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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Just stumbled across this through CKAN. Thank you for this. I used to have to go edit my save for funds/science/rep so I'd have leveling&contracts available without the grind. Yay no more editing!
  2. The burden of proof for your argument is on you, not us.
  3. Don't confuse personally running a site at cost, with a business. It was not a business. Did you sign a user agreement when you first went to the site? Did it have terms and conditions of use? And fyi, all the mods are still available, if you read far enough down on the page. As is the site's source code. Anyone else who's willing to resurrect the site, could do so. So instead of complaining and blaming, why don't you cough up the cash and restart it yourself?
  4. Just tried this guideline on my SSTO I've been testing; previously, I'd made it up once or twice after several attempts at various pre-1.0 profiles, usually with less than 100 dV left to an 80kmx80km orbit. This got me up on the first shot, with about 200 dV left. The plane in question has 6 Rapiers, and weights about 60t at start. Wasn't a perfect ascent though, leveled out a little under 10km by mistake, so I nearly cooked off some parts during the 10-20km accel. Anyway, thanks for that tip; I'll probably tighten up my ascent on future tests, and also probably tweak the design a bit. The current design has 8 shock-cones and 12 pre-coolers (I'd been trying to get a 20+km cruise altitude), so I can probably shave those numbers down a bit.
  5. Well, KAS more or less works with 1.0.2, but there is one issue I've found: attaching hooks/connectors in the VAB/SPH to a winch doesn't quite work as expected. You have to place them "upside down" to get the nodes to connect, and then rotate them back around. Not sure of any other issues yet, guess I'll find out as I go.
  6. If you've been having that problem, you're probably starting your turn too late for a semi-realistic gravity turn. 100-150 m/s is the speed you should begin the turn, by about 5-10 degrees; maybe around 200 m/s if a rocket is really scraping the bottom-end of TWR at the beginning of the launch. I had no problems when following that guide, even in 1.0; although this is a habit I picked up from spending some time playing with RO/RSS for a while. Following that general guide also will make it easier to get rockets with lower TWR upper-stages into orbit, as they may not be able to pick up enough horizontal speed to reach stable orbit from a higher-altitude turn. I also happen to just like getting my periapsis out of the ground at least, during ascent, if not completely out of the atmosphere. If you're using MechJeb's ascent guidance, I've found that setting the turn-start altitude to around 1.8km with a turn shape of 80-90% and turn end of 0 degrees works out fine for almost all my designs, although anything over a 1.9 TWR(SLT) needs to have a lower turn start than that. Or else it'll get flipped/torn apart during ascent.
  7. *Facepalm* I just realized that I set the science multiplier rather high for this particular game; that may have a thing or two to do with the values I'm seeing. Nevermind.
  8. So, I've noticed that the mobile lab seems to have a hard cap of 500 data, though I haven't gotten one outside of Kerbin's SoI yet to see if that changes. I've also noticed that several experiment results from the Mun and Minmus have a 500+ data yield. However, I am only able to process experiments in the lab that are 500 or less (depending on if there's already any data being processed and turned into science points). Is there a way to deal with such experiments at the lab for long-term gains? Or should I just recover/transmit those that are above that 500 cap?
  9. Also, the level of the scientist kerbals used affects the rate they research at. I'm not sure if other factors come into play either, yet. When I tried using two 0-level kerbal scientists with data, I had something like a .01 or .02 sci/day rate. With two 1st level kerbals, I had something like .5/day.
  10. Just started having this problem as well. I cannot undock another part, as the ship is an early apollo-style lander mission (ship+lander). The lander remains stuck to the ship. The only work around I found was to slap a TR-18D stack separator between the docking ports, although then the clampotrons immediately attract, and require spinning/yawing the ship to fling the lander clear (as well as the TR-18D). Testing done on the launchpad with just a capsule docked to a lander module results in a proper decouple, though after launch, they will be "glued" together when I attempt to decouple in orbit.
  11. Well, his thoughts are that it's just a memory issue. Too many mods, etc. Oh well, I'll keep at it unless things degrade past what I consider still playable.
  12. Gotcha. Well, guess I'll just keep pushing through 'till I know what I can chop to save memory.
  13. Yeah, the memory crashes are just a fact of life with a large mod list. Not sure that the other behavior I've experienced is memory related though. Sorry I forgot to mention it in the initial post, but there's more going wrong than just the icon not showing in staging when that happens: I'll launch the rocket, and it won't move. Oh, the clamps have released, engines are fired, >1.2 TWR/SLT on the pad. Just won't move. Can't even make it tip over. Just sits there, engines going. Other times parts mounted before/above a stack chute will just fall off as soon as physics finishes loading on the pad. I'd been trying to re-create that event when I got a memory crash, which is the log I uploaded. Should I try again and just post the log if I manage to re-create on the pad, without a memory crash? As for chopping down the mod list... I still haven't gone as far as removing parts I don't use (career mode game, haven't maxed the tech tree yet), but once I know what I don't actually use/need(re-size dependencies of parts I do use in some cases), that should help with the memory crashes a bit. Though even then, I've learned that memory crashes are just a fact of playing with this large a mod list. So I save a lot and only do three or four scene switches at max, before closing out of the game and reloading the game. Otherwise, great mod, it's really added to the overall depth of designing a payload that'll survive re-entry.
  14. So, I'm working my way through the tech tree in an RO/RSS career game. I've kind of hit a point where I'm not sure what I should be shooting for next... Any suggestions anyone?
  15. So, I'm having a problem with Real Chutes. I am using it along with the RO/RSS setup (and other required mods). I'm pretty sure it's Chutes though, as whenever I try to use a re-sized stack/radial chute, the chute icons won't appear in staging on the launch pad. Attempting to reload and edit the craft, lead to out of memory crashes or freezes. It may be a conflict with some other mod on the list, but... Here's the link to my most recent output_log from experiencing this problem. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31137162/output_log.txt
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