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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. Watching videos now. After I ll play my move Edit: I ll add comments as Im watching them I have my own troop transport but reality adding one has a tendency to look like role play. So I ll just take it out before my move I to know how far the East is from the West. I have a more clear version of the carrier rules (there my own so they would be special rules). Check them out in my blog I never said no K-drive Now watching opening rounds… Deadliest warrior….great show Icthus is pronounced I-chu-thus. Its the greek for for Fish (in particular the Christian Fish) Its ok to inspect damage MY TURN
  2. Even if I did ( not sure if I do or not. ) I don't know how to use it
  3. 1 yes you move first 2 absolutely not....you are my enemy of this battle though. I also wanted to start naming my battles operations so I would not end up with something like the 16th battle of such n such. Storming Hell was simply the first name that came to mind
  4. In revelation it talked about how the Archangel Michael leads a group of angels to attack Satain and his followers. That is what it's refencing. My ships engaging I'm combat in orbit around the closest planet to Kerbol
  5. And goes well with the name of the battle
  6. The song should make it more entertaining for you
  7. Just added it…look again
  8. Operation Storming Hell War Eagle 1 vs AvronMullican SOI: Moho rules: No leaving SOI 550 tons max 7 ships max Project Genesis Ships 2 Ichtus Class Cannon Cruisers PGS Ichtus PGS Chi-Rho 3 Salvation MKV Class Destroyers PGS Chain Breaker PGS Liberation PGS Righteousness 2 Faithful MKV class corvettes PGS Sword of the Spirit PGS Shield of Faith http://www./download/wwjbn9n5453evoy/persistent.sfs theme song (very fitting)
  9. I would throw a obesity rate in america joke here but Im from Alabama so I aint got room to talk
  10. I can't remember the last time I went second so I ll do it Right now
  11. Is that eastern standard time? If so, thats great because I'm central
  12. Im game. Im waiting on Stinger to reply to something any way What is your time zone?
  13. Multi people is very difficult due to organization
  14. SCriptKitt3n, you done with school for the summer…..if so I ll battle you again @Tarzan, same goes for you sense your online right now
  15. Yeah sorry but when both players are having glitchy problems you know something's gone wrong
  16. @spartwo: now I'm having problems. Every time i enter time warp it says i can't time warp due to acceleration. Then my ship starts moving as if it has a K-drive in it even though there isn't. On top of that, I can't move it once it starts. Somewhere along the way one of our files got corrupted so Im calling the testing match off
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