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Everything posted by Anister

  1. Right, I'll tell the new cook, Mario, about this. Waiter, there is a RT-10 SRB in my soup
  2. Ah yes sir, thats the gasoline special soup. Waiter, why is your wig in my soup? and why are you bald?
  3. Planet buster, not human butster. The PB sails past me, fragments for no reason, and fragments hit the next poster.
  4. Sniper introduces your and any guard's cranium with a .50 BGM. My blood-spatterd hill.
  5. Later, FUQFUKHGfkQFHKQHTencharDILQSKdjflkqe
  6. Use the force, Harry! Said Captain Kirk of the Equestrian army, as Commander Shepard throws the tiara in Mount Doom.
  7. Nah, I dont have a dollar. This button carries great power. Press it, and you get wealth beyond any of your dreams. However, you'll be hated accros the universe, and are forced to live alone. Even animals hate you.
  8. Banned! Stalking Space Probes is illegal!
  9. So cool! And useless. But that's what I said about Chatterer, and now look at it!
  10. 1) Terrain Deformation 2) +100 Player multiplayer server
  11. 2 Stages 1) BOOSTAAZ 2) command pod with chutes or thrusters for moons.
  12. Good thing it didnt' KSP is one of the first games on Steam Early Access. And the most popular.
  13. banned for using nonexistant words. you *insert witty and hypocritical nonexistant word*
  14. Nope, The user below me dreads the day terrain deformation is added Kerbin would be gone in 2 days
  15. You think thats bad? I dont even have internet! Wait, what?
  16. Thats the spirit! You think you are having a bad day? Danny Killed everyone! Twice!
  17. Now THAT is dense A belgian founded NYC And i am proud to be belgian (thats not the fact, the other thing is)
  18. No, I dont know the diffrence either. The user below me plays ksp chocolate, as opposed to vanilla V V lots of mods no mods
  19. Rules: Simple -I start by saying something bad happend to me -Next poster says "you think you are having a bad day?" followed by something worse -The next poster does the same -It doesnt have to be KSP related, but its preferred Example: P1: I killed Jeb P2: You think you are having a bad day? I killed Bill, Bob and Jeb P3: you think you are having a bad day? I ran out of memory and have to delete mods! Ill start I killed Jeb.
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