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Everything posted by GreeningGalaxy

  1. Antimatter bombs, not so much. I just find I would probably treat the antimatter bottles a little more carefully (ie never ever ever put one on a lander or plane) if I knew breaking them would light up Kerbin from the surface of the Mun, but as my mucking around shows, that doesn't happen in my game.
  2. I've been messing around with various antimatter bottle abuses... does anyone else have the thing where they make a massive flash of light and shockwave if they run out of power intact, but if they just slam into the surface or something they explode like normal and don't damage anything else? That seems a bit odd.
  3. I just installed KSPI in version .24.2, and all the thermal engines (rocket nozzles and turbojets) are constantly running their engine exhaust, nozzle animations, and flameout effects (in two iterations, one pointed out of the nozzle like normal and one pointed perpendicular to the engine) constantly, regardless of what my throttle level is or whether I'm in flight or in the SPH or VAB. The engines do produce thrust when hooked up properly (unlike the B9 SABREs which also have their effects running in the SPH and VAB), but their 'propellant type' field has nothing in it and I don't appear to be able to switch what they're burning. This mod worked fine in .23 and multiple reinstalls haven't helped; is there any known issue that causes this?
  4. I've never been to Tylo, Bop, or Pol, since all of my efforts thus far in the Joolian system have been focused on Laythe and Vall. I did go to Eeloo once, and I planned a mission to use KAS to suspend my ship in the Northern Mohole, but the former never came home and the latter never got launched because then the Asteroid Redirect Mission update came out and I abandoned that save for a fresh one. I've never done any proper exploration of any body other than Minmus, which in many of my saves has extensive "bases" (aka a bunch of landers set down next to each other) and manned/unmanned rovers. Since I just got KSPI, I want to use my new massive nuclear ships to do something cool on Eeloo, but I haven't found the time yet.
  5. Yeah, I was thinking about doing the cfg edit with lowered efficiency like you said. It just seemed a bit odd to me that the only resource extractors in the whole mod are gigantic. Sure, I understand that mining for uranium or thorium is gonna need a big facility, but I don't see how you'd need that for collecting water or sifting regolith for aluminum or making methaLOx from CO2 (Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct mission plan involves that last one being done by a relatively small box aboard a slightly less-small Earth-return vehicle). I'm always wary of doing cfg edits because I lose the transferability of my designs among other mod users, but I may make an exception in this case.
  6. I mainly got this mod for the in-situ resources because I wanted to do a Europa Report-style mission to Vall, but this time extracting water for propellant from the ice. Ironically, I've been having a ball with the fusion reactors and awesome engines and everything else (best models ever, fit right in with the game), but I can't seem to figure out how to mine any resources without attaching a 3-meter 2-ton refinery building to the top of my lander so it looks like a ping pong paddle. Am I missing something? Surely you don't need something that big just to melt ice on Vall.
  7. I was starting to get bored of just building space stations until they got too big to run on my computer, and was starting to revert back to Portal / Portal 2. But then I watched Europa Report the other night (that movie was amazing, by the way) and now I have a really strong urge to go to Vall again. Of course, all I'll be able to do once I get there is just stare at the ice and wish there was water underneath it like there is on its real-universe counterpart, but I can just imagine that the kerbs are drilling into the ice, deploying a submersible probe, and finding something amazing underneath. Hopefully nobody gets eaten by anything while trying to repair frozen fuel lines.
  8. I built a lander that's just about perfect for landing three kerbals and a hitchhiker on Vall and then getting the former back to orbit without much (or any) fuel left over. I also managed to dock it to a transit vehicle in Kerbin orbit, and soon I'll strike out for the Joolian system and see if I have enough delta-V to get back home.
  9. *coughs* hyperedit. Also, that's probably one of the reasons they put the entire asteroid redirect mission thing in the game to begin with- people wanted to move solar system bodies around, and the asteroids are good for that.
  10. I just reinstalled this mod today after going vanilla since .19. I love it even more than before, but I'm noticing that it's really, really easy to SSTO now compared to back in .19 as far as I can tell. Stuff just seems to get really fast reallu quickly, to the extent that I managed to get the Grumman X-29A that comes with the mod up to quite a few km/s in the upper atmosphere, putting it on a nice suborbital trajectory peaking about halfway out to the Mun. If I'd stuck a few sepratrons on the fuselage before I launched, I probably would have been able to bring my periapse above the atmosphere and call it an orbit. I'm just wondering, is this how it's supposed to be? I know Kerbin's small size compared to Earth makes it easier to SSTO, but this still seems a little much, and I'm wondering if things didn't get moved over properly when I installed the mod or something like that. Thanks again for the great mod, by the way!
  11. I got Thomtop Kerman, which just sounds really funny to me for some reason. Also Annie Kerman, which seems to prove that there are indeed female kerbals in the game. If only there were more than just Annie and whoever else I haven't found yet...
  12. Congrats on your first landing, Kaleb! You'll be over Jool in no time. Minmus is such a cool place to land; its low gravity, flat plains at 0 altitude, and interesting terrain make it a great target. I like it better than the Mun. The other day I just built a whole bunch of small lander rockets and flew them out and landed them together in sort of a base-thing (there's a post of mine back there somewhere in this thread about doing that). Good times.
  13. I added a new banner to my signature! That is to say, I went to Eeloo for the first time. (You can see my ship a little to the right of Kerbol in this picture) I didn't muck about with such frivolities as "timed launches" or anything unnecessary like that. (yeeeaaahhhh) As a result of my negligence in that area, the trip out took over eleven years. Good thing Alan Kerman had a whole Hitchhiker to himself and plenty of solar power to run his gaming computer. (I bet he played KSP the whole way, and was sending someone to Eeloo named GreeningGalaxy) I managed to land in one of the crisscrossing canyons, which was pretty cool. I think the lander I brought is a little too small though (and would benefit from some lights and a ladder, which I ALWAYS forget to put on things I send in to deep space ), since the fuel remaining is just barely going to weasel it back into orbit. Good thing there's plenty of RCS left for rendesvous with the mothership.
  14. There was a *slight* misadventure at KSC today when someone strapped about 90 seats to 2-sided decouplers on a rocket and fired them all on the launchpad, which is now littered with them. Jerlorf Kerman thought it would be funny to sit in one, but then he got stuck in it.
  15. I almost always have part clipping enabled, just because I'm tired of parts that look like they should fit not fitting because they intersect on one tiny corner. I haven't made anything extremely ridiculous with part clipping, although in my stock game I don't have too much of a problem with intake spamming (FAR seems to make intake spamming unnecessary in my modded install).
  16. The FAR UI is now showing up and I can get a plane about 100 meters down the runway before the frame rate gets unbearable. Right now I've also got ISA Mapsat installed (improperly I think, because the parts are there but they do nothing). When I have time I'll see if I can find the output_log, but now it seems like the problem might be related to the slightly older ksp version, or maybe just my flukey computer.
  17. I installed FAR in my .20.0 game the other day. I absolutely love it, and I've already managed to make an SSTO which I'm slowly improving on with the goal of taking it to Duna or Eve. I hit a problem today, though- whenever I start any kind of flight, I get about 1 FPS, which quickly drops to about 0.2 FPS. I can still technically fly, but one frame every five seconds (I timed it) does make it less than enjoyable. I also noticed that the FAR flight UI stuff wasn't showing up. Any ideas?
  18. I thought that was the fifth one? I have a terrible monitor so I might have missed one but I thought I only counted five ships including the leg of the one on the right. I'll take some better, brighter pictures tomorrow.
  19. I went to Gilly! Landing there is a little tricky, since the terrain is so slanty and you basically have to thrust downwards in order to land in a timely fashion. I did make it though, despite a rather serious fairing issue with the nuclear engine. I activated it, which jettisoned the fairings straight into those big landing pylons, which caught them wonderfully. The physics engine then had a stroke and my ship sort of became an FTL egg and swung around a lot and completely wrecked my Gilly encounter trajectory. So I reloaded a quicksave and the fairings just kind of vanished. Also today I worked on my multi-ship base camp thing on Minmus. It now has 6 landers (one kerbal each) and six rovers. You can only see five ships in the picture but I promise there are six. I'm trying to think of what else to land here. Ordinarily I would do some kind of habitation structure with some Hitchhikers, but the FAR mod seems to have made it impossible to remove kerbals from those so I don't think that's a good idea. I'm open to suggestion.
  20. Annd a few more because today was pretty busy KSP-wise. An underside shot of my slick new FAR SSTO going extremely fast in the upper atmosphere: (It did make it to space) My 6-ship Minmus base with way too many rovers (only 4 ships and one landing strut of a 5th are visible, but the 6th one is there, I promise): First successful landing on Gilly! About time too. Sure is hard to stay down in that low gravity. I actually had to give some downward RCS thrust in order to touch down in a timely manner. Finally, a beauty shot of my sweet Gilly lander standing in the night with Eve overhead.
  21. So today I got a triple encounter on my way out to Minmus. It would have been fun to ride it out, but I had a mission plan to stick by. I'm a long way from doing a Voyager-style Grand Tour type thing, but this still an accomplishment I think.
  22. A few questions: 1. Are mods allowed? (.fairings 10+) 2. Please define "noobship" (.noobship 10-) 3. Does "Creating a plane to laythe" mean flying an SSTO there with no refuellings, or carrying a plane on a rocket and flying it in the Laythe atmosphere?
  23. I'd like to see magnetotorquers. You could have a rotation system that would be more or less effective depending on the field strength of bodies you're orbiting and your distance from them (so they'd work ok around Kerbin, really well near Jool and close to Kerbol, and not at all around distant moons and planets with no field (Duna, Eve, Moho, Dres...?). Also, with the upcoming reaction-wheel system, are we going to have to worry about wheel explosions / bleeding off angular momentum with RCS / keeping wheels powered even when not turning the ship (meaning power failures can make you start spinning a lot)?
  24. Today I flew my latest SSTO out to Duna. I managed to pull off some reasonably effective aerobraking and pull myself into a stable circular orbit upon arrival. I then quicksaved and tried to go in for a landing... ...but after three attempts and a lot of Uncontrolled High-Velocity Lithobraking, I sort of gave up and decided Duna is best viewed from orbit, at least for today. Bill Kerman was rather relieved. He got a nice shot of the ship with Duna below on an EVA. This ship might use a lot of KSP faux pas (intake spamming, minor part clipping) but not long ago at all I couldn't even close an LKO with an SSTO, so I'm still proud of the design. Still could use some work on RCS thrust balancing, though. I'm also thinking of sticking wing connectors and landing struts on the wings to make airbrakes (Duna landing failure was mostly because of excessive horizontal speed, and I don't want to use a drogue chute that I can only deploy and cut loose once). Anyone have experience with that kind of thing?
  25. One thing to be careful of is the fact that whack-a-kerbal releases projectiles at velocity relative to the nearest gravity well (well, Kerbin at least, haven't tested it in any other orbit), and not relative to your ship. So if you're in LKO and use it, you'll probably miss unless you shoot straight backwards along your velocity vector, in which case the projectile will be going really really fast relative to your ship. Often you won't even see the projectiles unless they're shot straight forward or straight back, since your camera moves off of them so quickly when you shoot across the velocity vector.
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