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Everything posted by lewisd

  1. +1 for the EnhancedNavBall mod. I love that mod! I can barely play without it any more.
  2. I'm playing with interstellar mod and B9 (with the 0.23.5 fixes), and I can't figure out how to make precoolers work with radial intakes. I have an SSTO with a B9 Sabre M engine, with the SABRE M precooler attached, and the precooler always says it's "offline". All my intakes are the "DSIX Diverterless Supersonic Inlet", which attach radially. I have them attached to the wings, not the precooler, but the precooler is attached directly to the engine. Is there any way to make the precoolers with with radial intakes?
  3. I'm having problems with this mod. I've been trying to build a ship numerous times, and seem to have narrowed down the lockup to realchutes. If I take all the chutes off the ship first, everything is fine. But with the chutes on the ship, I can't open it. The game just locks up. I've thrown the craft file on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xNXWQHrF
  4. Mine's just happening while still in Kerbin's atmosphere during launch. Timewarp is physics acceleration, so it doesn't help "freeze" the oscillations.
  5. I don't know if they're related, but I think I know the thing you're talking about. Where your orbital path wiggles so much you can hardly click on it? I've usually found that turning off SAS makes it a bit better. If it doesn't, do time warp for a short moment to dampen the oscillations, and that usually works. But again, not always. :/
  6. Has anyone else been having problems with crazy oscillations in 0.23.5? I've been building some ships that launch and fly fine for a while, but at some point just start oscillating like crazy. I can turn off the throttle and SAS, but the oscillations still seem to feed on themselves, getting worse and worse, until parts break off the ship. Now granted I couldn't build ships this long without tons of struts on 0.23.0. When I was playing 0.23.0 I eventually started using the joint reinforcement mod so I wouldn't have to strut spam so much, but I've never encountered such bad feedback with oscillations like this before. Edit: I should mention that this was before struts were unlocked, so I didn't have them to use, but even so, I've never had this kind of feedback with oscillations in previous versions, that I can recall.
  7. I've been using the same vessel name for all the impactors, but I transmit the science between impacts. Seems like this would be a great thing to have on the wiki page about the "Double C Seismic Accelerometer". (edited for spelling)
  8. Hmm, my experimentation seems to indicate something slightly different than that. I have a "Pinto 2 Probe" in orbit and my 4 "Pinto 2 Probe" vessels on the surface. When I separate an impactor from the orbiter, it keeps the same name. When I impact it, even though it's the first impact I've done on Duna, it doesn't get recognized. If I rename it to "Pinto 2 Impactor" first, it gets recorded fine. I just impacted a 2nd impactor with the same name (after transmitting the science from the original) and it got recorded as well. It sounds like maybe multiple impacts without transmitting might not get recognized if the impactors have the same name, and that in addition, they need to be named differently than the vessels with the sensors?
  9. I'm stumped about a problem I'm having with the seismic experiment. I successfully used it on the Mun, deploying 4 probe landers, one near each pole, and two near the equator, opposite each other. I'm trying to do the same thing on Duna, and whenever I crash my impactor into Duna, I don't get the message about an impact being recorded (and when I try to collect the data, nothing happens.) I've restarted KSP numerous times, tried quicksaving, stopping recording and restarting recording on all 4 probes, and then doing the impact, all without quickloading or exiting the game, but still no luck. AHA! I think I solved it! I renamed the impactor vessel, after it was decoupled from the orbiter. I *think* the problem was that the probes on Duna, and the impactor hitting Duna all had the same craft name. Is that possible it could be the problem/bug?
  10. I've finally gotten home from a weekend away, and I've tracked down something to do with that problem. The scenario I used turns out to be really simple, but involves MechJeb2. I put a ship with MechJeb on the pad, open up the "Ascent Guidance" panel, and click on "Show navball ascent path guidance". As soon as I do that, the SteamGauges orbital panel loses it's mind. It also happens if I go to any ship with MechJeb from the tracking station, and toggle that same option. In the Alt-F2 log, there's tons of this: [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object And I found a lot of this in output_log.txt (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.SwappedOrbitNormal (.Orbit o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.AscendingNodeTrueAnomaly (.Orbit a, .Orbit [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.TimeOfAscendingNode (.Orbit a, .Orbit b, Double UT) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.drawAPPEP (.Orbit o) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SteamGauges.OrbitGauge.OnWindow (Int32 WindowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  11. Any idea why the orbital gauge seems to lose it's background sometimes?
  12. You know what would be a great little feature for MechJeb2? A toggle in the Utilities panel to set the SAS back to the same state it was in before engaging MechJeb. For example, if I'm in orbit, with SAS on, and I use MechJeb to raise my apoapsis, it would be nice if it turned SAS back on once it relinquishes control.
  13. Hey, the new toolbar integration is great, but it only seems to work in the VAB? It would be nice if I could hide the UI using that in flight too.
  14. Ok, well good news. I made those changes you suggested for the CoM, and, at least in the SPH, the ship from the above example looks correct now. I haven't tested any of the other tanks. I also changed SASModule to Part in all the cfg files, and the service modules now seem to behave exactly as I expected them to. Thanks for coming up with fixes for those. I'm sure you'll get them into a new release on SpacePort when you have time. In the meantime, everything seems good. Oh, actually, one other thing I forgot to mention before. Sometimes when I'm mousing over parts in the tray on the left, the icon for it starts spinning and getting huge like it's flying towards me out of the tray, eventually taking up the entire screen before disappearing. It hasn't caused any actually problems, it's just... odd. I've uploaded a video of it here:
  15. Oh no Is there something wrong with all the stacked tanks, that moves CoM? I imagine it wouldn't be very noticeable in a rocket, just in a plane.
  16. Ooooooh, put just the gallery code in the tag, not the URL. Got it. The forum FAQ about this I read wasn't clear about that. I'm so used to using URLs for this kind of thing Thanks for the help.
  17. How did you do that? I can't figure it out. I posted over here but still don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  18. I have no idea what that means. Do you mean take the "#0" part off? I tried that, and it did the same thing.
  19. I've read the FAQ, but I can't get my imgur album to show up. I'm putting http://imgur.com/a/fEueO#0 between [ IMGUR ] and [ /IMGUR ] (without the extra spaces) here: I see an error page embedded in the forum. What am I doing wrong?
  20. Oh! Interesting. That definitely sounds like it could be the problem. I also noticed another odd problem yesterday. The "mammoth" fuel tank... I tried attaching two of them in symmetry to the sides of an airplane, alongside a couple B9 cargo bays as the center fuselage, but the mammoth fuel tanks shifted the center of mass in an unexpected way. Here's some screenshots. Edit: I can't figure out what's wrong with my IMGUR tag, grrr. Link: http://imgur.com/a/fEueO#0 Without the tanks, the center of mass is in the middle of the cargo bays, exactly as one would expect. Adding the tank, the the geometric center of the tank lined up with the center of mass, I would expect the center of mass not to move, but it does. It moves a lot, and even if I empty the tank of fuel and oxidizer using the 0.23 right-click menu doesn't put the center of mass back anywhere close to the geometric center.
  21. Yeah, using "F" and "T" to turn on/off SAS for short or long periods of time (or just reset it) worked, but it was really hard to fly, considering what I'm used to. I've never encountered this kind of problem before, even when I've had lots of SAS reaction wheels on crafts before. For example, I had a rover that had so much SAS reaction wheel torque, it was able to roll or pitch over completely, in a 360, while on the surface of Kerbin. The reaction wheels were also able to hold it at crazy angles. With SAS activated it while it was facing normally, I could press "S" and it would lift the front wheels off the ground, and when I released "S", it would stay like that. The behaviour I've been seeing with the service modules, even ones without much torque (5), is that it wouldn't stay where I'd left it facing after releasing "S", it would go back to the way it was facing when I activated SAS. I'll try to to a bit more investigation. I looked at the part.cfg files for the service module, and it looks functionally the same as the Squad SAS reaction wheel part... so I dunno what's going on.
  22. Absolutely loving this plugin. Doing altitude/biome scans of other planets/moons to get science in career mode is just awesome. One question though. Does the BTDT (love the name) scanner give science? I haven't been able to get it to, but maybe I'm doing something wrong. I flew over a monolith, 6km above it, according to the "SCAN instruments" panel, which did lock on to the monolith and say that no structures were found. However, when right clicking on the scanner and picking "analyze data", nothing happened.
  23. I just noticed an odd problem with the service module parts, on KSP 0.23. If I build a ship that's just a command pod, fuel tank, and engine (and use hyperedit to get that to orbit to mess around with, so I don't have to launch it every time), I can turn on SAS, and then use the WASD keys to turn around as I'm used to. However, if I put one of your service module parts on the same ship, it seems that it takes whatever the heading was when SAS was turned on, and tries to keep the ship on that heading. Using WASD while SAS is on only lets me turn so far, because the service module code is trying to pull it back to the original heading. Even if I turn off the reaction wheels in the service module, it still does this. Does that explanation make sense?
  24. If you're going to implement a new/different radar altimeter, I'd like to suggest that it use a proper linear or logarithmic scale, rather than jumping from one scale to another as the current one does. I find it quite jarring to be landing, watching it slide down from 500 though 100 at a fairly constant rate, only to have it suddenly go 4 times faster between 100 and 50, and and 10 times faster between 50 and 10. It's a useful gauge, no doubt about it, I don't think I'd be able to land manually without it, but I think it would be easier to use if it was less jumpy.
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