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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Sounds like you didn't get a party invite
  2. To help pass the time. Here is episode 21 of "Kethane" Station by Hatbat
  3. Slow clap builds up to a thunderous applause.
  4. Where will the stream be posted so I can watch (yes this will be my first time watching a ksp live stream)
  5. Countdown…5…4…3…2…1.. liftoff. Thats what comes to my mind when thinking about first time playing
  6. So if they were to make a trailer for 1.0 and you had to choose the perfect song for it what would it be? My vote is "Faith of the Heart" by Russel Watson
  7. Same as normal. Sandbox doing my own thing. Using BD to make my own missions.
  8. After being told that a post I made belongs in General Discussion I made another in the GD this is the original Can you please lock it or delete it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116217-Valentina-s-Future?p=1851828#post1851828
  9. So what do plan on doing with Valentina? For me she will be recruited into my air force as a fighter pilot. NO INAPPROPRIATE CRAP!!!
  10. Thanks I ll post this there. Mods please Lock thread Edit: new thread moved to General Discussion
  11. So what do you plan on doing with Valentina first? For me she will be recruited into my air force as a fighter pilot.
  12. There needs to be a best series category…in which Hatbat's Kethane station and Macey's Spirit of Kerbin should be in it
  13. No because as horrible as it was in the end many good things came out of it. press the button…Kerbpaint mod is added to KSP…but update 1.0 is delayed another 2 months
  14. Lol alright and good job btw Also your latest random compilation came out on my Birthday so thanks for the gift
  15. Please….please do a Kerbal reenactment of the scene from Star Wars Force Unleashed where Galen Marek brings down the Imperial I Class Star Destroyer on Raxus Prime
  16. Old anus just fart water Austin. YJGS (rep points to who correctly guesses this one)
  17. Crap. Reason being is because I am having major issues with physics impacts and also am unable to use guided missiles in atmosphere due to game crashes if it breaks sound barrier. I love my Macbook but it sucks for gaming
  18. My question still hasn't be answered
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