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War Eagle 1

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Everything posted by War Eagle 1

  1. I am mostly talking about in the first 150 post. When the page was booming
  2. So I have been going back and looking at others ships, and many are missing DL links, pics, and info. Not cool
  3. I hated doing this ship with a passion. Please don't let my hard work and frustration go to waste. Download the crap out of this ship. Tell all your friend to download the crap out of this ship Now if you excuse me, I am going to put a few in orbit and put a few rounds of SRB's into them http://www./view/cvl7i8sn7d5h7vf/Suestra_command_cruiser.craft Only one ship left. Who wants to do the Thor Class. I aint touching that one
  4. Guess who was suppost to be doing school work but ended up being distracted with a new project? Guess who just made a replica for the Suestra Command Cruiser so that Macey Dean Fans can download it? Guess who is incredibly pissed off at this ship because it took me 3 hours to make Guess who wants nothing more than to watch this ship burn up in Kerbol Guess who is angry at Macey Dean for not providing a link for hanland's fleet (Macey, if you read this, your awesome but really you should have done that) I ll give y'all 3 guess Now, who wants this ship?
  5. Sadly not right now. I took yesterday off but I'm not going to be playing much for the next couple of weeks. One things I would suggest is to move the pilots cockpit closer the the back. You can use part clipping to do this.
  6. My new destroyer is officially finished Say hello to the Gospel Class Support Destoyer
  7. Your corvette shows potential but it needs a serious over
  8. @daemon Why is Nautilus always left unpainted
  9. I just watched the battle again and I did find where the missiles were located. You can see them at 7:13 in the video. Who wants to remake this ship
  10. Lol, i didn't read the your previous post before I posted
  11. I ll just have to go to bed to think of a name (most of my ship class names come to me right before I fall asleep). In the mean time, I think I just chill and watch spartwo have a panic attack over zeke's new drek
  12. Id say she's just about finished. Just needs a name I must also say, she is one of the most beautiful ships I have created
  13. Bout 74 last I checked Here total fuel capacity is over 3000 though Edit:My plain for her is that she will be a jack of all trades She has decent armor She is so light but is able to carry a bunch a fuel because I dumped some out. But when I kill a target I will steal some fuel and load up as much as I can. As for weapons, I can stet them after a kill and use the claw to remove any parts still attached to the missiles like a docking port blocking the other docking port I need to dock with. Then I can attach it to my ship So she is a light destroyer, a fuel tanker, and a thief ship all in one
  14. I made her completely from scratch. That way I can say that even though it was an inspired design, it is my own. Upgrades include: an increase in fuel 2 guidable SRB's 4 I beam missiles and a claw to let me steal supplies from destroyed or damaged ships She is still in the creation stage so she aint finished. But I do plain on adding it to my fleet roster
  15. Right now, I'm busy modernizing the Grendel. Pretty simple design actual. Anyone interested in pics?
  16. Question is, what is the 23's its total fuel
  17. All Spirtwolf ships that were in the battle of laythe, as well as the Gladious are still for download. Also the hanland troop carrier and their version of SoK are available.
  18. Well you can download the Suestra Cruiser from one of Suestra's videos. Sadly, its the unarmed, exploration version. Also in the Battle of Laythe video, Macey mentioned that it had ten missiles or something like that. I don't see anything that looks like a missile on the Suestra in the video. Edit: after looking at Spartwo's remake of the Grendel, I can see how it was viewed as a deadly ship. Maybe not anymore but I can see it. With some TLC, it could be modernized
  19. thank you Now all I need is the Suestra Class command Cruiser and the Thor class Frigate
  20. Yeah…I'm going to have to ask for a craft download
  21. Ok I figured it was but we were also talking about hanland earlier so i was unsure
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