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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. Having spent a good deal of time in proximity to ponies, I've absorbed almost twelve Sieverts of Brony Radiation, which is the LD50 for extradimensional Alternian Troll women of my age and body composition. My neurons begin to misfire as the rate at which they are struck by high-energy photons catches up to their regeneration speed, and I hallucinate that the sky is full of stars one again. My stars.
  2. I heard, sir. Probably leaving the solar system at 9001c as we speak, eh? Waiter? There's an essay on computational linguistics in my soup!
  3. Then we wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be the same person I am now. Notably, I would still suck at orbital mechanics. What if I stopped posting in all the forum games I've been soiling up contributing to?
  4. Ah, yes sir. That would be the chef's, sir. He, erm, likes to ensure the flavors are all securely attached to the soup so they don't...get lost. Yes, sir, he does like to do so with considerable prejudice. I shall be right back in a moment, sir. Waiter, there's a HypeBoat in my soup!
  5. My mistake. It's that really intense redshift that sometimes happens when two objects are, um, moving at really fast... relative speeds... away from each other..... right.
  6. Oh god, what mod is that?? I kind of want it but I also kind of don't think my kerbals should be allowed anywhere near that kind of fissionable material. Nuclear test ban treaty, why not.
  7. Grading Rubric, Forum Thread "Rate That User Title (With a detailed reason)" Class Instructor: Iron Crown, Red Grading TA: Galaxy, Greening Student Name: mythbusters844 Overall effort: 10 / 10 Formatting: 2 / 5 Content: Clarity of rating: 5 / 5 Detail of rationale: 4 / 10 Objectivity: 4 / 5 Structure: 2 / 5 Overall coherence: 7 / 10 Total: 34 / 50 - 68% (D+) Other comments: Although the student showed a strong and consistent knowledge of the topic at hand, their poor organization and frequent repetition of previously-stated facts served only to detract from the overall readability of the piece. The student also made a significant number of unsubstantiated assumptions regarding the subject matter of the paper, to the extent that such generated ideas composed a substantial portion of the content. While the student did cite one source, this fell short of the class requirement of five. I would encourage the student to seek further writing assistance in the future. Ms. Greening Galaxy can be reached in her office from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM CDT, and the KSPU Writing Center is open twenty four hours a day.
  8. Pfffffft this is hilarious. Rep to both of you, except the forum won't let me. Having survived the first half of reentry, the missile impact, and the violent ordeal involved with falling from a hypersonic craft and passing through the chaotic shock fronts surrounding it on the way out, I now find myself high in the mesosphere of an empty Earth, inside a giant Alcubierre bubble, moving (for certain values of "moving") at superluminal speed through the undefined non-space of an empty universe. And now, to top it all off, I'm being dragged through the sky by my foot by a giant, pastel-colored, winged equine. My ridiculous situation.
  9. The 'magical supervisible waypoint' turns out to be a stray flashlight hovering a few meters from the boundary of the Alcubierre bubble, and is immediately revealed when it intersects the bubble wall and is shredded into high-energy photons. I stop moving towards the northern pole of the bubble and start heading back towards Earth. My reentry flight path.
  10. Quietly steps up onto the podium and sits in the chair behind the sign reading "Reactor Engineer". Yes, this is certainly exciting! Coming up with a solid-state thermoelectric generator and reactor housing robust enough to handle the incredible temperatures and pressures of pure Hype plasma, yet light enough to fly on an aircraft, was certainly an imposing engineering challenge. Breakthroughs in the study of HypeDynamics via observation of HypeTrain activities and other Hype Events finally lit the way to what we've chosen to call "Hype Automoderation". An entirely distinct concept from the "Moderator Thread-Lock" fail-safe mechanism mandated for all Hype constructs by Federal law, Hype Automoderation is an effect generated observationally when Hype is generated from a large number of sources simultaneously, serving as a restoring force which keeps the Hype laminar and directed, flattening out turbulences as they nucleate and keeping the Hype flow from becoming chaotic. We've successfully manipulated this effect to contain all of the Hype brought in by the HypePlane's collection arrays to the reaction assembly, which powers the engines and HyperSuperluminar drive with direct HypeCharged particle streams and the rest of the plane's systems through a hefty thermo/photoelectric assembly. It's a relatively delicate balance and can be upset just as easily as any other system of its complexity, but you have my utmost confidence that it is as stable as it possibly can be, and in any case, it's hard to conceive of a failure of a magnitude too great to be shut down by the MTL fail-safe. Still, let us hope that never happens. I can't express how satisfied I am that this effort made it so far, and my team and I are proud to have contributed to this monumental project. Questions? Highlight below: Disclaimer: This is not an attempt to jack the thread, nor is it endorsed by the original poster. This refers to my comments on Thermal HypeReactor power on the HypeTrain thread, and I thought it would be fitting that my own "research" in the field would play a part in the construction of a HypePlane. If I'm wrong about this, let me know.
  11. The fairy dust/dead astronaut bits/debris cloud expands into the former void, defining more and more space as it goes. We're well on our way to getting a new universe! Just to make sure nothing actually makes sense, I create an Alcubierre bubble surrounding everything. One could argue that the space is being translated linearly very fast, but since there's nothing out there to serve as a reference point, so the quasimotion doesn't really make sense. My lack of reference point.
  12. Decoding your supposedly "totally decodable binary" with any binary translator I could find returns this: Cheating, I say!
  13. Can we have a superluminal HypeDrive that makes use of HypeSpace to circumvent normal speed-of-light constraints? Thermal HypeReactors are still totally a thing. Four-track drifting is so incredibly ridiculous and BadS=true, though. HypeTrain 5EVER!
  14. Indeed, sir, I thought that was weird. Why did you put ketchup in your soup, sir? Waiter, there's an irony in my soup!
  15. Granted. They're all played my Martin Freeman. I wish I didn't have to cross a busy intersection to get to the grocery store.
  16. Floppster has defined some more space. Floppster's space.
  17. Annnd now there's some soup in that giant walrus. Quick, before it gets away! Waiter! My soup is being [REDACTED] by aliens!
  18. I can assure you, sir, that General Electric does not produce tigers, although it does produce a great many other unbelievably shâ–ˆtty products. I am also not sure what 'hu' means, but even if GE produced tigers, they would most certainly not be 'hu' GE tigers. Please eat your soup, sir. Waiter, there's a spammer in my soup!
  19. You on all the engines and whap the more speed key till the happen. Why all my change smell like apple?
  20. Posting an encrypted message no one can read isn't just cheating, it's game-breaking cheating.
  21. Although I did yell that at my computer the other day when a bunch of packages went missing, I hope I'm not actually going to explode anytime soon. The next poster needs to trim their nails.
  22. Dubiously generic exploitation of quantum physics fails to have an effect on the macroscopic scale. I throw a handful of change at the next poster.
  23. Um... not gonna confirm or deny that one. Let's just say that this girl is very very behind on her laundry. The next poster is currently wearing something on a chain around their neck.
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