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Everything posted by KevinW42

  1. Well it looks like I lost the screenshots, but I remember not having docking ports in the 0.18 demo, so I used a pair of landing leg claws to link two ships together. I also wanted to test my interplanetary skills before buying the full version, so I just flung myself into solar orbit and waited an in-game year before returning.
  2. Rarely. With career mode I've mostly just been using SRBs instead. Plus with stiffer joints it's easier to just build taller now.
  3. I made a spaceship that doesn't go anywhere because the exhaust is blocked.
  4. -Plant a flag on Eve and return -Plant a flag on Laythe and return with a spaceplane -Install FAR and do both again.
  5. These charts should be helpful: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/45155-Mass-optimal-engine-type-vs-delta-V-payload-and-min-TWR
  6. While I'm perfectly capable of launching to orbit, I'm bad at flying efficient ascents, so I always have Mechjeb do it. I don't plan my missions based on which transfer window is coming up. I just put my entire space program on hold for a couple years while I time warp to the opening I want. I follow the Soviet Union's example and say any launch that fails before making it to space doesn't count.
  7. Why yes I do. It was actually very difficult to get them to stay like that. They kept slipping off of each other's heads and the whole thing toppled moments after I took the screenshot.
  8. I attempted to land on Tylo for the first time and failed catastrophically. I quickloaded () and tried again. This time I almost made it, but I bobbled around from misreading the navball and tipped over. Then I somehow managed to quicksave instead of loading, and now Jeb is stuck. I guess now's the time to switch over to 0.25.
  9. Speaking of 2001, another issue is Dave holding his breath before going out into vacuum. The number 1 thing they teach you in scuba diving is to never hold your breath while breathing compressed air or risk serious lung injury.
  10. Today I tried out infiniglide for the first time and discovered just how powerful it is.
  11. I've been calling them Spacebucks, but I do kinda like the Spesos suggestion.
  12. All three were landed on Ike when they were hit by a spontaneous kraken attack. Bill and Bob were catapulted into suborbital Duna trajectories and died, while Jeb somehow magically ended up back in the astronaut complex.
  13. My first Mün rocket had so many boosters clustered together that I had to use winglets as cooling fins to keep them all from overheating and exploding. I think one draft of my rocket even involved letting some boosters explode anyway and just calling it part of the staging sequence.
  14. On my first Mun rocket, instead of throttling down to terminal velocity, my solution for low altitude drag was to just power through it with moar boosters. I was getting reentry effects during vertical ascent.
  15. The first time I tried to rendezvous I wasn't paying attention to my Periapsis and accidentally de-orbited myself.
  16. I almost always look down during launches (looking at the horizon causes lag on my comp), and even dropping parts as low as 1500m you still don't hit the launch pad, because unless your TWR is atrocious and you're basically just hovering, you will reach 2500m and put the pad out of physics range before the spent stages hit the ground.
  17. One time Bill and Bob were stuck on EVA in a highly eccentric Duna orbit due to a Kraken attack on Ike. The rescue craft was getting set up for a rendezvous but then time warp flung it onto a solar escape trajectory. After that, I just declared the Duna system cursed on that save and didn't send any kerbals back.
  18. Ah, I see. I was picturing something more like this: In this case the SOIs aren't actually overlapping, but it still allows for an SOI change with a high enough circular orbit around one of the "moons", which could allow for some interesting trajectories.
  19. I was thinking kind of the same thing, but it would involve either non-spherical or overlapping spheres of influence (which could be interesting, but might be hard to implement).
  20. I'm going to install FAR and start a new career save.
  21. Well, I completely missed 0.21, and I stopped again shortly after 0.23 came out and didn't pick the game up again until a few weeks ago.
  22. Sorry, no pictures, since the failure happened so fast. I was just screwing around with a capsule powered by a few LV-Ns, and after slingshotting around the Mun, I decided use my sizable remaining delta-v budget to do a very high speed reentry back at Kerbin. I burned the rest of my fuel wile keeping my periapsis at 20km, then jettisoned my engine. I was facing prograde when I decoupled, and usually this puts my capsule and engine in different orbits, but my trajectory was so flat (as I was going around 8 km/s) that my engine careened directly into my capsule as soon as I hit the atmosphere.
  23. I made an SAS powered "helicopter". Yes, it really does fly by itself, and yes, it is pretty much impossible to control.
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