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Everything posted by Scrogdog

  1. Perhaps the younger set needs a bit of a history lesson as well? Google the Mercury 13.
  2. I think it also bears mentioning that two separate marketing professionals have *independently* raised this issue within the span of a single week. Might be something to it?
  3. The problem here, as is true with most things we battle in life, is that everyone thinks that their points of view are universally shared. Not 'ought to be shared', mind you. Are shared. I might then wonder how it is that a Southern Farmer votes differently from a Northern Industrialist. Incidentally, this effort has not one thing to do with feminism! Please stop with that useless and wholly inaccurate deflection. It is about human response and the human condition where IT JUST SO HAPPENS that females are the current sub topic.
  4. Really. Please explain to me then my motivation for using the crew manifest mod to create kerbal characters named after myself and my siblings?
  5. Good luck in your effort, which I support Rodion. I'm afraid Squad either doesn't get it or pretends that they don't. I just bought this up last week. And I did as you; asking people to understand that this was not about the Kerbal Universe. Really. At all. It is about having something for female players to identify with. Anyone who thinks that isn't necessary is kidding themselves, because while YOUR role playing style may have nothing at all to do with a "mini-me", mine most certainly does, which goes a long way in explaining why I NEVER play female avatars. I don't identify with them. I'd feel silly trying to act "female" but having no precise idea what that means exactly. The thread was then closed by a Squad mod. The reason? It has been determined that Kebals are genderless! *facepalm* I happen to be in marketing professionally, just so you know.
  6. Hmmm, well, I like the idea overall, and it is ok if they look happy/excited or afraid, but those look... scowling. Doesn't fit the mood.
  7. I use Sub-Assembly Loader mod. With that, what I usually do is develop and save payloads and lifting packages separately. For example, I develop a one man capsule/CM package and save it normally. Then I create the lifting package and save that part only by dropping on to the mod icon. Now, to create a one man capsule mission, I load up the Capsule/CM as normal, and then grab the lifting package from sub-assembly loader. Of course, that lifting package can also be used for light satellites. Occasionally I might save lifter and payload together, depends on the mission.
  8. Depends on the universe I am loading, but my minimal-mod "reality" universe takes about 15 seconds. I only use Crew Manifest, Engineering Redux and Sub-Assembly Loader there. I have a great rig though, with a solid state drive.
  9. Rats! So close! Those are my launch clamps 11.3 km distant. With my luck, when I finally get this done I will land right on top of them and get a nice little visit from the K-man. With free explosions!
  10. Just for giggles, I found an old BARIS manual online. See below. In addition, tonight I'll pull out Liftoff! which BARIS was based on and see if there is anything to add. These are the prestige milestones (in no particular order); Orbital Sat Lunar Flyby Mercury Flyby Venus Flyby Mars Flyby Jupiter Flyby Saturn Flyby Lunar Probe Landing Duration B 3-5 Days (Duration A is 1-2 days - no prestige award) Duration C 6-7 Duration D 8-12 Duration E 13-16 Duration F 17-20 One Person Craft Two Person Craft Three Person Craft Four Person Craft Minishuttle Manned Orbital Manned Lunar Pass Experimental Orbital Lab Manned Docking Woman in Space Space Walk/EVA Manned Space Mission There are also these items which did not award prestige, but you suffered hardware reliability penalties for skipping them; Manned Sub-Orbital Manned Lunar Orbital Minimum of two LM Tests
  11. Yeah, that's probably correct. Should be an interesting concept to play with. I'm pretty far away from that concern at the moment.
  12. Yeah, sorry about that. I kind of mis-read your OP but your pic made your issue more clear. I was speaking about strengthening seams to reduce overall wobble in your ascent profile, not docking. Though, upon further thought, it depends on how the wobble is manifesting itself. Is it occurring right at the link or behind the part? Not sure I get what you mean when you say it occurs across the connection, but that sounds like right at the link. Don't know what to do about the former, but some struts might help with the latter case. I'd have to test. What we really need is Kerbals capable of adding struts during EVA. Anyway, iirc, the last time someone brought this up, he or she ended up using the editor so he or she could remove the docking ports and make regular strutted connections. The editor allowed putting the whole assembly back up in orbit.
  13. Nice job! I just printed it out. I've got a lot to do!
  14. Try attaching radial hard points using symmetry then "stitch" the seams using struts.
  15. Orange tanks tend to overheat when a high powered engine like mainsails are attached. You can get around that by adding one small tank of the same diameter to the bottom.
  16. Sometimes stitching tank seams together with struts helps a bit. Wobbles seem to grow harmonically or something. Something you don't see in real life methinks so their use in that way might not be intuitive. In fact, I'll go so far as to attach radial hard points to get that done in some cases!
  17. I pretty much loosely follow the BARIS path from memory. Orbital Sat, Manned Sub-Orbital, Manned Orbital, docking, eva, duration, etc.
  18. Congrats! I also approve of the way that you construct a story as you play because that is also what I do!
  19. Here's a great resource for beginners and contains both written work and videos, whatever you prefer. The Drawing Board You'll find that there are some basics to learn, but different configurations may require modified ascent profiles.
  20. Here, this should help. How to dock in 3 easy steps. You could search on youtube for stuff too if you prefer video. A little practice and you'll wonder what all the fuss was about.
  21. I stand corrected! I'll have to check that out myself, even though I doubt I'd go that route.
  22. No, I'm afraid not. Don't think you can even do that with the cheat console. But, don't despair. This very thing has happened to all of us, or something similar. People ending mission once they get their station up and such. Ooops! I'm sure if we each had a dollar for every time a story like this surfaces, we could all retire in comfort and play KSP 'till the cows come home. Just happened to me the other day. Spent all day modifying my heavy lift package to get my first space station in orbit. Worked on the proper ascent profile, and finally, I did it! Only problem was I forgot a few things on the station. Not much you can do there but go back to the drawing board. But the good news is, all of that practicing I did was internalized and I got the modified one right back up there! However, after you make the changes, I do believe it is possible to use a cheat to get back in to orbit. I don't use the console, never even looked at whack a Kerbal! So, someone else can help you with that. I say, just launch again!
  23. Oh, right... about .21. Whatever. They could give me facial hair for Kerbals at this point and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I can't imagine them making it all of a sudden not fun, whatever they do and in whatever order. I just play.
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