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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. I knew it!!!! Dang it!!!!! (Throws tables and chairs) Well when .25 comes out I ll have to update at the most 15 craft. (Lucky Me) *I can't imagine the pain Skript Kitt3n and Daemon are going to have to go through
  2. Hey if you need it… I am adding my personal flag to my OP
  3. Ok Glad to hear it. Hope the bugs get resolved
  4. So what's everbodys plan today? For me it's go to class and work on a project due Thursday for HBSE II If I got time I ll show off my newest space shuttle some more
  5. So in my boredom I decided to take a page out of the old Soviet Union playbook Here are my results Amazingly I got it pretty much right on the first try. Gota love it when KSP decides to play nice with you and make what should be a hard project and nail it on the first go round. More pics will come tomorrow.
  6. How many parts is it so far and what mods?
  7. Na but what would be fun is to recreate the Loki space station battle from CoD: Ghost OHHH HATBAT: I GOT TO PM YOU!!!!!!
  8. Hey spooky…Im board. Should I build a new space shuttle with SP+ parts….or blow stuff up with my naval ships (something I haven't done in a while)?
  9. Just watched this weeks episode of RvB. Now Im ready for #19 Hatbat…have you tried out any of our suggestions?
  10. Strange, Im not having any of those issues. Mods include: BD armory Kerbpaint Hyperedit and Procedural Fairings Recently:Space plane plus The only time I crash is when I get reentry affects (for those of you who don't have this problem….lucky!), to much part count (crash due to lag so thats normal) or bugs in mods (which I promptly delete and if that is the case) Now again I'm am probably the least technical guy here when it come to computer stuff Have you also considered you might be running other programs while playing. I see that your on here a lot even if you are not doing anything. When I play KSP I turn off everything else like my internet browser and what not. Other than that, unless its a different Mod Im going to guess and say your whole game is corrupted. So my advice would be to remove the saved game file and everything else you need, delete KSP and reinstall it just like you would when you download the newest update. Also get rid of any mods you are not using at the moment.
  11. Considering you're running B9 Id say so. Its a file in Macbook finders library but Im not sure if Windows has such a file. Also have you had this many bug problems before when making the videos? What Bugs are happening anyway?
  12. Have you considered deleting your Saved application state file? Im not sure about Windows but on Macbook when I get bad bugs I delete it SAS file and for the most part…Bugs are gone.
  13. Ok cool. If you don't mind…would you kindly test out my other ships of the space fleet? Im about to have to get off soon and start on school work (which I really should have started yesterday) I doubt the Faithful can make it but I'm sure in the right hands the others can. If not I can just do it later when I get the time Figures…when I have time to goof off, no ones around but when I got stuff to get done…everybody and their mother wants to chat
  14. The Salvation is the oldest ship I have and it has seen a lot changes sense it was first introduced. My first battle was with Spartwo. It ended with a loss but the Salvation made a statement that my fleet could hold its own in combat. After the Massacre at Eve, I haven't loss sense and every chance I get, I try to include the Salvation in the action. Heck its one of the reasons why I hate low weight battles. Here is a pic Spartwo made a while back. The first shows the Salvation MKI with a Bayonet MKIII The other is a year later with Spartwos current Bayonet Model and my current model of the Salvation Wait, the Salvation can make it to Laythe? Sweet, if I didn't have school works to do I would try to test myself to see if I could (because sometimes it really depends on the pilot) because I haven't done that yet. Heck the only things I have really sent to Jool is some probes. Thanks for testing it for me Spartwo
  15. Have you considered a sky crane method? For the most part it works with me
  16. You and daemon always have had the most interesting looking ships.
  17. @Hatbat let me know if you need help with kerbpaint
  18. wait you made a ship that has a decent about of fuel?
  19. Well I have been working on a stealth bomber using SP+ mod. My initial inspiration was the B-2 Spirit but it ended up looking like a mix between the mythical Aurora and GA-TL1 Longsword from Halo I especially like how I turned the cargo bays into BOMB BAYS. Managed to get it to hold 12 BD Armory Bombs. Im debating submitting it or waiting until .25 comes out and remaking it using SP+ as stock
  20. Yay new toys Oh and Hatbat…I forgot to mention if you use any of my crafts for your company (the ones I said I am "selling") feel free to repaint them.
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