So, today I was at JFK airport with a long layover. I have KSP installed on my laptop, so what better way to pass the time than play? While playing,* a group of 4 kids (probably about 12 years old) started watching me and asking what the game was. So, I explained KSP to the best of my ability, and I am pretty sure they've been bugging their parents to buy the game for them the rest of the day. So, I'm going to wager I'm doing my civic duty and spreading the good word. *At that point I had been awake for approximately 30 hours due to a cross-country red eye flight prior to landing at JFK. This proved to be quite an interesting experiment on the effects sleep deprivation has on spacecraft control (and mission planning. And spacecraft design). Needless to say, KASA now has new strict regulations on the amount of rest required prior to missions and maneuvers. Anyway, that's a totally different story, I guess. Sorry, no screenshots. They weren't exactly on my mind at the time.