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Everything posted by DomDiaemus

  1. Your mode is one of those that become part of the list of must have modes for KSP. Many thanks
  2. Nice and useful mode Thanks. But just a small suggestion... is there a way of hiding them when all the windows get hidden to do a print-screen?
  3. This might help SET sp TO sun:position - body:position. LOCK STEERING TO sp.
  4. Thank you for the clarification. KOS without a set of default routines aka provide such basic information it becomes a mammoth task just to get anywhere with somewhat precision... SHIP:CONTROL:PITCH doesn't even report the pitch set by other KOS commands... so no way to read the pitch unless coding to keep track where the ship nose is pointing at.
  5. I don't think that works... it does not work on my game anyway... the output of that is 0 regardless what pitch is set and at starting point is 90 and gradually reduces per altitude... so it cannot be zero as that command reports. Is there any other command apart from this way to get the current pitch... (not the case of to setting the pitch) http://www.ribeiros.co.uk/subs/ksp.jpg SET xx TO SHIP:CONTROL:PITCH. PRINT "Pitch: " + ROUND(xx,1) + "deg " AT (x,y+18).
  6. Many thanks for this... I'm rewriting the script to simplifying and with menus... it managed to reach stable orbit for few times but it is a hit-and-miss still. Eccentricity: 0.164 orbital speed over 2200ms and it shuts engine off from 44-50km alt till 100km
  7. I need help from KOS gurus to understand what I'm doing wrong... The rocket doesn't keep the apoapsis at 100Km on last burn to establish the orbit (11 seconds on eta:apoapsis) ... it always end up with periapsis of 99Km and with apoapsis of 1,800,000Km :/ Thanks LIGHTS ON. RAS OFF. SAS OFF. SET alt1 TO 100000. // Target Orbit. SET heading1 TO 90. // Launch Heading. Usage 0-360 where 0=North. SET rollalt TO 8000. // Altitude at which to perform the initial roll SET CountDown TO -10. // Countdown value SET curFace to SHIP:Facing. SET totallf TO SHIP:LIQUIDFUEL. // Set total liquidfuel in the ship SET boosterslf TO 2*(3*180). // set total liquidfuel in the two boosters SET X TO 0. SET Y TO 1. SET flag_ditch_boosters TO 0. SET flag_jettison_fairings TO 0. CLEARSCREEN. PRINT "Orbit altitude set to [" + alt1 + "m]" at (X-1,Y). //**Begin Countdown. PRINT MISSIONTIME + " Count down: " at (X,Y). UNTIL CountDown = -3 { PRINT "..." + CountDown + " " at (X,Y). SET CountDown TO CountDown + 1. WAIT 1. }. //**Ignition. LOCK THROTTLE TO 1. LOCK STEERING TO UP. WAIT 2. SET msg TO round(missiontime,0) + "s Ignition!!! ". UNTIL SHIP:MAXTHRUST > 0 { LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,0,180). run screen(X,Y,msg). STAGE. }. PRINT "-2 " at (X,Y). wait 1. PRINT "-1 " at (X,Y). wait 1. CLEARSCREEN. //**Release the clamps. STAGE. //**To make a rotation relative to ships current direction. //LOCK STEERING TO curFace + R(30,0,0). //LOCK foreDir to SHIP:FACING * V(0,0,1). //LOCK foreUnit to foreDir:VECTOR. //**In flight. SET msg TO "Launch!!! ". LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,0,180). UNTIL ALTITUDE > rollalt { run screen(X,Y,msg). IF ship:liquidfuel < (totallf - boosterslf) AND flag_ditch_boosters = 0 { SET msg TO "Release boosters ". STAGE. SET flag_ditch_boosters TO 1. } }. SET msg TO "Beginning gravity turn ". LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,0,180) + R(0,-50,0). //LOCK STEERING TO HEADING (90,40). UNTIL APOAPSIS >= alt1 { IF ship:liquidfuel < (totallf - boosterslf) AND flag_ditch_boosters = 0 { SET msg TO "Release boosters ". STAGE. SET flag_ditch_boosters TO 1. }. run screen(X,Y,msg). IF apoapsis < alt1 { LOCK THROTTLE TO 1. }. IF apoapsis > alt1 - 500 { LOCK THROTTLE TO 0. LOCK STEERING TO PROGRADE. }. IF altitude > 40000 AND flag_jettison_fairings = 0 { SAS ON. SET msg TO "Jettison fairings... ". STAGE. SET flag_jettison_fairings TO 1. LOCK STEERING TO PROGRADE. TOGGLE AG9. SAS OFF. }. IF stage:liquidfuel < 10 { STAGE. }. }. SET msg TO "Waiting for circularization burn. ". UNTIL eta:apoapsis < 11 { LOCK THROTTLE TO 0. //LOCK STEERING TO PROGRADE. LOCK STEERING TO UP + R(0,-90,-90). //SET msg TO "Burn... ". run screen(X,Y,msg). //WAIT UNTIL ETA:APOAPSIS < 15. }. LOCK THROTTLE TO 1. LOCK STEERING TO PROGRADE. SET msg TO "Burn... ". run screen(X,Y,msg). WHEN periapsis > alt1 - 500 { LOCK THROTTLE TO 0. UNLOCK STEERING. SAS ON. SET msg TO "Orbit established!!! ". run screen(X,Y,msg). } //WAIT UNTIL periapsis > alt1 - 500. SET msg TO "Orbit established!!! ". run screen(X,Y,msg).
  8. Pardon for this basic question if has been put before in all these pages... but under which directory are the saved scripts located since this doesn't seem to be covered on the wiki and references. Thanks
  9. Is there any chance of using other download site than that spam-alot-mediafire-thing? The second link to KSP download site doesn't seem to work. Thanks
  10. Rover in probe mode Rover in probe mode Rover in rover mode SkyCrane Lab rover delivery system
  11. The problem is not TAC! The problem is debris!!!... once they fell from the seats. Anyway problem is solved, hacked the persistent file removed the sections referring to debris... the two little green men are deem KIA (killed in action).
  12. Both kerbals are on the ground but are known as debris... how to revert back from probe debris? btw the game is the latest update so not a case of update the game...
  13. Hi, I think I hit a kerbal BUG... I designed a probe rover which could carry 4 kerbals... all worked fine till they crashed the rover and both were thrown away from it... now none of the kerbals are recognized as greenman nor as probes/parts of it... they are there and cannot be controlled... just there on the Mun... So, my question is... How to hack the saved game to get them back as Kerbals and not statues with no status for the game? Thanks
  14. A simple request for action trigger "altitude"... could the option "ascension" be added to the All/descent? Because all not just triggers on up/down where as the new option would only trigger on going up and not down Cheers
  15. As the title says... show off your own probes Here are some of mine... all with remotech just to keep failures more challenging. Communication probes (for remotech network) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deep space scanner/mapper probes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mapper mk2 mapper mk3 kethane mk3 Deep space science probe landers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Venera mk1 Venera mk2 Venera mk3 Probe rovers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RelicFinder mk2
  16. Cheers Who have guessed this probe rover (#1) can float... but it was supposed to land on Kerbin's north pole, anyway SDVP has second prove rover ready to detach on south pole Second probe rover (#2) detached from SDVP (space delivery vehicle probe) and landed on Kerbin's south pole
  17. 4 engines tug... 3 tugs holding a Class E Establishing stable 500Km orbit Latest version... 16 engines tug... hope this would speed up next Class E catch
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