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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Want to know a secret? Im actually an Army B.R.A.T
  2. BOOOOO!!! Go home squid. Airforce is where its at But in all seriousness it does look good
  3. yeah i already added them to the gunship. Plus not to mention the addition of a crosshair for guns will really come in handy im planing on submitting it to hatbats youtube series keep up the great work can't wait until tomorrow
  4. The latest aircraft in the Project Genesis aerial arsenal. The PG-24 Arrowblade made a good multirole its true purpose has always air-to-air combat. So our top engineers (Me) started looking for a way to better fit the air-to-ground role. If the Arrowblade is like an F-16C, then this new beauty is like an F-15E For your consideration The PG-27 Temple This fighter/bomber has many features that the arrowblade has such as VTOL/STOVL capabilities but after much testing it is found to be more stable than the PG-24 but slightly less maneuverable. However that high stability is perfect for ground attack. The PG-27 can be considered an OVERKILL aircraft due to the mass amount of fire power it is capable of having. The picture above is just an example of the vast capabilities this aircraft has. Now granted it can be used as an air-to-air fighter, this role would be much more suited to the PG-24 due it the laters higher maneuverability. Nether the less the PG-27 is ready, willing, and able to undertake any task thrown at it. I will post a link to download after BD Armory is updated
  5. Ok here she is. The latest aircraft in the Project Genesis aerial arsenal. The PG-24 Arrowblade made a good multirole its true purpose has always air-to-air combat. So our top engineers (Me) started looking for a way to better fit the air-to-ground role. If the Arrowblade is like an F-16C, then this new beauty is like an F-15E For your consideration The PG-27 Temple This fighter/bomber has many features that the arrowblade has such as VTOL/STOVL capabilities but after much testing it is found to be more stable than the PG-24 but slightly less maneuverable. However that high stability is perfect for ground attack. The PG-27 can be considered an OVERKILL aircraft due to the mass amount of fire power it is capable of having. The picture above is just an example of the vast capabilities this aircraft has. Now granted it can be used as an air-to-air fighter, this role would be much more suited to the PG-24 due it the laters higher maneuverability. Nether the less the PG-27 is ready, willing, and able to undertake any task thrown at it. I will post a link to download after BD Armory is updated I would love to see it when done. I am really considering trying out DMP and having a dogfight with someone
  6. Ok thanks for the update. Also when BD armory updates (he said he will try to do it some time this week) Im going to have to update my aircraft. But I ll give y'all a preview of the PG-27 Temple here soon (some time today)
  7. Well it's not just this thread. Out of all my "friends" yesterday there were only about 3 post total
  8. Man this thread has been quiet the past few days. On a side not....that rival fighter I was talking about.... Yeah that turned in to a fighter/bomber. So it will be drafted into my personal arsenal. Basically it moved the arrowblade from multirole to full fledged fighter status . I will revile the PG-27 Temple soon
  9. Ehhh that's debatable as there have been a lot of new parts added sense textiles last update and it's been a while sense the stock addon guy has been on.
  10. Ok Honestly one thing I can't stand is when people make really great mods and then pull a Macey Dean (leave without warning) It's happened twice now to this mod. Reality is Squad should just implement kerb paint into the game
  11. So are you the new guy taking up the mantel of responsibility for kerbpaint?
  12. Ok so I got new stuff but I want to know what y'all think of them before I add them to my huge supply of crafts. On the far left and right are sentry drones. The one on the far left is a MK I model and has only 1 50. cal gun The one on the far right is a MK II Model and has twin 50 cal guns and two missiles (both are using the BD armory mod and crawler critter mod (made by the same guy who made BD) The two vehicles in the middle I call Scorpions The one on the right is the MK I (yes it has a laser and yes I know you don't want lasers but I forgot about that when I made so why waste a good vehicle right. Heck the worst you can say is no) The one on the left is the MK II model and has a 105mm howitzer instead of a laser. http://www./view/42j0bg3c7vmpegp/Sentry_Droid.craft http://www./view/782oxk467ph8bix/Sentry_Droid_MK2.craft http://www./view/9ggk9kpxk13bp8e/Scorpion.craft http://www./view/g89paavjuc84vbl/Scorpion_MKII.craft I am also working on a new fighter to act as a rival to the arrowblade. I ll post that after testing is done
  13. Just some more awesome songs (Into the Storm was one of the first songs I played on trumpet.) Edit: I found some inspiration. I ll show you the results later Edit #2: Looks like I ll have to update my craft again soon. Looks like you're going to have a good time with cinematic shots.
  14. derp I have no inspiration for KSP right now. No new KSP videos. Only thing good on TV is Duck Dynasty (guess I can't complain there). Nobody is having any conversations on the forums.
  15. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37756-0-24-HyperEdit-Teleporter-Orbit-Planet-Editor-More http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com/?page=hyperedit try it out
  16. I would but me and B9 have not had a good history together
  17. Just think about it this way y'all. The ships he is not using are just that good that he wants to save them for his KS series
  18. Eeloo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-0I_YKKiuU or And with burn together, You should still be able to get some great cinematic shots even it if takes a little work to do.
  19. Ok because I was thinking of something from the ace combat series
  20. Ahhh gotcha. Would have been a good idea at least.
  21. Didn't know that. I thought if he bought it on iTunes he was free to use it. No On a side note, I tested out the burn together mod. Needs work with keeping jets in formation but over all its pretty nifty.
  22. Hatbat I was just thinking, for us who are doing full fleets instead of just submitting ships, can our fleets get a theme song?
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