy who rarely uses anything else, but I'd be willing to work on the models and once I have gotten used to it, texture them as well. You have created a really well made system of highly modular parts and I absolutely adore modularity I am really looking forward to the future of this mod.
  9. @DStaal essentially what I wanted to convey with my request. Well this just gave me even more of a reason to go through the modding tutorials and well I decided to build a fabrication module to fit. Still pretty confused, sorry that I imported your model Nils I hope you don't mind. This is what I have come up with so far. If you want I'll import it into blender and send you the .blend and I can also make a workshop for you.
  10. I built a complete station for LMO with a vehicle to land and pick up resources to bring back up to that station. I don't want to opt out of the whole deal, I am just trying to negotiate the best solution to keep using both mods along side, since I like them both for what they offer. I suggested putting these two parts together in order to simplify the work on Nils end a bit and I don't see why that would be such a huge issue, it wouldn't bypass the resource chains at all, just combine them into a single part rather than two. Obviously downscaling from the large fabrication module would result in lower production rates. I'm not trying to break UKS and USI for the benefit of making them simpler to use. EDIT: But I will shut up now, forget that I even asked.
  11. The problem is the MKS parts for this are pretty big in comparison and can't be easily connected either. It ends up being a rather complex design process to make the different part sizes and layouts work with one another and it ends up looking a bit out of place. Correct me if I am wrong, but all that is needed is a fabrication module and the workshop to convert the raw resources into MaterialKits. So combining that into one would be viable? All that is left then is another drill for the raw resources.
  12. I think that is an issue with landings legs in general as some of the stock ones do the same as of 1.1
  13. I am as confused as you are about that, but it does say that here I scanned it using the stock orbital scanner. No idea where it gets it from. Minmus isn't reporting anything in its atmosphere.
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