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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. You escape the GreeningUniverse. I redistribute my mass, adjust the constants of a few scalar fields, and change my external reflectivity (which is totally a thing universes have) until my interaction with matter and energy is similar to that of a humanoid standing on your hill. I channel a bit of energy off a few stars and blast you off the hill with an intense beam of concentrated sunshine. My hill.
  2. 10/10, still a quote I wish I'd thought of. I need to change my sig though- the quote should probably be attributed to 'HAL 9000 from 2010 by Arthur C. Clarke' rather than just the author, and in a time when the quote would be applicable, Jupiter would be a small star and not a normal planet as shown. So yeah, I'm working on something better.
  3. Ninja'd again! 10/10, really funn- wait! when did I post that??
  4. If I was going to do that, I'd probably just launch one of my tanker-lander combo transit vehicles out to the Mun with all the fuel I'd need for however many landings I wanted to do. I guess that's arguably the same thing as a refueling station, but in this case it would function more like a regular ship mission. I suppose you could theoretically save on the amount of parts loaded at once if you flew the tanker out first and then the lander (thus reducing the amount of launch vehicle needed for each launch) but it would also be about the same if you docked in Kerbin orbit instead of at the Mun. I suppose a station could make for some good infrastructure if you do a lot of reusable transit vehicles, and they suddenly make a whole lot more sense if you're running a mod that adds in-situ resources like Karbonite or KSPI- docking in orbit to refuel is totally better than having to land the whole ship on Vall and then make it back to orbit in once piece. Stations are certainly fun, I agree with that much at least.
  5. Sorry, I am the universe, so no one can lay claim to it, control it, or end it besides me. Granted, I can't control it at a fine enough level to have much effect on territory wars, so your hills are, for the most part, safe from me. Still my GreeningUniverse.
  6. 0.85/1 Better than before. Text off to the right is a little awkward, but general formatting is improved. I'm still revising mine but yeah
  7. Grading Rubric, Forum Thread "Rate that Sig (you MUST have fun)" Class Instructor: sun1, brian Grading TA: Galaxy, Greening Assignment: Forum Signature Student Name: super Overall effort: 7 / 10 Overall Formatting: 7 / 10 Content: Text clarity: 5 / 5 Image clarity: 5 / 5 Text structure: 5 / 5 Image structure: 1 / 5 Humor/message quality: 10 / 10 Total: 40 / 50 - 80% (B-) Other comments: This forum signature seems to do what it's intended to do- it conveys to the viewer that its owner has a passion for the planet Venus. While Venus is by no means unworthy of that passion, the signature contains a number of key design features, such as the very large text and the image of improper dimensions for the space, which do not improve the general flow of the signature. Although the incomplete curve of Venus's disk does make for a visually interesting signature element, the effect could be greatly improved by the use of an image of a more appropriate aspect ratio and a smaller font size on its caption. As forum signatures go, this is a good one, but not one without significant room for improvement. Aw, you're kidding, double ninja'd AGAIN?
  8. This is turning into the google picture war! Ack! Meanwhile, -1 for Ubuntu. I used it for a while but eventually got fed up with the constant appearance of THIS: *snarls* I shut down my clearly superior Debian system, get up from my chair, step into the spaceless and timeless void beyond, and create a new universe, using myself as the nucleation point. GreeningGalaxy evolves into GreeningUniverse! About 13.8 billion years later, GreeningUniverse gives rise to all of you, and one of you creates and lays claim to a hill, on a planet which orbits a star, in a galaxy which forms part of giant supercluster complex. Your hill, but technically my you. (And also my hill.) Edit: Oh for the love of [DATA EXPUNGED], double ninja'd? What freakin ever.
  9. Science! Or something. Mostly its just a challenge for myself to see how many things I can dock together and how well I can plan a multi-part mission without screwing it up. It can also quickly become a test of how far you can haul things if you aim for somewhere like Jool, low solar orbit, or (Kraken help you) Eeloo. I almost never use stations as fuel stations- I still don't get how it makes any difference if you fly the fuel up all at once for each mission or over the course of a long time with smaller tanker launches. I suppose for gameplay's sake you could hyperedit-refuel the station and just pretend you're spending whole days launching refuel missions and use the station so that you don't have to build mega-lifters for your huge ships, but I haven't built anything big enough for that to become a problem yet.
  10. Which is all fun and games until you encounter an evil extradimensional mud portal.
  11. I'm no medical professional, but braces are pushed as something very important where I live. I never had to have them because my teeth are apparently very straight (another thing I wouldn't really know how to tell) but my sister was told she needed them and had to spend a couple years dealing with painful metal bits in her mouth. Our insurance paid for them so my parents decided (mostly because they weren't the ones who had to wear them) that braces were a good idea. My sister hasn't said a single positive thing about the whole experience, not even a passing "but I guess it's nice to have straight teeth" at the end of a diatribe- I don't really think she noticed much improvement. But I'll be interested for more people to weigh in here, I guess.
  12. Control Alt T, ~$ su root. My tablet of also infinite yet far more capable power.
  13. Granted, but they multiply when given away and soon everyone has hundreds of meaningless rep blobs which clutter up every page. I wish the 'add rep' button wasn't mysteriously missing from this section of the forum. what's with that, anyway?
  14. 6/10 Amusing claymation, not many other notably endearing qualities besides IMVHPO. I feel like I did this one already?? But I can't find it in the thread, so *shrug*
  15. No, but I have been part of a winning Science Olympiad team at regionals. Totally cooler in any case. The user below me has built a robot sometime in their life.
  16. Yucky berries cure every known disease, but therefore cause every known mild-to-moderate symptom as a side effect. Have fun with a headache, chest pains, sore throat, congested nasal passages, fever, abnormally low body temperature (half your body is cold, half is too hot), night blindness, day blindness, sensitivity to light, deafness, sensitivity to sound, dry skin, profuse sweating, dehydration, and urine that rhythmically alternates between blue and purple as it exits the body. Have fun with those yucky berries! I wish for graham crackers. (did I already do that one??)
  17. Whaa? I wake up a few meters away from some kind of magical cage. A cage with... someone in it? Someone with long hair and a long black dress- Oh. I glance down and observe myself, ending my state of macroscopic totally-not-quantum superposition in favor of the un-caged location. What did you guys do to this universe, anyway? A whole person being in two places at once makes absolutely no sense. I notice that my Alcubierre bubble surrounding what's left of the universe is still active, for certain values of such. Drawing once again on my multidimensional space powers, I change its alignment from linear to polar-contractile, superluminally compressing the space containing the Earth, its post-apocalyptic cities, the debris field of whatever that was that exploded in orbit a few pages ago, and everything else left over from the universe's destruction. The microcosm lingers for a few femtoseconds before it dips below the Planck limit. The vacuum energy constant drops to zero, and the last proton decays a fraction of an instant later. Suddenly, everything goes black. Your speakers pop. Then, your taskbar and start menu appear. You sigh, clicking the "OK" button. The window vanishes, and, behind it, you see a hill.
  18. Is that... from my Mission Discovery notes? What? Why is that the current thing on my clipboard??
  19. I tried to take Bob out for some wing walking, but he decided he didn't want to after all, and hung off the end of the wing and pouted without responding to anything I said to him. Later I used a hellfire missile from a VTOL to take out one of my landed bombers. Unfortunately, I was a little close to the ground at the time, and forgot that there were still bombs attached to the bomber. Suddenly, the realization hit Herlong Kerman that she and Sidmon were going to be staying on Vall for quite a lot longer than the original plan. A proper Europa Report-style takeoff.
  20. Being once again empty of stars and reference points, my brain-universe now matches the real universe (or lack thereof) closely enough for the hallucination to break down and my state of consciousness to return to normal. I take a radiation-sickness tablet from my first aid kit and break free, running for the hills as fast as my legs and local-volume vacuum-polarization powers can carry me (about Mach 1.1 at sea level). My escape!
  21. 5/10 I've seen you post, but usually only on threads I'm not active on.
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